Repair Categories
Category A: Items in this category shall be repaired within the time interval specified in the Qualifying Conditions.
Category B: Items in this category shall be repaired within three (3) consecutive calendar days, excluding the Day of Discovery.
Category C: Items in this category shall be repaired within ten (10) consecutive calendar days, excluding the Day of Discovery.
Category D: Items in this category shall be repaired within one hundred and twenty (120) consecutive calendar days, excluding the Day of Discovery.
Apply repair intervals based on UTC.
Repair interval (Days) can run out in flight without penalty.
Flight hours or flight cycles may not.
MEL Block/Section Description
Return to Gate (RTG)
In order to easily identify if an MEL item requires a return to gate, the tag ‘RTG’ appears in a separate box next to the MEL Title line.
Procedure Requirement Codes
- (O) - For associated Operations procedures
- (M) - For associated Maintenance procedures
- (EW) - For associated Air Canada Elementary Work procedures
Elementary Work Kit
Resealing procedure
If the quantities of remaining EW kit items in the pouch fall below the minimum levels after carrying out an Elementary Work Procedure Flight Crew or Maintenance will close the pouch using a yellow 7-inch plastic cinch-up seal (P/N 844 YELLOW) and raise a defect.
If the quantities of remaining EW kit items in the pouch are above the minimum levels after carrying out an Elementary Work Procedure Flight Crew or Maintenance will close the pouch using a green 7-inch plastic cinch-up seal (P/N 844 GREEN).