Batman Begins - lV Flashcards
utter (v) 6.9
utter (j) 8.8
v/ demek, söylemek, ağzından laf çıkmak
syn: say, tell, speak
She sat through the whole meeting without uttering a word.
j/ tam, mutlak, kesin, katıksız
syn: absolute, complete
utter confusion/misery/chaos
utter nonsense/rubbish/drivel
utterly 5.6
adv/ tamamen, düpedüz
The whole situation was utterly ridiculous.
utmost 12.0
j/n/ son derece, en fazla
The situation needs to be handled with the utmost care.
utilize 4.3
v/ faydalanmak, kullanmak, istifade etmek
syn: use, employ, exploit, make use of, benefit
The library’s great collection allowed me to utilize many rare sources.
urban 1.5
j/ kentsel, şehire ait
The council is committed to a programme of urban regeneration.
suburban/suburb: banliyö, kenar mahalle
rural: kırsal, köye ait
upset 3.4
v/ birini üzmek, endişelendirmek
syn: distress, trouble
Don’t upset yourself by thinking about what might have been.
j/ üzgün, altüst olmuş
uprising 7.8
n/ ayaklanma, başkaldırı
syn: revolt, rebellion, riot, uprising, insurgency, insurrection, (mutiny: askeri olan)
Following a determined resistance in the east, there was eventually a popular uprising in the capital.
upright 10.4
j/ başı dik, namuslu, dürüst, alnı açık
syn: honest, honourable, upstanding
She behaved as any upright citizen would have under the circumstances.
upheaval 9.2
n/ kargaşa, harekete geçme, ayaklanma
The long garbage strike in 1970 caused much political upheaval.
upbringing 10.4
n/ çocuk büyütme, yetiştirme
bring up: çocuk büyütmek
He rebelled against his strict upbringing.
unwilling 6.3
j/ isteksiz, gönülsüz
syn: relunctant !!, unwilling
The bank was unwilling to lend her money
unveil 6.8
v/ açığa çıkarmak, ortaya çıkarmak, duvak/peçesini çıkarmak
syn: unearth, uncover, reveal, disclose, unveil
anto: cover (üstünü kapatmak)
The president’s new policy was unveiled at the press conference.
unsettle 9.7
v/ düzenini bozmak, keyfini kaçırmak, rahatsız etmek
syn: upset, disturb
Many people have complained they are unsettled by automated calls.
unrest 9.1
n/ huzursuzluk, karışıklık (toplumsal)
It is feared that the civil unrest we are now witnessing in this country could lead to full-scale civil war.
unreasonable 9.4
j/ akla aykırı, mantıksız
syn: illogical, implausible, irrational, doesn’t make sense
He’s always making unreasonable demands on my time
unpredictable 6.7
j/ öngörülemez, önceden tahmin edilemez
Unfortunately the outcome of this kind of treatment can be rather unpredictable.
unprecedented 4.4
j/ eşi benzeri görülmemiş, tarihte örneği olmayan, örneğine rastlanmamış (unheard of)
This century has witnessed environmental destruction on an unprecedented scale.
unpleasant 6.5
j/ tatsız, hoş olmayan, nahoş
syn: disagreeable
anto: pleasant, nice, lovely, pretty (hoş, güzel)
He’s bad-tempered, selfish and altogether an unpleasant man.
unparalleled 14.4
j/ emsalsiz, eşsiz, (paraleli olmayan)
syn: unique, unparalleled, unmatched, matchless
They enjoyed success on a scale unparalleled by any previous rock band.
unlock 7.0
v/ kilidini açmak
You need to know the secret PIN to unlock your mobile phone upon power up.
A chemical has been discovered that may be the key to unlocking the mysteries of Parkinson’s disease.
unjust 11.1
j/ adaletsiz, haksız, insafsız
syn: unfair
They should repeal this unjust law.
unison 9.6
j/ simultaneous performance of action or utterance of speech.
j/ uyum, ahenk
“We want ice cream!” the children chanted in unison.
unique 1.7
j/ eşsiz, benzersiz, biricik
syn: unique, unparalleled, unmatched, matchless, inimitable
Each person’s genetic code is unique except in the case of identical twins.
union 1.6
n/ birlik, sendika
Meanwhile the debate on European political and monetary union continues.
unilateral 9.5
j/ tek taraflı, tek yanlı
The party leader has actually declared her support for unilateral nuclear disarmament.
bilateral: çift taraflı, iki yanlı
unfold 4.5
v/ gözler önüne sermek, katlanmış bir şeyi açmak
He watched her expression as she unfolded the letter.
Events unfolded in a way that no one could have predicted.
unfamiliar 5.9
j/ tanıdık olmayan, alışılmadık, yabancı
syn: foreign, strange, unknown
She felt increasingly nervous as she walked across a room full of unfamiliar faces.
unfair 4.5
j/ adaletsiz, haksız
She is suing the company on grounds of unfair dismissal.
unexpected 3.5
j/ beklenmedik, umulmadık
How lovely to see you here - this really is an unexpected pleasure!
uneven 8.2
j/ düzgün olmayan, pürüzlü, engebeli, düzensiz, belirli bir düzeyde olmayan
The patient’s breathing was quick and uneven.
unemployement 3.5
n/ işsizlik, istihdam yokluğu
Unemployment has fallen/risen again for the third consecutive month.
unemployed 6.4
j/ işsiz
Being unemployed entitles you to free medical treatment.
uneasy 6.6
j/ huzursuz, tedirgin
Who can predict how long this uneasy peace between the two countries will last?
undoubtedly 5.6
adv/ hiç kuşkusuz, kesinlikle
The highlight of the evening was undoubtedly (= without a doubt) the speech by the guest of honor.
undo 6.7
v/ eski haline döndürmek, yapılmış olanı geri almak
I did a really tough aerobics class and then went out for dinner and undid (all) the good work!
undertake 4.0
v/ üstlenmek, sorumluluğu üzerine almak
undertaker: mezarcı, ölü kaldırıcı
syn: take on
Successful candidates will be required to undertake an induction programme.
[Bir indüksiyon programı yürütmek/üstlenmek için başarılı adaylar gerekecektir.]
undermine 3.7
v/ baltalamak, temelini çürütmek, altını kazmak, zedelemek
If you continually criticize children you can seriously undermine their confidence.
underlie 7.7
v/ temelini oluşturmak, altında yatmak
Psychological problems very often underlie apparently physical disorders.
underground 5.4
j/ yeraltı, yeraltında
He suffers from claustrophobia so he never travels on underground trains.
undergraduate 4.7
n/ lisans, üniversite öğrencisi
a student at a college or university who has not yet received a bachelor’s degree (= the first degree given)
undergo 3.1
v/ başına gelmek, başından geçmek, görmek geçirmek, tecrübe etmek
syn: go through, experience
She underwent an operation on a tumour in her left lung last year.
Athletes must undergo a mandatory drugs test before competing in the championship.
underestimate 6.4
v/ küçümsemek, az değer biçmek, hafife almak
syn: underrate, undervalue, look down on,
I thought it would be an easy game but I had underestimated my opponent.
under the auspices of sb/sth
adv/ himayesinde, himayesi altında
Financial aid is being provided to the country under the auspices of the International Monetary Fund.
auspicious: uğurlu, hayırlı
undeniable 12.3
j/ inkar edilemez, su götürmez
syn: indisputable, incontrovertible
It is an undeniable fact that ice is cold.
uncover 4.4
v/ ortaya çıkarmak, örtüyü kaldırmak
Police officers uncovered an intricate web of deceit.
unconventional 10.1
j/ alışılmadık, geleneklere uymayan
unconventional training techniques
unconscious 5.7
j/ baygın, bilinçsiz, şuursuz
syn: senseless
He seems to be driven by an unconscious desire to do better than everyone else.
All humans possess the unconscious need to be loved.
She was hit on the head by a stone and knocked unconscious.
unconditional 11.8
j/ kayıtsız şartsız, koşulsuz
We demand the immediate and unconditional release of all political prisoners.
uncommon 6.8
j/ yaygın olmayan, ender, az bulunur, sıradışı, eşine az rastlanır
Accidents due to failure of safety equipment are uncommon nowadays.
anto: usual, ordinary, normal, regular, common, commonplace (alelâde)
unbearable 10.5
j/ katlanılmaz, tahammül edilemez
syn: unbearable, intolerable, insufferable
All I remember of my daughter’s birth was the unbearable pain and the relief when it was all over.
unavoidable 11.8
j/ kaçınılmaz, sakınılamaz
syn: inevitable 3.5, inescapable
Whereas loneliness is an unavoidable part of life.
unanımous 9.0
j/ oybirliği ile alınmış, ittifakla
The jury returned a unanimous verdict of guilty after a short deliberation.
umpire 10.0
n/ hakem, yargı verici
syn: referee, arbitrator, umpire, judge, arbiter, adjudicator
The umpire overruled the linesman and ordered the point to be replayed.
ultimate 2.6
j/ nihai, en son
syn: eventual, final, concluding, terminal
The CEO is responsible for making the ultimate decision.
tutor 9.2
n/ özel öğretmek
v/ özel öğretmenlik yapmak
His parents got him a tutor to help with his maths.
trivial 8.3
j/ tırı vırı, önemsiz, kayda değer olmayan
syn: insignificant, trivial, unimportant, negligible
I don’t know why he gets so upset about something so trivial.
Sexual harassment in the workplace is not a trivial matter.
triumph 4.6
n/ zafer, başarı, utku
syn: victory
The eradication of smallpox by vaccination was one of medicine’s greatest triumphs.
triple (v) 7.1
triple (j) 7.3
v/ üç katına çıkarmak
j/ üç misli, üçlü
Her trainer is a triple Olympic champion.
We have tripled our output over the past two years.
trial 0.8
n/ deneme, sınama ; duruşma
Ten witnesses are expected to testify at the trial today.
They’re doing clinical trials on a new drug.
treatment 0.7
n/ tedavi, muamele, davranış
Prisoners of war were subjected to inhuman and degrading treatment.
Perhaps it’s time to try a new course of treatment.
transaction 3.8
n/ ticari işlem
trans-action //
You can call your bank and perform a transaction using a Touch-Tone phone.
tranquil 13.4
j/ sakin, huzurlu
(trankilizan ilaçlar)
syn: peaceful, restful, tranquil, quiet, serene, calm
She stared at the tranquil surface of the water.
trace (v) 3.0
trace (n) 4.2
v/ izini sürmek
Police are trying to trace a man in connection with the murder.
n/ iz, işaret
He seems to have vanished without (a) trace.
syn: sign, mark
tiny 1.3
j/ küçücük, minik, minnacık
The glass shattered into a thousand tiny pieces.
tighten 4.5
v/ sıkılaştırmak, sıkmak
The dry atmosphere tightens my skin.
thunder 8.2
n/ gök gürültüsü
A loud clap of thunder made the herd stampede.
thrill (v) 5.9
thrill (n) 6.0
v/ heyecanlandırmak, etkilemek
The 22-year-old swimmer thrilled the world with his performance.
n/ heyecan (genelde olumlu)
It gave me a real thrill to see her again after so many years.
syn: excitement,
threshold 4.7
n/ eşik (hem mecazi hem gerçek)
We are on the threshold of a new era.
thorough 5.9
n/ tam, eksiksiz, adamakıllı
The arrival of the new baby caused a thorough shake-up of their family life
dikenli, çetrefilli
The thorny issue of illegal immigration remains unresolved.
thicken 8.6
v/ kalınlaş(tır)mak, -koyulaşmak-
There’s plenty you can do to thicken what hair you have left.
theft 5.4
n/ hırsızlık
syn: theft, robbery, burglary, steal, larceny
thief: hırsız
There’s been an increase in minor offences, such as traffic violations and petty theft.
the accused 9.4
j/ sanık, zanlı
The accused protested her innocence.
thaw 10.6
v/ buzları çözülmek, erimek
The report shows that relations between the two enemies may be thawing.
testimony 2.6
n/ tanıklık, şahitlik, ifade verme
Employees’ testimonies could prove crucial for Gonzales, who is struggling to hold on to his job.
testify 2.8
v/ ifade vermek, tanıklık etmek
Ten witnesses are expected to testify at the trial today.
tentative 7.8
j/ deneme niteliğinde, deneme aşamasında, deneysel, geçici
We have tentative plans to go to Hawaii in February.
temptation 5.9
n/ ayartma, günaha girme
syn: temptation, seduction, deception, enticement
He knew it was wrong to steal, but the money just lying there was too great a temptation.
tempt 5.6
v/ ayartmak, kışkırtmak, yoldan çıkartmak
syn: seduce, entice, tempt
The offer of free credit tempted her into buying a new car.
Chocolate cake? - Don’t tempt me!
temporary 3.1
j/ geçici, kalıcılığı olmayan, eğreti
syn: temporary, transient, temporal, interim
The ceasefire will only provide a temporary solution to the crisis.
temper 6.5
n/ huysuzluk, çabuk öfkelenme; huy, mizaç
You’re going to have to learn to control your temper.
temperament: mizaç, huy
temperature: sıcaklık, hararet
tedious 10.6
j/ sıkıcı, bıktırıcı
Learning a new computer program can be a tedious process.
syn: boring, tedious, dusty, dull
tease 5.5
v/ kızdırmak, kışkırtmak, takılmak
(tiye almak?)
syn: mock, ridicule
I was just teasing, I didn’t mean to upset you.
tax 0.5
n/ vergi
A person’s gross income is the money they earn before tax is deducted from it.
tavern 9.0
n/ meyhane, taverna
taunt 10.9
v/ başına kakmak, yüzüne vurmak, alay etmek
The other kids used to taunt him in the playground because he was fat and wore glasses.
task 1.0
n/ görev
syn: duty, mission, chore, job
We usually ask interviewees to perform a few simple tasks on the computer just to test their aptitude.
tangıble 7.2
j/ elle tutulabilir, somut
syn: concrete, tangible, physical, palpable, tactile
We need tangible evidence if we’re going to take legal action.
tan 9.8
j/ taba rengi
v/ bronzlaşmak
tame 11.7
v/ ehlileştirmek, evcilleştirmek
He’ll need to tame his temper if he wants to succeed.
j/ uysal, ehli
syn: domesticated, domestic, docile
After a few months’ contact the monkeys become very tame.
tally 11.2
n/ çetele
Make sure to keep a tally of the number of customers going in and out.
v/ çetelesini tutmak, vira etmek, denk-uyumlu olmak
talent 2.4
n/ yetenek, beceri
syn: capability, capacity, skill, talent, aptitude
Creativity, ingenuity and flair are the songwriter’s real talents.
talented: yetenekli
tackle (with) 4.1
v/ ele almak, çözmeye çalışmak, baş etmek
syn: handle with, deal with, tackle with, cope with
The president is clearly in a dilemma about how to tackle the crisis.
swelling 9.9
j/n/ şiş, şişkinlik, şişme, şişkin
The five classical signs of inflammation are heat, pain, redness, swelling, and loss of function (Latin calor, dolor, rubor, tumor, and functio laesa).
swallow 3.5
v/ yutmak
syn: swallow, ingest, gulp
n/ kırlangıç
My throat is so sore that it really hurts when I swallow.
sustain 3.0
v/ sürdürmek, devam ettirmek
sustainable: sürdürülebilir
sustained: sürekli, aralıksız
This year’s harvest is insufficient to sustain a growing population.
suspicion 3.7
n/ şüphe
syn: doubt, suspicion, question, uncertainty
She had a nagging/sneaking suspicion that she might have sent the letter to the wrong address.
şüpheli: suspicious, suspect, skeptical, doubtful, dubious
suspend 3.8
v/ askıya almak, asmak, durdurmak
The ferry service has been suspended for the day because of bad weather.
The country’s president has suspended the constitution and assumed total power.
susceptible 7.1
j/ yatkın, kolay etkilenen, dirençsiz, duyarlı
syn: vulnerable to, prone to, defenceless
These plants are particularly susceptible to frost.
Among particularly susceptible children, the disease can develop very fast.
survive 1.3
v/ hayatta kalmak, yaşamak, hayatını sürdürmek
The baby was born with a heart problem and only survived for a few hours.
These plants cannot survive in very cold conditions.
None of Shakespeare’s plays survives in its original manuscript form.