Memento - ll Flashcards
zoom 8.7
v/ birden yükselmek, hareket etmek
In the last few metres of the race, she suddenly zoomed ahead.
v// zoom yapmak
zone 1.7
n/ bölge, alan
syn: region, zone, area, district, territory, department
zest 10.3
n/ tat alma, keyiflilik, gönenç
syn: enthusiasm
zest for life: yaşama sevinci
zero in on
v/ bütün dikkat ve gayretini bir yere odaklamak
We must decide on our target market and zero in on it.
yield (to) 2.6
v/ ürün vermek
Favourable weather yielded a good crop
v// yol vermek, karşı koyamamak, boyun eğmek
yell 2.6
v/ bağırmak
syn: yell, shout, scream
yeast 10.2
n/ maya (ekmek, bira)
yearn 8.1
v/ özlemini çekmek, burnunda tütmek, çok istemek
syn: long for, pine for, wish for, desire
Joy yearns to earn enough money from her job as a doctor’s assistant for her to become independent.
yawn 10.9
v/ esnemek
yard 1.0
n/ avlu, yarda
The children played in the school yard.
n// 3 feet (0.9144 meter).
n/ ksenofobi, yabancı sevmezlik
wrinkle 7.9
n/ kırışıklık, buruşukluk
v/ kırıştırmak, buruşmak
anti-wrinkle face cream
wrestle 6.4
v/ güreşmek, güreş
wreck 7.3
n/ enkaz
syn: debris
wrath 10.2
n/ büyük öfke
syn: anger, rage, fury, temper, wrath
The people feared the wrath of God.
wrap 2.1
v/ sarmak, dolamak
She wrapped the present and tied it with ribbon.
{Hediyeyi sardı ve kurdele ile bağladı.]
worthwhıle 7.0
j/ yapmaya değer, zahmete değer
worship 7.3
v/ tapmak, tapınmak, ibadet etmek
On the island the people worshipped different gods.
woe 8.2
n/ büyük dert, keder
syn: sorrow, grief, sadness, woe
wizard 9.7
n/ büyücü, sihirbaz
syn: wizard, magician, sorcerer, charmer, warlock
witness 1.9
n/ tanık, şahit
v/ şahitlik etmek
wit: zeka // witty: esprili, zeki
withstand 7.0
v/ karşı koymak, dayanmak
syn: resist
A good people has to be strong enough to withstand evil people.
withhold 6.7
v/vermemek, elinde tutmak
Police are withholding the dead woman’s name until her relatives have been informed.
withdraw 2.8
v/ geri çek(il)mek
syn: retract
Eleven million bottles of water had to be withdrawn from sale due to a health scare.
wisdom 2.9
n/ bilgelik
widespread 3.3
j/ yaygın, geniş ölçekli
syn: general, extensive, universal, common, global, worldwide
wicked 7.8
j/ çok kötü, habis, muzip
Of course, in the end, the wicked witch gets killed.
whirl 8.1
v/ olduğu yerde dönmek
whirling dervish: semazen
whirlpool: girdap
wheat 4.5
n/ buğday
wheat flour: buğday unu
welfare 1.9
n/ esenlik, refah
syn: prosperity, well-being
weird 3.6
j/ tuhaf, garip
syn: strange, weird, bizarre, odd, peculiar
weigh 2.5
v/ tartmak, tartıda bir ağırlıkta olmak
outweigh: daha ağır basmak
overweight: aşırı kilolu
weep 5.7
v/ ağlamak, gözyaşı dökmek
syn: cry
People in the street wept with joy when peace was announced.
weave 4.9
v/ dokumak, örmek (knit)
This type of wool is woven into fabric which will make jackets.
weary 6.8
j/ yorgun, bitkin
syn: exhausted, tired, weary
I’m so weary I can’t even wear my socks.
wealthy 3.0
j/ zengin, varlıklı
syn: wealthy, affluent, rich
weakness 3.5
n/ güçsüzlük, zayıflık
wasteful 13.3
j/ müsrif, savurgan
syn: wasteful, extravagant, prodigal, lavish !!!
waste: boşa harcamak
wary 6.0
j/ ihtiyatlı, dikkatli, tedbirli
syn: cautious, prudent, wary, discreet
Buyers should be wary of hidden costs when purchasing their holiday.
war varmış gibi dikkatli hala.
warrant (n) 6.1
warrant (v) 6.0
n/ izin/yetki belgesi
a search warrant / an arrest warrant
v/ garantilemek, gerektirmek
His injury was serious enough to warrant an operation.