Memory Flashcards
Capacity, Duration and Coding
The amount of data a store can hold
Serial recall
Capacity, Duration and Coding
A method of testing memory by asking participants to ask them to repeat information in order (usually a list of numbers)
Capacity, Duration and Coding
The length of time a store can hold data
Capacity, Duration and Coding
The way in which information is changed in order to be stored in memory
Sensory memory
Multistore Model of Memory
The first store in the MSM. Picks up information from the senses for a very limited time
Short term memory
Multistore Model of Memory
A temporary memory store which holds information that has had attention paid to it for roughly 18-30 seconds
Long term memory
Multistore Model of Memory
A permanent and virtually unlimited memory store from the MSM
Maintenance rehearsal
Multistore Model of Memory
Repeating information over and over again to transfer from STM to LTM
Multistore Model of Memory
When a memory disappears over time
Multistore Model of Memory
When a memory store runs out of capacity and information is ‘pushed out’ by other information
Multistore Model of Memory
When information is recalled from LTM back to STM
Central executive
Working Memory Model
The master store of the WMM, responsible for directing information to the appropriate slave system
Phonological loop
Working Memory Model
A slave system of the WMM used for processing sounds and auditory information
Visuospatial sketchpad
Working Memory Model
A slave system of the WMM used for processing visual and spatial informatio
Episodic buffer
Working Memory Model
The most recently added slave system of the WMM, responsible for integrating information to make sense for the LTM