Medical emergency Flashcards
What is respiration rate in beats per minute
208 BPM
What is heart rate(pulse) pm
What are symptoms of altered level of consciousness
Confusion, restlessness, unresponsive
What does ABCDE stand for
Airway, breathing, circulation, disability, exposure
Who came up with ABCDE
The resuscitation Council
If it’s a medical emergency and they need basic life support we need to maintain oxygenated blood around the body until when
They recover, the specialist arrives, you suffer exhaustion, death is confirmed
Describe the direction oxygen takes into the body during basic life support
Nose to mouth then to trachea then the bronchi then The right or left Lung
What organ controls respiration
The brain
What would happen if the lungs fail
The brain heart would fallow all linked
What is the chest compressions to 2 oxygen intake in basic life support
What is the correct way to describe death
Permanent Cessation of function of the heart and the lungs
How do paramedics diagnose death
Asystole meaning no heartbeat, spontaneous breathing, pulmonary response which means the pupils stay delighted to light which means brain death
If the heart stops =
Cardiac arrest
What does noisy gasps mean
A blockage
Lack of oxygen in the body what is this called
The skin will go pink pale blue grey if it’s a darker skin tone check in the cheek what might be happening
What does DRSABC mean
Danger, response, shout for help, airway, breathing, circulation
When checking the hour for an obstruction what must you do
Roller head side to side to dislodge the debris this opens the airway
How long should you assess someone’s breathing for
10 seconds, lock listen feel if no response call 999