Dark Knight - VI Flashcards
surpass 6.9
v/ aşmak, ötesine geçmek
His time for the 100 metres surpassed the previous world record by one hundredth of a second.
The book’s success has surpassed everyone’s expectations.
The director has really surpassed himself.
surgeon 3.4
n/ cerrah
His finger was cut off when he caught it in a machine, but the surgeon was able to sew it back on.
supply (n) 1.4
supply (v) 2.4
n/ arz, tedarik (talep tersi)
Whenever she goes out with her baby, she always takes a large supply of baby food with her.
v/ sağlamak, tedarik etmek
syn: provide
Electrical power is supplied by underground cables.
supplement 5.2
n/ ek, tamamlayıcı, takviye
The doctor said she should be taking vitamin supplements.
superior 3.4
j/ üstün
For babies, breastfeeding is superior to bottle-feeding.
The government troops were superior in numbers
anto: inferior (aşağı, alt)
superficial 8.4
j/ yüzeysel, derinliği olmayan, üstünkörü
shallow: sığ
cursory: üstünkörü, baştan savma
perfunctory: formalite icabı, üstünkörü
The documentary’s treatment/analysis of the issues was very superficial.
I only have a superficial (= slight) knowledge of French.
summon 5.7
v/ çağırmak, celp etmek
summons: celp
General Rattigan summoned reinforcements to help resist the attack
summarize 5.5
v/ özetlemek, özet çıkarmak
syn: abstract, summarize, sum up
I’ll just summarize the main points of the argument in a few words.
suffocate 12.7
v/ boğmak, havasızlıktan ölmek
syn: choke
The report said that the victims had suffocated in the fumes.
She suffocated him by holding a pillow over his head.
sufficient 3.1
j/ yeterli, kâfi
syn: enough, sufficient, adequate, ample, satisfactory
anto: insufficient, inadequent, deficient,
This recipe should be sufficient for five people.
It was thought that he’d committed the crime but there wasn’t sufficient evidence to convict him.
succumb 8.0
v/ boyun eğmek, karşı koyamamak, direnmemek
syn: yield, submit, surrender, capitulate
The town finally succumbed last week after being pounded with heavy artillery for more than two months.
I felt sure it would only be a matter of time before he succumbed to my charms.
successor 5.4
n/ halef, varis
The university is seeking a successor to its vice chancellor, who retires this spring.
suburb 3.7
n/ kenar mahalle, banliye, varoş
We drove from middle-class suburbs to a very poor inner-city area.
subtle 3.4
j/ ince zeka işi, derinlikli, incelikli
I could detect subtle variances in fragrance as we strolled through the garden.
a subtle plan/suggestion
subtle questions
substitute 5.6
v/ alternatifi olarak kullanmak, yedek olarak kullanmak, esas olanın yerine kullanmak
You can substitute oil for butter in this recipe.
Dayton was substituted for Williams in the second half of the game.
substantial 2.5
j/ önemli derecede, kayda değer
syn: considerable, significant, dramatic, drastic
The findings show a substantial difference between the opinions of men and women
substance 2.2
n/ madde, öz, cevher
syn: material, matter
an organic/chemical substance
What sort of substance could withstand those temperatures?
subsidize 7.3
v/ finansal olarak desteklemek, sübvanse etmek
All private universities are subsidized by the government.
stubborn 7.6
j/ inatçı, dediğim dedik
syn: obstinate
He was famed for his stubborn resistance and his refusal to accept defeat.
Stubborn stains can be removed using a small amount of detergent.
stretch 1.9
v/ germek, uzatmak, uzanmak
The Andes stretch for 7,250 km along the west coast of South America
“I’m so tired,” she said, yawning and stretching.
strengthen 3.0
v/ güçlendirmek, daha güçlü yapmak
syn: fortify
His battle against cancer has strengthened his belief in God.
The concrete is strengthened with steel rods.
stray 9.4
v/ yolunu kaybetmek, rotadan çıkmak
A herd of cattle had strayed into the road.
They got lost when they strayed too far from the path.
j/ başıboş, yolunu kaybetmiş
Several journalists have been killed or injured by stray bullets while reporting on the civil war.
straighten 4.9
v/ doğrultmak, düz hale getirmek
Her hair is naturally curly but she always straightens it.
The road straightens out after a few miles.
stiff 4.1
j/ kaskatı
syn: rigid, hard, solid
The man’s body was (as) stiff as a board when it was found in the snow.
stem (from) 3.4
v/ den kaynaklanmak, -den köken almak
These practices stem from traditional Chinese medicine.
steady 2.9
j/ istikrarlı, sabit
syn: stable
There has been a steady decrease in the number of visitors.
statute 4.1
n/ yasa, yönetmelik, tüzük
He consolidated and clarified a host of statutes, abolished obsolete offences, made significant procedural changes, and introduced a professional police force.
stature 8.0
n/ boy pos, endam, uzunluk
His red hair and short stature made him easy to recognize.
statue 3.9
n/ heykel, yontu
They planned to put up/erect a statue to the president.
stationary 10.2
j/ hareketsiz duran, stasyoner
a stationary car/train
The traffic got slower and slower until it was stationary.
The rate of inflation has been stationary for several months.
stationery: kırtasiye
starvation 9.8
n/ açlık (şiddetli)
20 million people face starvation unless a vast emergency aid programme is launched.
The animals had died of starvation.
spur 6.5
v/ mahmuzlamak, teşvik etmek, dürtmek
n/ mahmuz
Rising consumer sales have the effect of spurring the economy to faster growth.
sprinkle 4.7
v/ serpiştirmek
Sprinkle a few herbs on the pizza.
sporadic 11.8
j/ tek tük, arada sırada olan
syn: occasional, infrequent
More than 100 people have been killed this year in sporadic outbursts of ethnic violence.
splendid 7.8
j/ görkemli, muhteşem
syn: spectacular, magnificent, gorgeous, superb, splendid, glorious
We had splendid food/a splendid holiday/splendid weather.
You look splendid in that outfit.
sphere 4.5
n/ küre (globe)
Doctors have replaced the top of his hip bone with a metal sphere.