Memmler Chapter 3 (Cells and Their Functions) Flashcards
The Study of Cells
Magnifying instrument that allowed them for the first time to examine structures not visible to the naked eye.
Compound Light Microscope
Most commonly used in laboratories. Can magnify an object up to 1,000 times.
Transmission Electron Microscope
Uses an electron beam in place of visible light. Can magnify up to 1 million times.
Scanning Electron Microscope
Does not magnifiy as much as the TEM but provides 3 dimension view of an object.
Plasma Membrane
Outer layer of the cell- encloses the cells contents but also participates in many cellular activiites such as growth, reporodcution, and communication between cells.
Channels (Protein)
Pores in the membrane that allow passage of specific substances, such as ions.
Transporters (Protein)
Proteins that change shape as they shuttle substances, such as glucose, across the membrane.
Receptors (Protein)
Allow for attachment of substances such as hormones, to the membrane
Enzymes (Protein)
Participate in reactions at the membrane surface
Linkers (Protein)
Help stabilize the plasma membrane and attach cells together
Cell Identity Markers (Protein)
Proteins unique to a person’s cells; important in the immune system and in transplantation of tissue from one person to another.
Control Center of the cell because it contains the chromosomes
Threadlike structures of heredity that are passed on from parents to their children
Little Nucleus. Job of the nucleolus is to assemble ribosomes, small bodies outside the nucleus that are involved in the manufacture of proteins.
Material that fills the cell from the nuclear membrane to the plasma membrane.
Liquid part of the cytoplasm
Endopolasmic Reticulum (ER)
Two parts : Rough and smooth. Is involved with the synthesis of lipids.
Golgi Apparatus
A large organelle consisting of a stack of membranous sacs.
Enzymes within the mitochondria convert the energy from nutrients into cellular energy in the form of ATP
Contain digestive enzymes. Remove waste and foreign materials from the cells. (the cells digestive system)
Small hairlike projections that wave creating movement of the fluids around the cell.
Whiplike extension from a cell.
Is the net movement of particles from a region of relatively higher concentration to one of lower concentration.
Is a special type of diffusion. The term applies specifically to the diffusion of water through a semipermeable membrane.
the passage of water and dissolved materials through a membrane down a pressure gradient from an area of higher pressure to an area of lower pressure
Active Transport
Usually refers to the movmeent of slutes against their concentration gradients using membrane transporters
Bulk Transport
Active methods for moving large quantities of material into or out of the cell
Has the same concentration of dissolved substances as fluid in the cell
Has a lower concentration of dissolved substances than the fluid in the cell
Has a higher concentration of dissolved substances than the fluid in the cell
composed of subunits called nucleotides
Each replicated chromosome winds up tightly and separates from the other replicated chromosomes.
The chromosomes line up across the center of the cell attached to the spindle fibers
The centromere splits, and the replicated chromosomes separate and begin to move toward the opposite ends of the cell
A membrane appears around each group of separated chromosomes, forming 2 new nuclei