Medival Europe And The Byzantines Flashcards
Following the breakdown of the Roman Empire, what did Western Europe enter?
A period of chaos known as the middle ages or the medieval period
What are the first 500 years of the medieval period known as
The early middle ages
What was the early middle ages known as?
The dark ages
what are the years 1000 to 1450 called
The high middle ages
Why were the high middle ages important
In this later. European learning and trade began to flourish once again.
What philosophy did Peter Abelard study?
Philosophy and the logic of Aristotle
Who was Peter Abelard?
A monk and a theologian
Where did the franks establish an early capital?
Who was the first Roman Catholic ruler of the franks and what did he do?
King Clovis and he became the first monarch to unite all the Francis tribes
How was government under king Clovis
It was unstable
Who is Charles Martel and what did he do?
A military leader of the franks who led them to defeat the Muslims at the battle of tours
What did the defeat of the Muslims at the battle of Tours do?
Stop the expansion of Muslim forces into northern Europe
Who founded the Carolingian dynasty
Charles Martel
Who is Pepin and how did he get power?
He was the son of Charles Martin and got the pope to declare his right to the throne, which increases legitimacy over rivals
After Pepin, who was named emperor of the Frankish kingdom
What did Charlemagne do
Defeated the Saxons and converted them to Christianity, encourage church based education, and use regional administrators to help govern his empire
What were similarities between the Carolingian dynasty and the tang dynasty?
Used religion to legitimize their rule, placed a high value on education, and attempted to control the nobles through regional administrators
Over some differences between the tang dynasty and the Carolingian dynasty
The caroling dynasty split into two, which led to intensification of feudalism and local power. The tang dynasty was under a strong central government and the period of great prosperity.
What is papacy
The office or authority of the pope
What were Scandinavian Vikings also known as?
What were long ships?
Ships that allow sailors to travel far inland on rivers as well as conduct coastal raids on seas
What religion did Magyars assimilate into?
What are fiefs
When kings paid Nobles with land
What were landowners called?
What did Lord’s promise and what were they to the kings?
Promised to fight for the king and they were the vassals of the king
What is a vassal
People who own service to another person
What is feudalism?
When Kings paid nobles with land in return of fighting for the empire/land as a hole
What is the code of chivalry do
A way to resolve disputes and to show etiquette
What is a manor
Large fiefs
What are the manorial system provide?
Economic self-sufficiency, and defense
What were peasants called?
What was the three field system?
Crops were rotated in and out of three fields
One field
Was planted to wheat crop stop provided food
Second field
Planted plants which made the soil more fertile
Third field
Unused each year
Third field
Unused each year
What did stirrups do?
Distributed the writers weight more evenly over the horses back which helped the writer to be more secure
What was the language that almost everyone understood
Latin and German
What is a dialect?
Regional way of speaking
What were squires
People who serve the nights
What was the great schism?
The division of the Christian church
What were the two branches the Christian church split into?
The Roman Catholic and the eastern orthodox
What did most manors have
A small church and a priest
What are the donation of Constantine do?
Provided the church with evidence that the pope should assume all power
What did Pope Clement the five do?
He refused to relocate to Rome and establish instead of Papacy in France
What was the relocation of the papacy in France known as?
Babylonian captivity
What did the Cluniac reforms do?
Attempted to reform the church from within
Who crowned Charlemagne
Pope Leo lll
What was the canon law?
The law of the church, if you broke the cannon law, two of the most harsh Were excommunication and an interdict
Who banned the law by Lay investiture
Pope Gregory the seventh
What was the lay investiture
A ceremony in which the church was appointed by kings or Nobles
When was the problem solved?
The Concord of worms in 1122
What is an eastern half of the Roman Empire become known as?
The Byzantine Empire
What did Justinian want to do?
Restore the Roman Empire
What is Justinian’s codes?
The code were revision of the best Roman laws
What city did Justinian rebuild?
What was Hagia Sophia
Largest cathedral built by Justinian
What was Hagia Sophia know as
The church of holy wisdom
What did Catholic mean?
What happened in 1453
The Byzantine empire was conquered by the Islamic Ottoman Turks
Who is Constantine renamed as?
What happened in 1095
Pope Irvin, the second requested a volunteer army to take Jerusalem in Palestine from the Arab empire
What were two common characteristics that increased the power of the monarchy?
Aging bureaucracy and an organized army
What did King Hugh Capet do
Charlemagne’s empire was called the kingdom of the French, however, Capet didn’t hold much power
Who developed the first Rio bureaucracy
Philip ll