MEMORY Flashcards
memory is the process in which the inofrmation is retained.
The information we retain is called memory.
stages of memory process
encoding, storage and retrieval
the process of transferring information to put into a memory is called encoding.
eg: john puts up his xmas decorations in a box for next year. he need a way to fit into abox. so he needs to arrange it . the same way is with human mind.
the process of maintaining information in our mind until we need it again is called storage.
recall and recognition
memory recall is when we consciously reaccess a whole memory without having to be reminded of the memory first.
a person becomes familiar to the memory when they are given cues
properties in which memory stores vary
capacity, coding and duration
types of memory
sensory register, stm and ltm
sensory register
the sensory register stores information temporarily from all our senses.
- uses sensory information like acoustic, visual etc
- sensory register stores information for only 1/4 to 1/2 seconds.
- it has a large storage capacity.
research into memory
sensory register - sperling (1960) - duration and capacity
short term memory - Peterson and peterson (1969) duration
long term memory - Bahrick et al (1975) duration
sperling research into duration and capacity of sensory register
- showed a grid of 3* 4 letters to participants for 50 miliseconds.
- two conditions whether particpants had to recall the whole grid or a specific row followed by a tune.
- when asked to recall the whole grid participants could recall atleast 4 words. but when asked to recall a specific grid, participants could only recall like 3 of the words.
- but sperling argued that participants could remember almaot the whole row which means that the capacity of the sensory register is very large.
research into the coding of stm and ltm by baddeley
baddeley 1966 did a research where he gave participants 4 list of 10 words. so he did it in 4 groups.
- list A was acoustically similar
- list B was acoustically dissimilar
- list C was semantically similar
- list D was semantically dissimilar
when asked to do immediate recall, list a found it most difficult since it created confusion with similar sounding words which hence is an evidence that stm mainly does acoustic coding.
- when asked to recall fater 20 mins, list c found it most difficult as a confusion was created between the similar semantic words meaning that ltm is to do with semantic coding.
research into capacity of stm
jacobs study
- a string of letters were presented which kept on inxreasing number or words until participants failed to tecall the sequence in the right order.
- found that the participants could recall upto 9 digits and 7 letters makin the capacity of stm 7+/-2
millers study into jacobs study
miller (1956) hence suggested that the capacity of the stm can be improved through chunking
- chunking is joining the individual information together to become a more meaningful unit.
- stm can not only hold 7+-2 information but can hold upto 7+-2 chunks of information.