Medication pearls Flashcards
What conditions do we treat with this medication Warnings and adverse effects (Most common and most serious) Contraindications (major) F/u Labs Key points
What class(es) of drugs do we use to treat atopic dermatitis
Topical Corticosteroids, Calcineurin inhibitors, cyclosporine, dupilumab (biologic)
What class(es) of drugs do we use to treat psoriasis?
Topical corticosteroids
salicylic acid
Vit D analogs
Methotrexate, acitretin, cyclosporine, apremilast
TNFa inhibitors
IL-23 inhibitors
IL-17 inhibitors
What class(es) of drugs do we use to treat Acne Vulgaris
Topical retinoids
Oral isoretinoin
Oral ABx (doxy)
Topicals (Benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, clindamycin, azelaic acid)
What class(es) of drugs do we use to treat Rosacea
Azelaic acid, metronidazole gel
What class(es) of drugs do we use to treat Tinea
Butenafine, terbinafine, ketoconazole
What class(es) of drugs do we use to treat bacterial infections of the skin?
Mupirocin (bactroban)
What class(es) of drugs do we use to treat seborrheic dermatitis?
selenium sulfide
What class(es) of drugs do we use to treat oychomycosis?
oral terbinafine, topical ciclopirox
What class(es) of drugs do we use to treat pruritis?
diphenhydramine, hydroxyzine
What drugs are used to target increased follicle proliferation and abnormal desquamination in Acne Vulgaris?
Topical reinoids, isoretinoin, azelaic acid, azelaic acid
What drugs are used to target increased sebum production in Acne Vulgaris?
oral isoretinoin, OCP, spironolactone, clascoterone
What drugs are used to target cutibacterium acnes in Acne Vulgaris?
Benzoyl peroxide, topical ABx (clindamycin, minocycline), oral ABx (tetracyclines), azelaic acid
What drugs are used to target inflammation in Acne Vulgaris?
oral isoretinoin, oral ABx (tetracyclines), topical retinoids, azelaic acid, Dapsone
What is generally first line treatment in Acne vulgaris?
retinoids (+ benzoyl perozide w/ papulopustular)
What medications could you consider if first line Acne treatment doesn’t work?
OCP & Spironolactone (females only), isoretinoin, tetracyclines for 3 months (papulopustular)
What additional considerations should patients take in regards to oral hygiene with Acne vulgaris?
Use gentle cleansers/scrubbing
Noncomedogenic agents
no picking
What therapeutic targets does isoretinoin have?
Follicular proliferation, abnormal desquamination, sebum production, c. acne bacteria, inflammation
Isoretinoin contraindications
- Pregnancy
- Severe soy allergy
Isoretinoin adverse effects
Mucotaneous (dry skin/eyes), Hyperlipidemia, Psychiatric (depression/SR), IBD, Hepatotoxicity, IC HTN
What medications/treatments/procedures should a patient avoid who is on isoretinoin and why?
Tetracycline (IC HTN), Vitamin A supp, skin procedures, Excessive EtOH, nursing, blood donation
Isoretinoin screening (patient Hx)
Prior contraceptive failure
depression (uncontrolled)
hyperlipidemia or FHx of early
Dry eyes
Heavy EtOH
Extreme physical activity (photosensitive?)
Isoretinoin monitoring
Need to wait 2-3 months to gauge improvement
Worsening of acne
depression sx
bowel sx
dry eyes/vision changes
headaches (IC HTN)
What labs should you order for a patient starting isoretinoin?
Serum ALT
Triglyceride levels
urine or serum pregnancy testing
Adverse effects of high potency topical steroids
striae, irritation; d/c after 2 weeks.
Length of treatment for high and medium potency steroids
High: 2 weeks (taper)
Med: 3 months
Adverse effects/warnings of topical retinoids
Avoid in eyes
Avoid in pregnancy
No spot treatment
What topical retinoids are the most and least irritating?
Most: Tazarotene
least: Adapalene
What medications should you avoid when taking topical retinoids?
UV light & Benzoyl peroxide b/c it can deactivate it.
Adverse effects of Benzoyl peroxide
drying or peeling of the skin
Adverse effects of salicylic acid
drying or peeling of the skin
Adverse effects of azelaic acid
What conditions can be treated with salicylic acid
MOA for calcineurin inhibitors
suppress cellular (T Cell) immunity
Calcineurin inhibitors are indicated for what disease(s)?
Atopic dermatitis. Can apply to face and intertriginous areas.
Can also be used for vitiligo, mucosal lichen planus, graft vs host disease, allergic contact dermatitis, and rosacea
Calcineurin inhibitor adverse effects/warnings
- Transient erythema, burning, pruritis
- Rare: systemic immune-related effects (Tacro > Pimecro)
- Black Box warning: malignancy
- Avoid long-term continuous use
- Avoid in Netherton Syndrome
Which calcineurin inhibitor has fewer adverse effects?