13/16 - APPENDIX Flashcards
Fuel Categories
Definitions and Calculations
OFP Example and Decode
NOTOC / LDF Location Coding
11-29 is FWD, 31-49 is AFT, and 50+ is BULK
0 is CABIN
Runway Surface Condition Reports
Layered Contaminates
16.1.2 / QRH-N
Take-off on runways contaminated with WET ICE is prohibited. Landing is authorized for WET ICE only when using an upgraded runway condition code for landing performance (RWYCC > 0)
For a runway or runway segment to be reported wet and/or contaminated, the coverage must be greater than 25%.
Cleared Width
- The usable surface has been cleared to a minimum of 50 feet (15m) on either side of centerline, and
- No Snowbanks, windrows, snowdrifts or wet ice contamination are present outside the cleared area and within 75 feet (23m) either side of centerline.
- Canadian RSC reports may indicate that the cleared width is offset from the centerline. Take-off and landing is prohibited for runways that have a cleared width not centered on the centerline.
Downgrade – Take-off
Active Weather Conditions
During active conditions, and the controlling condition is 1/8”, it is recommended that the flight crew downgrades the controlling condition by using a depth of 1/4” instead of 1/8”.
For any RWYCC downgrade to 1, use Ice to compute take-off performance irrespective of the contaminant type.
Downgrade - Landing
Active Weather Conditions
If a reported RCC value is associated with a depth of contamination (RCC 5 for snow or water less than 1/8”) during active conditions, consider downgrading to the RCC value associated with a greater depth.
When the runway is reported WET RCC 5 during periods of moderate or heavy rain, crews should consider using data for RCC 2.