Memory and Stroke Flashcards
Human memory has 3 main types
sensory memory
short-term memory (working memory)
long-term memory (life-time)
two types of long term memory
explicit (conscious)
implicit (unconscious)
Procedural memory
unconscious recall of how to perform an action or skill (remembering how to ride a bike) type of implicit memory
episodic memory
involves context; must be learned all at once (remembering where you parked your car when you go into the grocery store) type of explicit/declarative memory
semantic memory
involves facts without context; facts for which the context does not matter (the sun is a star) can be acquired gradually over time; type of explicit/declarative memory
HM and the Hippocampus
HM had a seizure disorder; suffered from severe intractable epilepsy; had medial temporal lobectomy surgery to remove HIPPOCAMPUS AND AMYGDALA; after surgery: reduction of seizures, emotional stable and IQ increased BUT lost all memory
wrote in diary “today I woke for the first time”
Long term memory storage
memory peaks around age 8
reviewing/rehearsing materials
storage is not permanent for a few hours to day
partial or total loss of memory
2 types
anterograde amnesia
failure in explicit memory
information available to consciousness
failure of relational learning
cant form new memories
retrograde amnesia
failure in implicit memory
cant recall previous memories
occurs when something blocks blood supply to part of the brain or when a blood vessel in the brain bursts
tissue necrosis due to stroke
cerebrovascular accident
ischemic stroke
obstruct the flow of blood; can be caused by a thrombus or an embolus
~88% strokes
blood clot in blood vessels; can be the cause of a ischemic stroke