Memory Flashcards
What is Cognitive Psychology?
Cognitive Psychology refers to people’s thought processes and how it affects the way they behave.
What is memory?
Memory is the process of retaining learned information and accessing this information whenver it is needed.
What is coding?
Coding is a process in memory. It refers to the way information is changed so that it can be stored in memory.
What is storage?
Storage is a process in memory. It refers to the idea of keeping information within the memory system until it is needed.
What is retrieval?
Retrieval is a process in memory. It refers to the idea of recovering information stored in the memory system when it is required.
What is the sensory register and its two components?
The sensory register is one of the three memory stores. This contains unprocessed impressions of information recieved through the senses.
The sensory register contains an iconic store for visual information and the echoic store for auditory information.
What is short-term memory?
Short-term memory is one of the three memory stores. This is a temporary store for information recieved from the sensory register.
What is long-term memory?
Long-term memory is one of the three memory stores. This is a permanent store, holding limitless information for long periods of time, potentially a lifetime.
What is meant by capacity?
Capacity refers to the amount of information that can be held in memory before new incoming information displaces and ‘pushes out’ the old information.
What is meant by duration?
Duration refers to the amount of time information can be held in a memory store before it is lost due to decay, where the information ‘fades away’.
How is information coded in the Sensory Register?
Coding in the Sensory Register is modality specific, meaning each store codes information differently.
How did Baddeley investgate coding in Short-Term Memory?
Baddely gave participants four lists of words to recall:
List A and B: words that sounded similar and dissimlar
List C and D: words with similar meaning and dissimilar meanings.
He found that participants performed worse with List A than List B, but there was no difference between List C and D.
Therefore, he concluded that Short-Term Memory must be coded acoustically, as similar sounding words can become muddled.
How did Baddeley investgate coding in Long-Term Memory?
Baddely gave participants four lists of words to recall after a 20 minute delay:
List A and B: words that sounded similar and dissimlar
List C and D: words with similar meaning and dissimilar meanings.
He found that participants performed worse with List C than List D, but there was no difference between List A and B.
Therefore, he concluded that Long-Term Memory must be coded semantically, as words with similar meanings can be confused.
What is a strength and weakness of Baddely’s study into coding?
- Labratory experiment, therefore it is reliable and easy to replicate.
- Low ecological validity, as the material which participants needed to recall and the laboratory setting were artificial.
What is the capacity of the Sensory Register?
The capacity of the Sensory Register is unlimited.
What was Jacob’s digit span test to determine the capacity of Short-Term Memory?
What did Miller conclude the capacity of Short-Term Memory to be?
What happens if we learn more than this amount, and what how may we remember more information?
Jacobs gave participants several sequences of digits or letters and asked them to repeat each sequence immediately after he had given it, in the correct order. The sequences got one longer each time.
He found that on average we can hold 9.3 digits and 7.3 letters. Miller, after reviewing psychological research, concluded that the capacity of Short-Term Memory is 7(+/-)2.
If we try to recall more information than we have the capacity for, the new information displaces old information. Chunking (grouping large amounts of information into smaller groups) can help us to remember more information.
What is one strength and one weakness of Jacob’s study into the capacity of Short-Term Memory?
- Jacob’s study was the first to acknowledge that STM capacity improves with age.
- The study was conducted in 1887, therefore may lack temporal validity.
What is the capacity of Long-Term Memory?
The capacity of Long-Term Memory is unlimited.
What is the duration of the Sensory Register?
The duration of the Sensory Register is 250 milliseconds.
How did Peterson and Peterson (1959) investigate the duration of Short-Term Memory?
Peterson and Peterson asked participants to recall nonsense trigams (3 random consanants) whilst counting backwards from 100 in threes. They found that recall was accurate 90% of the time after 3 seconds, but was accurate 20% of the time after 9 seconds.
Therefore, they concluded that information remains in short-term memory for 18-30 seconds without rehearsal before it is lost due to decay.
What is a strength and weakness of Peterson and Peterson’s research into the duration of Short-Term Memory?
- The research contained standardised procedures, ensuring all participants experienced the same process, increasing reliability.
- The findings of the study may have been caused by interference instead of Short-Term Memory having a short duration, as earlier learnt trigams may have been confused with new ones.
How did Bahrick (1979) investigate the duration of Long-Term Memory?
Bahrick tested 400 people of various ages (17-74) on the memory of their classmates. The test consisted of participants being shown 50 photos and determining if it belonged to their classmates or not. They were also asked to list the names they could remember from their graduating class.
- Within 15 years of leaving school, there was a 90% accuracy for identifying faces and a 60% accuracy for recalling names.
- Within 48 years of leaving school, there was a 70% accuracy for identifying faces and a 30% accuracy for recalling names.
Therefore, Bahrick concluded that the duration of Long-Term Memory is potentially a lifetime, however, we fail to retrieve the information.
What is a strength and weakness of Bahrick’s study on the duration of Long-Term Memory?
- High ecological validity, as the material was meaningful to everyday life.
- Cannot control for extraneous variables such as people staying in touch or looking at their yearbooks.
What is the multi-store model of memory?
The multi-store model of memory, developed by Atkinson and Shiffrin (1968), attempts to explain how information flows between the Sensory Register, Short-Term Memory and Long-Term Memory.
What happens to information in the Sensory Register?
A small fraction of the information found in the sensory register is attended to and selected for further processing in Short-Term Memory through acoustic coding.
Information from the sensory register that is not attended to is lost due to decay.