Combining Forms Flashcards
What does the combining form anter/o mean?
It means: front
What does the combining form caud/o mean?
It means: tail
What does the combining form cephal/o mean?
It means: head
What does the combining form cubit/o mean?
It means: elbow
What does the combining form dextr/o mean?
It means: right
What does the combining form dist/o mean?
It means: far
What does the combining form dors /o mean?
It means: back
What does the combining form fee/o mean?
It means: to carry
What does the combining form front/o mean?
It means: front
What does the combining for glute/o mean?
It means: buttocks
What does the combining form infer/o mean?
It means: downward
What does the combining form later/o mean?
It means: side
What does the combining form medi/o mean?
It means: middle
What does the combining form poplit/o mean?
It means: back of knee
What does the combining form poster/o mean?
It means: back
What does the combining form proxim/o mean?
It means: near
What does the combining form sinistr/o mean?
It means: left
What does the combining form super/o mean?
It means: upward
What does the combining form ventr /o mean?
It means: belly
What does the combining form angi/o mean?
It means: vessel, blood vessel
What does the combining form aort/o mean?
It means: aorta
What does the combining form apic/o mean?
It means: apex
What does the combining form arteri/o mean
It means: artery
What does the combining form cardi/o, coron/o mean?
It means: heart
What does the combining form hemat /o mean?
It means: blood
What does the combining form phleb/o, ven/o mean?
It means: vein
What does the combining form plasm/o mean?
It means: plasma
What does the combining form valv/o mean?
It means: valve
What does the combining form ventricul/o mean?
It means: ventricle
What does the combining form abdomin /o mean?
It means: abdomen
What does the combining form an/o mean?
It means: anus
What does the combining form append/o, appendic/o mean?
It means: appendix
What does the combining form chol/e mean?
It means: gall, bile
What does the combining form col/o, colon/o mean?
It means: colon
What does the combining form. corpor/o, som/o, somat/o mean?
It means: corporis, body
What does the combining form enter/o mean?
It means: small intestine
What does the combining form esophag/o mean?
It means: esophagus
What does the combining form gastr/o mean?
It means: stomach
What does the combining form gingiv/o mean?
It means: gum
What does the combining form hepat/o mean?
It means: liver
What does the combining form lumin/o mean?
It means: lumen
What does the combining form or/o, stomat/o mean?
It means: mouth
What does the combining form pancreat/o mean?
It means: pancreas
What does the combining form pharyng/o mean?
It means: pharynx
What does the combining form rect/o mean?
It means: rectum
What does the combining form adren/o mean?
It means: adrenal gland
What does the combining form oophor/o, ovari/o mean?
It means: ovary
What does the combining form orch/o, orchi/o mean?
It means: testis
What does the combining form pancreat/o mean?
It means: pancreas
What does the combining form parathyroid/o mean?
It means: parathyroid gland
What does the combining form pituitary /o mean?
It means: pituitary gland
What does the combining form thyroid/o mean?
It means: thyroid gland