Memento - ll Flashcards
zoom 8.7
v/ birden yükselmek, hareket etmek
In the last few metres of the race, she suddenly zoomed ahead.
v// zoom yapmak
zone 1.7
n/ bölge, alan
syn: region, zone, area, district, territory, department
zest 10.3
n/ tat alma, keyiflilik, gönenç
syn: enthusiasm
zest for life: yaşama sevinci
zero in on
v/ bütün dikkat ve gayretini bir yere odaklamak
We must decide on our target market and zero in on it.
yield (to) 2.6
v/ ürün vermek
Favourable weather yielded a good crop
v// yol vermek, karşı koyamamak, boyun eğmek
yell 2.6
v/ bağırmak
syn: yell, shout, scream
yeast 10.2
n/ maya (ekmek, bira)
yearn 8.1
v/ özlemini çekmek, burnunda tütmek, çok istemek
syn: long for, pine for, wish for, desire
Joy yearns to earn enough money from her job as a doctor’s assistant for her to become independent.
yawn 10.9
v/ esnemek
yard 1.0
n/ avlu, yarda
The children played in the school yard.
n// 3 feet (0.9144 meter).
n/ ksenofobi, yabancı sevmezlik
wrinkle 7.9
n/ kırışıklık, buruşukluk
v/ kırıştırmak, buruşmak
anti-wrinkle face cream
wrestle 6.4
v/ güreşmek, güreş
wreck 7.3
n/ enkaz
syn: debris
wrath 10.2
n/ büyük öfke
syn: anger, rage, fury, temper, wrath
The people feared the wrath of God.
wrap 2.1
v/ sarmak, dolamak
She wrapped the present and tied it with ribbon.
{Hediyeyi sardı ve kurdele ile bağladı.]
worthwhıle 7.0
j/ yapmaya değer, zahmete değer
worship 7.3
v/ tapmak, tapınmak, ibadet etmek
On the island the people worshipped different gods.
woe 8.2
n/ büyük dert, keder
syn: sorrow, grief, sadness, woe
wizard 9.7
n/ büyücü, sihirbaz
syn: wizard, magician, sorcerer, charmer, warlock
witness 1.9
n/ tanık, şahit
v/ şahitlik etmek
wit: zeka // witty: esprili, zeki
withstand 7.0
v/ karşı koymak, dayanmak
syn: resist
A good people has to be strong enough to withstand evil people.
withhold 6.7
v/vermemek, elinde tutmak
Police are withholding the dead woman’s name until her relatives have been informed.
withdraw 2.8
v/ geri çek(il)mek
syn: retract
Eleven million bottles of water had to be withdrawn from sale due to a health scare.
wisdom 2.9
n/ bilgelik
widespread 3.3
j/ yaygın, geniş ölçekli
syn: general, extensive, universal, common, global, worldwide
wicked 7.8
j/ çok kötü, habis, muzip
Of course, in the end, the wicked witch gets killed.
whirl 8.1
v/ olduğu yerde dönmek
whirling dervish: semazen
whirlpool: girdap
wheat 4.5
n/ buğday
wheat flour: buğday unu
welfare 1.9
n/ esenlik, refah
syn: prosperity, well-being
weird 3.6
j/ tuhaf, garip
syn: strange, weird, bizarre, odd, peculiar
weigh 2.5
v/ tartmak, tartıda bir ağırlıkta olmak
outweigh: daha ağır basmak
overweight: aşırı kilolu
weep 5.7
v/ ağlamak, gözyaşı dökmek
syn: cry
People in the street wept with joy when peace was announced.
weave 4.9
v/ dokumak, örmek (knit)
This type of wool is woven into fabric which will make jackets.
weary 6.8
j/ yorgun, bitkin
syn: exhausted, tired, weary
I’m so weary I can’t even wear my socks.
wealthy 3.0
j/ zengin, varlıklı
syn: wealthy, affluent, rich
weakness 3.5
n/ güçsüzlük, zayıflık
wasteful 13.3
j/ müsrif, savurgan
syn: wasteful, extravagant, prodigal, lavish !!!
waste: boşa harcamak
wary 6.0
j/ ihtiyatlı, dikkatli, tedbirli
syn: cautious, prudent, wary, discreet
Buyers should be wary of hidden costs when purchasing their holiday.
war varmış gibi dikkatli hala.
warrant (n) 6.1
warrant (v) 6.0
n/ izin/yetki belgesi
a search warrant / an arrest warrant
v/ garantilemek, gerektirmek
His injury was serious enough to warrant an operation.
wander 3.2
v/ başıboş dolanmak, avarelik etmek
We spent the morning wandering around the old part of the city which we wondered.
wail 9.0
v/ feryat figan etmek, acıyla ağlamak
He was wailing toward wall of cry.
The women gathered around the coffin and began to wail, as was the custom in the region.
vulnerable 2.9
j/ savunmasız, kolay incinir
syn: susceptible, prone to, defenceless
Older people are especially vulnerable to cold temperatures even inside their homes.
We provide a place of safety for vulnerable children.
voyage 7.9
n/ yolculuk (özellikle deniz)
syn: journey, trip, travel, voyage
voyage of cythera
vow 8.2
n/ yemin, söz, adak
syn: oath
After a lengthy and painful divorce, she vowed never to remarry.
vote 1.1
v/ oy vermek, oy
Did you vote for or against the motion?
vomit 8.9
v/ kusmak
He came home drunk and vomited all over the kitchen floor.
volunteer 3.9
v/ gönüllü olmak, isteyerek yapmak
He volunteered for the army
voluntary 4.7
j/ gönüllü, istemli, fahri
voluntary manslaughter
volatile 6.6
n/ uçucu, buharlaşan (evaporating)
The alcohol is highly volatile
n// çabuk değişen, oynak
Food and fuel prices are very volatile in a war situation
void 6.9
n/ boş, boşluk (space, vacuum)
Before Einstein, space was regarded as a formless void.
j/ hükümsüz, geçersiz (invalid, null)
vocation 10.1
n/ meslek, hayat işi
syn: job, occupation, profession
Most teachers regard their profession as a vocation, not just a job.
vacation: tatil
vivid 5.6
j/ canlı, parlak, gerçekçi
He gave a very vivid and often shocking account/description of his time in prison.
vital 2.9
j/ hayati, çok önemli, zaruri
syn: essential, crucial, indispensable, imperative
vital bulgular: Tansiyon, Ateş, Nabız, Solunum
visibility 7.3
n/ görünürlük
invisible: görünmez
visible: görünür
vision: görme, görüş
virtually 2.0
adv/ hemen hemen, neredeyse, yaklaşık olarak
syn: almost, nearly, practically, just about, pretty much
A generation ago, home computers were virtually unknown.
virtual 3.7
j/ sanal, gerçeğe yakın
He is a virtual prisoner in his own home.
virtue 3.3
n/ erdem, fazilet, meziyet
violent 2.1
j/ şiddetli, sert
violence: şiddet, zorbalık
syn: severe, vigorous, violent, intense, heavy, strong, harsh
He yells a lot but I don’t think he’s ever been physically violent towards her.
violate 2.9
v/ ihlal etmek, çiğnemek
It seems that the troops deliberately violated the ceasefire agreement.
vintage 6.4
j/ yıllanmış şarap (gibi), klasik araba
Cars of recent vintage may not need inspection.
vigorous 6.3
j/ güçlü, kuvvetli, şiddetli
He takes plenty of vigorous exercise.
vigil 10.3
n/ uyumama, gece nöbeti, (ibadet veya gözlem amaçlı uyanık kalma)
His parents kept vigil beside his bed for weeks before he died.
victim 1.0
n/ kurban, mağdur kimse
victory: zafer
The murderer had lured his victim to a deserted house.
vicious 6.3
j/ acımasız, zalim
vicious circle: kısır döngü
syn: brutal, cruel, ferocious, savage, ruthless
The police said that this was one of the most vicious attacks they’d ever seen.
vicinity 9.6
n/ civar, dolay, yakın çevre
syn: neighbourhood, surroundings
There are several hotels in the immediate vicinity of the station.
veteran 2.4
n/ emektar, tecrübeli, eski tüfek
Thousands of veterans will take part in a commemoration of the battle.
anto: novice, beginner, recruit (acemi)
vessel 2.9
n/ gemi, tekne
n// damar (vazopressin)
vertical 4.4
j/ dikey, düzey
anto: horizontal (yatay)
versus 3.1
j/ e karşı, aleyhinde (vs)
When we were trying to get treatment for our son, we felt like it was us versus the medical establishment.
verse 5.5
n/ nâzım, mısra, dörtlük
Shakespeare wrote mostly in verse.
anto: prose (nesir, düzyazı)
versatile 8.9
j/ çok yönlü, değişken, becerikli
Teachers have to be versatile to cope with different ability levels
versiyon, varyasyon
verify 5.7
v/ doğrulamak, doğruluğunu sağlamak, onaylamak
syn: affirm, confirm, verify
anto: deny, refute, contradict (yalanlamak)
Are you able to verify your account/allegation/report/theory/idetity ?
verge 6.7
n/ kenar, sınır, eşik
on the verge of extinction
verdict 4.2
n/ mahkeme veya jüri kararı, hüküm
The jury reached/returned a unanimous verdict of (not) guilty.
venture (n) 3.3
venture (v) 5.2
n/ girişim, cesaret işi, risk
v/ riskli işe atılmak
vengeance 8.7
n/ intikam, öc, öc alma
syn: revenge
On the day after the terrorist attack, the overall mood in the town was one of vengeance.
venereal diseases
n/ zührevi/cinsel yolla bulaşan hastalıklar
venerable 10.3
j/ saygıdeğer, muhterem, mübarek (genelde yaşından ötürü)
a venerable tradition/company/family
velvet 6.2
n/ a closely woven fabric of silk, cotton, or nylon, that has a thick short pile on one side.
:: kadife
Her skin was as soft as velvet.
velvety: kadife gibi
velocity 6.6
n/ hız, sürat
syn: speed
The wind velocity recorded at the airport was 78 miles per hour at 4 p.m.
vein 5.0
n/ damar, toplardamar; ven
artery: arter, atardamar
vehicle 1.2
n/ taşıt, araç, vasıta
vegetation 6.3
n/ bitki örtüsü
The railway track will have to be cleared of vegetation if it is to be used again.
vast 1.9
j/ çok geniş, muazzam, kocaman
syn: huge, immense, giant, tremendous, colossal, gargantuan, vast
There is still a vast economic chasm between developed and developing countries.
vary 2.3
v/ farklı olmak, farklılık göstermek
[varyasyon: çeşitlilik göstermek]
Stopping distances for cars vary with the speed they are travelling at.
variable 1.8
j/n/ değişken
Right now, there are too many variables for us to make a decision.
vapour // vapor 8.4
n/ buhar
evaporate: buharlaşmak
vanity 9.7
j/ kibir, gurur
syn: arrogance, pride
He wants the job purely for reasons of vanity and ambition.
[kibirli van iti]
vanish 3.9
v/ ortadan kaybolmak, yok olmak
syn: vanish, perish, disappear, become extinct, die out, wipe out
Only the Avatar, master of all four elements, could stop them. But when the world needed him most, he vanished.
valve 6.0
n/ supap, kapakçık, (vana)
The explosion apparently was caused by a faulty gas valve.
valuable 2.6
j/ değerli, kıymetli
syn: valuable, precious, valued, worthy
invaluable: paha biçilemez
value: değer
validity 4.5
n/ geçerlik, geçerlilik
Not for one moment did he doubt the validity of those ideas.
valid 4.7
j/ geçerli, yürürlülükte
The judge remarked that ignorance was not a valid defence.
invalid: geçersiz, hükümsüz
validate 7.6
v/ geçerli kılmak, onaylamak
A signature is one of the ways you validate checks and contracts.
vain 13.0
j/ nafile, boş, beyhude
syn: futile, vain, useless
The doctors gave him more powerful drugs in the vain hope that he might recover.
vague 4.9
j/ müphem, belli belirsiz
syn: ambiguous
The rules are vague and open to interpretation.
vaccine 4.2
n/ aşı
This vaccine protects against some kinds of the bacteria.
vacation 2.6
n/ tatil, izine ayrılma
We’re taking a vacation in June.
vacant 6.8
j/ sahipsiz, tutulmamış, boş
The hospital has no vacant beds.