Chapter 3 Quiz Flashcards
How long Did Cyrus the great rule Persia?
Ruled 559- 529 B.C.E
Who took over after Cyrus the great?
His son Cambyses took over
The empire ruled by Cambyses was known as?
The Achaemenid empire(sometimes called the first Persian empire).
What civilizations did the Achaemenid empire unite?
Mesopotamia, Egypt, and India
How many ethnic groups did the Achaemenid empire include?
More than 70
Why did Persia divide its self into provinces?
So that the kings policies announced in the capital Persepolis, so it could be administered through outside the empire
What is a Satrap
A ruler of a province who was responsible to the emperor, not to local leader
What are inspectors
They would travel to each province and report to the king on the behavior of the satraps
What did inspectors and satraps make
It made a Administrative Bureaucracy
What did Darius do to pay for the Bureaucracy
He instituted regular tax payments
Where was Persepolis located
What was the royal road
Was the most famous network of roads that encouraged trade
What did Darius add to the Royal road
He added an efficient courier service with postal stations along this road
What was caravanserai
Was a combination inns and markets for people traveling the royal road by camel caravan
What did common currency do
Made trade simpler and untied the empire and promoting prosperity
What did Xerxes build
He built a gate of all nations to show he was honoring all of his subjects
What did Persia allow
Persia allowed for cultural diversity and was unlike other empires during this time
What did Zarathustra teach
There was one god and his name was Ahura Mazda, taught the concepts of heaven and hell
What were priests called
Magi’s( they passed Zarathustra’s teachings
What was a qanat used for
To reduce the evaporation of the water as it traveled to the fields
Turkey exports
Ivory and gold
Exports from Phoenicia
Cedar and woolen fabrics
Exports from Phoenicia
Cedar and woolen fabrics
Greece exports
Wine and oil
Egypt exports
Grain, textiles, and papyrus
Where did conflict began Persia vs Greece
Asia Minor
What alliance did Athenians make
The Delian league( Athens had strong naval power) they beat many empires on water
What caused the decline of Persia
Cost of battles, Xerxes began to take a less tolerant attitude toward non Persians in the empire
What did Philip ll do
He united the Greek city states and conquered Asia Minor except Sparta
Why could Phillip not achieve his goal
Because he was assassinated
What did Alexander do
He picked native residents to help him rule and control a specific part of the empire, founded the great city of Alexandria
What was Alexandria
A major city that was a major sea port and had the largest library of the ancient world in it
Decline of Alexander’s rule
When he died the central administration of the empire collapsed,
What’s are Seleucids
We’re rulers of Persia
Who were the Parthian’s
Ruled Iraq, Iran, and western India, they were originally a nomadic group
Similarities of Greece and Persian empire
They had wide cultural influence and covered a large territory, they allowed most women few rights,
Differences of Greece and Persian empire
Greeks had many god while Persians believed in one god, Greeks were more unified culturally while Persians had hight tolerance for diverse traditions
What is syncretism
The combination of different form of beliefs or practices
What did majority people think of Alexander
They thought he was a great emperor and had much evidence to prove so.
Who was in of the first historians to write about Alexander
Arrian Falvius
Where did Minoans live
On an island called Crete
How did Minoan’s economically strive
They were relied on trade, which made them rich
What was the wealthiest city on the Aahan for a while?
Knossos which was built by Minoans
Who was the king of Knossos
King Minos
What was the decline of Minoan and Mycenaean called
Dark age
What was an example of continuity?
Culture from Knossos Spread to the Mediterranean area and Southwest Asia
What did the irregular coastline do
Made seafaring and trade important
What did the Greeks adopt from Phoenicians
Adopted their alphabet and made communication more efficient
City states
What was Sparta known for
Had a very strong military
What age did children start at
7 and ended at 60
What did Solon do
Became known as a wise ruler who improve life in Athens and is credited with setting free many Athenians in Slade for debt
Pericles impact
During this time was known as the golden age when he ruled Athens
Hysteria on continually asking questions to clarify other person’s ideas
Who was Plato
Plateau was a student of Socrates, he opened a school called the Academy
Who was Aristotle?
He was most famous for his ideas about ethics
What was the Greek religion based on?
The Greek religion was based on an influential set of myths