Medical Terminology Flashcards
What is an eponym?
An eponym is a word that comes from the name of a person, place or thing associated with the word.
Who is Parkinson’s disease named after?
It is named after James Parkinson
Who is Graves disease named after?
It is named after Dr. Robert James Graves.
Who is Hashimoto’s disease named after?
It is named after Dr. Hakaru Hashimoto
Who is Cushing disease named after?
It is named after Dr. Harvey Cushing
Who is the Jackson-Pruitt drain named after?
It is named after its inventors, Dr. Frederick Jackson and Dr. Richard Pratt
Who is the Snellen eye chart named after?
It is named after Dr. Herman Snellen
What is an acronym?
An acronym is an abbreviation formed from the first letter of each word of a phrase and pronounced as a word.
What does the acronym POTS mean?
Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome
What is an abbreviation?
An abbreviation is a shortened version of a word or phrase. The abbreviation can be derived from the letters in the word or from combining the first letter of each word.
What does the abbreviation BP mean?
It means Blood Pressure
What does the abbreviation CBC mean?
It means Complete Blood Count
What does the abbreviation CC mean?
It means chief complaint
What does the abbreviation HTN mean?
It means hypertension
What does the abbreviation Ca mean?
It means cancer
What does the abbreviation HA mean?
It means Headache
What does the abbreviation PT mean?
It means physical therapy
What does the acronym ACE mean?
It means Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme
What does the acronym AIDS mean?
It means Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
What does the acronym ARDS mean?
It means Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome
What does the acronym HIPAA mean?
It means Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
What does the acronym LASER mean?
It means Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation
What are symbols?
Symbols are pictures that represent a word or phrase to increase the speed of documentation and reduce the amount of paper required.
Why have symbols fallen out of favor?
Symbols are not as popular these days because of the rise in electronic health records. Symbols were mostly used with paper records.
What does the acronym RICE mean?
It means Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation
What does the acronym SIDS mean?
It means Sudden Infant Death Syndrome
What are the two groups that medical terms can be divided into?
1.) Terms made up of word parts
2.) Terms not made up of word parts
How can medical assistants remember words not made up of word parts?
By memorization
How can medical assistants remember words made up of word parts ?
By literally defining them
What language origins do medical term word parts usually have?
Greek or Latin
What is a prefix?
A prefix is a word part that is found at the beginning of the word and is listed with a hyphen e.g. bi-
What is a suffix?
A suffix is a word part found at the end of the word. Suffixes follow the hyphen e.g. -tic
What is a root?
A root is a word part that is the foundation of the term
What is a combining vowel?
A combining vowel is a vowel that joins a root to a suffix or a root to a root.
What is the result of the root being added to the combining vowel?
The combining form. It can be represented by stating the root part followed by a slash and the vowel e.g “oste/o”