Melana and Hemoxhezia Flashcards
Symptoms of UGIB and LGIB
- UPPER (can present with melena, if rapid can present as hematochezia)
- LOWER (typically present as hematochezia)
DDx for UGIB
- Peptic Ulcer Disease
- Varices (esophageal)
- Hemorrhagic/erosive gastritis
- Mallory-Weiss tear
- Boerhaavesyndrome
- Erosive esophagitis
- Aortoentericfistula
- Arteriovenous malformations/angioectasias
- Cancer (Esophagus, Gastric)
- Swallowed blood (nosebleed aka epistaxis)
- Anticoagulant and fibrinolytic therapy
DDx for UGIB
LOWER (typically present as hematochezia)
- Inflammatory Bowel Disease
- Ischemic colitis
- Diverticulosis bleed
- Anal fissures
- Hemorrhoids
- Polyps
- Cancer (Colon)
- Infectious colitis
- Arteriovenous malformations/angioectasias
- Varices (Colon)
- Radiation colitis
- NSAID-induced ulcers
- Rectal ulcer
- Intussusception
DDx for LGIB depends on the age of the patient and severity of the bleed.
- Infectious colitis
Anorectal disease
- Anal fissures, hemorrhoids
- Meckel diverticulum
DDx for LGIB depends on the age of the patient and severity of the bleed.
DDx OVER 50:
- Cancer
- Diverticulosis
- Angectasias
- Ischemic Colitis
____ of hematochezia due to upper gastrointestinal source
There is an increased risk of LGIB in patients taking _______________.
aspirin, non-aspirin antiplatelet agents, and NSAIDs.
2 weird things that can cause hematochezia and make doc think LGIB
- Liquid meds with red dye, as well as
- certain foods, such as red Kool-aid™ and beets
Diagnostics in ppl with LGIB
Evaluation with colonoscopy in stable patients
UGIB = melana or if rapid, hematochezia. What medications can cause this?
Medications with iron or bismuth
- MVI with iron, Peptobismol
1 Diverticulosis bleed
2. IBD
3. Ischemic colitis
- Anorectal disease
- Polyps
- Cancer (Colon)
- Arteriovenous malformations/angioectasias
- Upper GIB
- 1.PUD
- 2.Varices
_______ is the most common cause of major lower tract bleeding, most commonly occuring in the ________.
Sigmoid Colon
Will all patients with diverticulosis be symptomatic?
No, 90% will have uncomplicated diverticulosis = asymptomatic
- Sx
- Diagnostics
- Acute, PAINLESS, large ovlume red poop
- Hemorrage, without diverticulitis, from the ascending colon.
•Evaluation with colonoscopy in stable patients, once bleeding subsides typically
_______ is a CD (Crohns Disaese) related gene on Chr16.
If patient has primary sclerosing cholangitis, think _____
Appendectomy for confirmed appendicitis (before age 20) may protect against developing ____
Crohns disease symptoms vs Chrohns
- Type of diarrhea
- Tx
- Diarhea (w or w/o blood)
- Pain can micmic appendicits (acute ileitis)
- Treat
- corticosteroids, immunomodulating agents, biologic angents, ABX
Bloody diarrhea + testmus/fecal urgency ask if stopped smokung
corticosteroids, immunomodulating agents, biologic angents, surgery = cure
Ischemic Colitis
- Sx
- CC in older patients vs young patients
- Imaging
- Treatment
- Acute vascular obstruction => sudden onset of cramping LLQ pain, desire to defecate, passage of blood or bloody diarrhea (hematochezia or BRB per rectum)
- CC in older people = atherosclerotic disease
- CC in younger = cocain
- Imaging
- Abdominal XR = thumb print
- Sigmoidoscopy
- Tx
- NPO, IV, blood
- Surgical resection
Periumbilical pain out of proportion to tenderness that worsens when we eat food “food fear”
- => so they are writhing in pain, but physical exam isn’t impressive, maybe mild tenderness)don’t just think they are malingering!
- Abdominal XR = thumb printing = submucosal edema
- ***** CT Angiography
- Early celiac and mesenteric arteriography is rec
- Laparatomy
For EVERY anorectal disease, wht do you perform
Hemorrhoids sx
Bright red blood per rectum (BRBPR)-usually only drops on tissue or in toilet
Thrombosed external hemorrhoid are VERY painful
Anal fissures
- Patients complain of severe, tearing pain during defecation followed by throbbing that may lead to constipation due to fear of recurrent pain.
- There may be mild associated hematochezia, with blood on the stool or toilet paper
]ANORECTAL INFECTIONS cause ________,, which are mostly transmitted __________.
It is important to dinshuish these from ________/
Proctitisis characterized by:
- anorectal discomfort, tenesmus, constipation, and mucus or bloody discharge
sexually transmitted, especially by anal sex
must be distinguished from noninfectious causes
- How do you test for N. Gonnarhea
- Trepemona Pallidium?
- chlamydia
- Rectal swab for during anoscopy for culture + pharynx + urethra/cervix
- Scrape chancer/condylomas and use dark-field microscopy or flurorecent Ab testing => requires proper eqiupment and trained ppl
- Serology, culure or PCR testing of rectal discharge or rectal biopsy
MCC of Anorectal infection is _______, how do we diagnose?
- Get vesicle fluid and do [viral culture, PCR or antigen detection assays]
In Condylomata acuminate-anal conylomas (genital warts), what is the most important?
- Warts must be distinguihsed from conyloma lata (secondary syphillus) or anal cancer; thus, bipsy large or suspiosus lesions!
- HPV vaccines, especially for MSM
________ is a common etiology for anal cancer
PERIANAL PRURITUS (PRURITUS ANI) does not necesarrily present as hemotachezia , but it is ____
perianal itching and discomfort
What types of polyps have the most signifiant implication
Adenomatous polyps and serrated polyps
- FHx of colorectal cancer that has affected >1 family member
- Personal or fmaily Hx of colorectal cancer deveoping early (before 50)
- FHx or multuple polpys (>20)
- FHx of multiple extracolonic cancers
FAP (Review deck on H&P, how to treat)
Lynch Sndruome
Nonfamilial adenenmouts and serated (review card)
Harmatomatous polpyposos sundrome (Review card)
Colorectal cancer screen should be down when?
- Start regular screening from 45- 75.
- From 76-85; only do it based on persons prefercence, life expentancy, overal health and prior screen
Over 85= do not screen
Above average risks for Colorectal cancer include:
- 1st degree relative with cancer before 60 or 2 first degree relatives at any age: screen starting at 40 for ever 5 years or 10 years ebfore youngest age was affected.
- 2. Inherited FAP: genetic testing/anual screening by sigmoidoscopy starting at 10-12
- 3. Inhereited HNPCC: genetic testing or colonoscopy every 1-2 yrats begning at ages 20-25 or 10 years younger than younger age of person w colorectal cancer.
How do wetest and screen for colorectal cancer?
- Fecal occult blood test
- 2. FIT (Fecal immunochemical test) => MORE sensitive
review AVM
UGI Bleeds: PUD
_______ is commonly due to portal HTN and found in 50% of patients with _____, causing UGI bleeds.
- Espohageal varices
- Cirrhosis
Symptoms of esophageal varices
- Asx, but can cause acute GI hemorrhage => melena, hematoxhezia, and hematemisis.
- Treat
Acute resucuitaiton
- (rapidly access and resuccistate with IV fluids and blood)
- Fresh frozen plasma and platemants and IV Vit K because most have coagulopathy due to underlying conitions
- EMERGENT EGD + variceal banding
Acute resucuitaiton
Other tx of esophageal varices
- ABX propgylaxis
- Somatostatin and octreotide
- Lactulose
- Baloon tampomade
- Travenous intrahepatic portosystemic shint (TIPS)
- Liver transplant
- Diagnose Meckles Diverticulim, which can cause rectal bleeding
- Treatment
1. Technetium 99-scan
Treat with surgical resection