Insomnia - lll Flashcards
approach 0.7
n/ yaklaşım, yaklaşma
I’ve just read an interesting book which has a new approach to Shakespeare.
v/ yaklaşmak, ele almak
I see it’s approaching lunchtime, so let’s take a break.
apart 1.9
adv/ zaman veya mesafe olarak uzak/ayrı olma
How far apart should the speakers be?
approve 2.0
v/ onaylamak, uygun bulmak, tasdik etmek
We had to wait months for the council to approve our plans to extend the house.
approval: onama, onay
approximately 2.3
adv/ yaklaşık olarak, takriben, aşağı yukarı
syn: roughly, about, around, circa, more or less, nearly, almost
The job will take approximately three weeks, and cost approximately £1,000.
apt 7.1
j/ uygun, yerinde
an apt comment/description
j// yetenekli, zeki
We have some particularly apt students in the class this year.
aptitude test: yetenek testi
arbitrary 7.6
j/ keyfî, isteğe bağlı
Did you have a reason for choosing your destination or was it arbitrary?
arduous 12.8
j/ zahmetli, çetin
syn: onerous, laborious, burdensome, tough, hard, difficult
an arduous climb/task/journey
ardent 11.1
j/ tutkulu, hevesli, ateşli
syn: enthusiastic, passionate, eager, keen
an ardent supporter of Manchester United
an ardent feminist
arrogant 7.7
arrogance 8.4
j/ kibirli, küstah, kendini beğenmiş
n/ kibir, küstahça gurur
She has an authoritative manner that at times is almost arrogant.
The truest characters of ignorance are vanity and pride and arrogance.
arsenal 7.5
n/ silah deposu, cephanelik
The country has agreed to reduce its nuclear arsenal.
articulate 4.9
v/ açıkça söylemek, anlaşılır şekilde ifade etmek
I found myself unable to articulate my feelings.
Many people are opposed to the new law, but have had no opportunity to articulate their opposition.
artillery 6.6
n/ ağır silahlar, topçu sınıfı
Naval gunfire and ground-based artillery are generally less accurate than many aircraft-borne weapons.
artisan 9.4
n/ zanaatkar, esnaf
artisan bread/cheese
an artisan baker
ascend 9.7
v/ yukarı çıkmak, pesten tize geçmek
They slowly ascended the steep path up the mountain.
There’s a long flight of steps ascending (= leading up) to the cathedral doors.
ascertain 9.7
v/ araştırıp doğrusunu öğrenmek, aslını bulmak
The police have so far been unable to ascertain the cause of the explosion.
Have you ascertained whether she’s coming or not?
assassination 5.4
n/ suikast
The assassination of the Archduke Ferdinand started off the first World War.
President Kennedy’s assassination had far-reaching repercussions
assault 7.2
v/ saldırıda bulunmak, saldırı, atak
syn: attack
He was charged with sexual assault.
assemble 3.5
v/ toplamak, bir araya getirmek, monte etmek, kurmak
syn: gather, collect, get together, congregate, convene, meet
He gazed once more around the room, where his entire family were assembled.
furniture that is easy to assemble
arouse 7.2
v/ uyandırmak, harekete geçirmek
syn: induce, trigger, spark, provoke, stir
It’s a subject that has aroused a lot of interest.
Our suspicions were first aroused when we heard a muffled scream.
artificial 4.0
v/ yapay, suni
clothes made of artificial fibres
an artificial heart
an artificial lake
artificial fur/sweeteners/flowers
assembly 3.4
n/ kurul, meclis, montaj(kurulum)
the United Nations General Assembly
Full assembly instructions are provided with these easy-to-build desk units.
self assembly furniture
assert 3.1
v/ iddia etmek, savunmak, ileri sürmek
declare, maintain, argue, state, claim
The book asserts that the 1969 moon landing was a hoax.
assertion: iddia, sav
assertive: iddialı, kendine güvenen
assess 2.0
v/ değerini belirlemek, değer biçmek
syn: evaluate, gauge, appraise
They assessed the cost of the flood damage at £2,500.
Exams are not the only means of assessing a student’s ability.
asset 2.1
n/ varlık (mal-mülk), değerli şey
Her eyes are her best asset (= most attractive feature).
A company’s assets can consist of cash, investments, specialist knowledge, or copyright material.
assign 2.6
v/ atamak , tayin etmek, (görev vermek)
syn: appoint, designate, assign
She was assigned to the newspaper’s Berlin office.
The case has been assigned to our most senior officer.
assimilate 9.4
v/ özümsemek, asimile etmek
The European Union should remain flexible enough to assimilate more countries quickly.
You shouldn’t expect immigrants to assimilate into an alien culture immediately.
assume 1.0
v/ farzetmek, üstlenmek
syn: presume, suppose, assume
We can’t assume the suspects to be guilty simply because they’ve decided to remain silent.
The terrorists assumed control of the plane and forced it to land in the desert.
assure 2.5
v/ temin etmek, garanti vermek, güvence altına almak
She assured him (that) the car would be ready the next day.
Excellent exam results meant that she was assured of a place at university.
astonishing 6.5
j/ hayret verici, şaşırtıcı
syn: amazing, surprising, astonishing, astounding
It’s astonishing to think that only a few years ago he was a completely unknown actor.
asylum 7.9
n/ iltica, sığınma
The refugees have asked for political asylum.
assorted 9.9
j/ çeşit çeşit, türlü türlü
syn: various, miscellaneous, mixed, varied
a box of assorted chocolates
assumption 2.6
n/ varsayım, hipotez
syn: supposition, presumption
These calculations are based on the assumption that prices will continue to rise.
The assumptions made about the economy’s rate of growth proved to be incorrect.
atrocity 8.1
n/ gaddarlık, vahşet, acımasızlık
syn: cruelty, brutality, ferocity, atrocity, inhumanity, savagery
Soldiers have been committing atrocities against civilians.
attain 5.3
v/ amacına erişmek, elde etmek
syn: achieve, accomplish, reach, obtain, gain
We need to identify the best ways of attaining our objectives/goals.
attentive 9.6
j/ dikkatli, özenli ( attention please)
syn: careful, attentive, cautious, wary, watchful, mindful
The findings of this study underscore the imperative for mental health services to be attentive and responsive to consumer perceived need.
attitude 1.1
n/ tutum, tavır, davranış
syn: manner, demeanor, behaviour
She takes the attitude that children should be allowed to learn at their own pace.
My relationship with my father played a major part in shaping my attitude towards men.
attribute 3.3
v/ atfetmek, nedenini ona bağlamak
n/ özellik, nitelik
This idea has long been attributed to Keynes, but in fact he was not the first to think of it.
A key attribute of the new service will be flexibility.
auction 4.6
n/ açık artırma, mezat
Amongst other pop ephemera, the auction will be selling off rock stars’ stage clothes
audit 5.5
n/ denetim, hesap teftişi
complete/conduct/do/undertake an audit
We conduct an annual audit to ensure that we comply with standards.
augment 9.3
v/ artırmak, çoğaltmak, çoğaltmak
syn: increase
He would have to find work to augment his income.
available 0.6
j/ ulaşılabilir, mevcut, piyasada var, müsait
Do you have any double rooms available this weekend?
These drugs are only available on prescription .
avalanche 10.3
n/ çığ
We were swamped by an avalanche of letters/phone calls/complaints.
avert 7.6
v/ önlemek, başka yöne çevirmek
syn: prevent, avoid
to avert a crisis/conflict/strike/famine
to avert disaster/economic collapse
aviation 8.0
n/ havacılık
the British Civil Aviation Authority
the US Federal Aviation Administration
(in) awe 7.2
n/ huşu, sevgiyle karışık korku
awesome: müthiş, etkileyici
As children we were rather in awe of our grandfather.
We listened in awe because her voice was remarkable for someone so young.
awkward 5.0
j/ zorluk çıkaran, beceriksiz, sakar, sıkıntılı (durum)
They’d chosen an awkward time to call as I’d just got into the bath.
If he persists in asking awkward questions, then send him to the boss.
bachelor 6.2
n/ bekar erkek, fakülte mezunu
Sam is a confirmed bachelor (= he is unlikely ever to want to get married).
Interviewers had a master’s degree in a mental health field or a bachelor’s degree plus 2 years of relevant clinical experience and received extensive training.
backfire 10.8
v/ geri tepmek, ters tepmek
Her plans to make him jealous backfired on her when he started dating her best friend.
background 1.4
n/ arka zemin, arka plan
anto: foreground (ön plan)
They were filmed against a background of dark fir trees.
backward 5.2
adv/ geri ger, tersine, geriye doğru
anto: forward (ileriye doğru)
j/ geri kalmış, geç kavrayan
He began counting backwards: “Ten, nine, eight…”
People still think of it as a backward country/region/area (= one without industry or modern machines).
backyard 4.4
n/ arka avlu, arka bahçe
The house has a small backyard, surrounded by a high brick wall.
bait 6.4
n/ yem (cezbedici tuzak)
They were digging up worms to use for bait.
We put down some poisoned bait to kill the rats.
banish 9.6
v/ sürmek, banlamak, bir yerden kovmak
syn: expel, exile
He was banished to an uninhabited island for a year.
I came to ask for forgiveness even though I am not worthy of forgiveness Dear Dearest Oh! Darling Don't extend my world banishment
bargain 5.0
v/ pazarlık etmek
n/ pazarlık
Unions bargain with employers for better rates of pay each year.
barracks 9.0
n/ kışla
The barracks was/were surrounded by a high wall.
battalion 8.9
n/ tabur
coffin: tabut
I have lost every friend I have got in the battalion, except Neil here and you.
beacon 10.6
n/ işaret ışığı, uyarı ışığı
lighthouse: denizfeneri
The speaker does not yearn for heavenly light, but a humble “beacon” of human manufacture.
beast 4.4
n/ canavar, kaba saba adam, çirkin yaratık
monster: canavar
He was a beast to her throughout their marriage.
beg 3.4
v/ yalvarmak, dilenmek
beggar: dilenci
They begged for mercy.
[ + obj + to infinitive ] He begged her to stay, but she simply laughed and put her bags in the car.
benefit 0.8
n/ yarar, fayda
v/ yararlanmak, faydası dokunmak
beneficial: yararlı
beneficiary: yararlanan kimse, hak sahibi
I didn’t get/derive (much) benefit from school.
I feel that I have benefited greatly from her wisdom.
bestow (on/upon) 9.6
v/ birine hak/şeref/hediye sunmak veya bağışlamak
The George Cross is a decoration that is bestowed upon/on British civilians for acts of great bravery.
The country’s highest medal was bestowed upon him for heroism.
betray 5.0
v/ ihanet etmek, ele vermek
ihanet: betrayal, treachery, infidelity
hain: traitor
He was accused of betraying his country during the war.
She felt betrayed by her mother’s lack of support.
For years they betrayed the UK’s secrets to Russia.
formal He promised never to betray his wife
beverage 6.9
n/ meşrubat, içecek
Hot beverages include tea, coffee, and hot chocolate.
We do not sell alcoholic beverages.
bid 4.1 (n)
bid 5.8 (v)
n/ teklif, fiyat teklifi, ihale
v/ teklif vermek, fiyat vermek
A foreign collector has bid $500,000 for the portrait.
I made a bid of $150 for the painting.
She made/put in a bid of £69,000 for the flat, which was accepted.
bidding: teklif verme
bigot 17.0
n/ bağnaz kimse, yobaz kimse
bigoted: yobaz, bağnaz (j)
Some of the townspeople are bigots who call foreigners terrible names.
He was removed from the committee for making bigoted remarks.
binoculars 7.7
n/ dürbün
With the help of binoculars, bird watchers may see and identify birds beyond the range of normal human eyesight.
bizarre 5.0
j/ tuhaf, garip, acayip
syn: strange, weird, bizarre, odd, peculiar
a bizarre situation
bizarre behaviour
blackmail 17.7
v/ şantaj yapmak; şantaj
If you are in a position of authority, any weakness leaves you open* to blackmail.
They used the photographs to blackmail her into spying for them.
blame (for) 1.8 (v)
blame 5.4 (n)
v/ suçlamak
syn: accuse of, blame for, charge with
n/ suçlama
syn: blame, charge, accusation
Had Obama been willing to go over the cliff, they probably wouldn’t be, since the public would be furiously blaming them.
The nausea and aching joints that had hobbled me for weeks disappeared in an instant, as did the foul mood that I had been blaming on hormones.
blast 4.7
n/ şiddetli patlama
v/ patlamak
They heard the guns blasting away all night.
Three people were injured in the blast.
bleak 7.4
j/ kasvetli, çorak, ruhsuz yer
syn: gloomy
The house stands on a bleak, windswept hilltop.
With no job, the future looked bleak.
bleed 5.2
v/ kan kaybetmek, kanamak
bleeding: kanama
My nose was bleeding and I plugged it with cotton wool.
He was bleeding profusely.
Before help could reach him, the man bled to death.
blend 3.9
v/ karıştırmak, harmanlamak
syn: mix, combine
n/ karışım, harman
Her new album is a refreshing blend of contemporary and traditional songs.
The president’s daughter hopes to blend in with* the other students.
bless 4.1
v/ kutsamak, kutsal saymak
May God bless you!
The priest blessed their marriage.
blessing 4.7
n/ nimet, lütuf, tanrı’nın yardımı
We ask God’s blessing on* Joan at this difficult time.
It was a blessing that* no one was killed in the accident.
blind 2.7
j/ kör
v/ kör etmek
She’s been blind since birth.
He started to go (= become) blind in his sixties.
We shouldn’t let our prejudices blind us to the facts of the situation.
blink 4.6
v/ göz kırpmak (açıp kapamak), aralıklarla yanıp sönmek
How do you manage not to blink when you’re putting makeup on your eyes?
We stared at each other to see who would blink first.
blizzard 10.1
n/ tipi, kar fırtınası
We once got stuck in a blizzard for six hours.
Blizzard conditions* made the main roads almost impassable.
blockade 11.8
n/ kuşatma (siege), abluka
v/ kuşatmak, ablukaya almak (besiege)
The Soviet blockade of Berlin was lifted in May 1949.
The Estonian port of Tallinn was blockaded for a time by Soviet warships.
bloodshed 11.9
n/ kan dökülmesi, kan dökme
The army was brought in to try to prevent further bloodshed.
bloom 6.6
n/ çiçek açma, çiçeklenme (blossom)
v/ çiçek açmak
The apple trees are in full bloom (= completely covered in flowers).
Alta loved watching her flowers bloom in the spring.
blow 1.4
v/ esmek, uçurmak, havada sürüklemek
The wind was blowing harder* every minute.
The letter blew away* and I had to run after it.
n/ darbe (vuruş)
The police said that it was the blow that had been delivered to her head that had killed her.
bluff 7.9
n/ blöf, blöf yapmak
When she said she was leaving him, he thought it was only a bluff.
She bluffed the doorman into thinking that she was a reporter.
blunt 7.1
j/ körelmiş, sözünü esirgemeyen
v/ köreltmek
I’ll be blunt - that last piece of work you did was terrible.
My recent bad experience has blunted my enthusiasm* for travel.
blur 6.4
v/ bulanıklaştırmak, flu yapmak
n/ bulanıklık
This film blurs the line/distinction/boundary between reality and fantasy.
It all happened so long ago that it’s just a blur to me now.
blurt (out) 10.3
v/ ulu orta ağzından çıkarıvermek, yumurtlamak
She suddenly blurted out, “I can’t do it!”
Late one evening, Gianni blurted out that* he loved her.
blush 9.1
v/ mahçubiyetle kızarmak, utanıp kızarmak
I always blush when I speak in public.
I blush to think of what a fool I made of myself.
bold 3.9
j/ gözüpek, cesur
syn: brave, bold, courageous, daring
anto: coward (korkak)
The newspaper made the bold move/ took the bold step of publishing the names of the men involved.
bolt 4.9 (n)
bolt 8.3 (v)
n/ sürgü, kilit dili, cıvata
I closed the window and drew the bolt
v/ hızla fırlayıp uzaklaşmak (özellikle korkuyla)
Frightened by the car horn, the horse bolted.
bond 1.8 (n)
bond 6.6 (v)
n/ bağ, tahvil, bono
In societies with strong family bonds, people tend to live longer.
a strong/weak/permanent bond
v/ yapıştırmak, bağ kurmak
This new adhesive can bond metal to glass.
boost 3.7 (v)
boost 6.4 (n)
v/ daha ileri gitmesine destek sağlamak
The theatre managed to boost its audiences by cutting ticket prices.
n/artırma, yükseltme
Passing my driving test was such a boost to* my confidence.
border 1.3
border 8.1 (v)
n/ sınır, kenar, hudut
The train crosses the border between France and Spain.
v/ çerçevelemek, sınırı olmak
The fields are bordered by tall trees.
bore 4.9
v/ can sıkmak, (boş konuşarak vb)
“Am I boring you?” she asked anxiously.
boring: sıkıcı
boredom: can sıkıntısı, bıkkınlık
boulder 7.1
n/ büyük kara parçası (genellikle rüzgarla aşınmış)
rock: kaya
He changes into his costume and flies up to the volcano, catching a huge boulder hurtling toward the town and flinging it into the ocean.
bounce 3.8
v/ sıçramak, zıplamak, sekmek
jump: atlamak, zıplamak
hop: sekmek,
The ball bounced off* the goalpost and into the net.
The children had broken the bed by bouncing (= jumping up and down) on it.
He bounced the baby (= lifted it up and down) on his knee.
boundary 2.7
n/ sınır, hudut
border (sınır) 2 bölgeyi ayıran çizgi. boundary bir blgeyi çevreleyen çizgi.
The Ural mountains mark the boundary between* Europe and Asia.
Residents are opposed to the prison being built within* the city boundary.
brag 8.1
v/ böbürlenerek konuşmak, yüksekten atmak
syn: boast
She’s always bragging about how much money she earns.
They bragged that their team had never been beaten.
brake 4.7
n/ fren
v/ fren yapmak
The driver suddenly put on his brakes.
He would drive very fast and brake hard/sharply at the last minute.
breadth 9.4
n/ en, genişlik
syn: width
The length of this box is twice its breadth.
The breadth of her knowledge is amazing.
breakthrough 5.3
n/ büyük buluş, çığır açan gelişme, atılım
Scientists are hoping for a breakthrough in* the search for a cure for cancer.
A major* breakthrough in* negotiations has been achieved.