Endo Flashcards
If caries is aloud to spread to the pulp chamber or because very close to it, the pulp will become inflamed. What is the name of this condition? Nerve damage Pulpal damage Pulpitis Sensitivity Non vitality
Pulp is referred to as two types. One type is called reversable pulpitis when the pulp does not die and the tooth can be restored with a restorative filling, and does not require any endodontic treatment. What is the other type of pulpitis? Irreversible pulpitis Pupal pulpitis Hyper pulpitis Hypo pulpitis Manageable pulpitis
Irreversible pulpitis
Which of the following endo treatments are also known as surgical endo procedures? Pulp capping Pulpectomy Pulpotomy Apicectomy There are all surgical end treatments
Endo is the term used in dentistry to describe various types of root canal therapy. Which of the following is the correct term for the conventional root filling commonly done in practice , often refereed to as rct? Pulp capping Pulpectomy Pulpotomy Apicectomy Irrigation
To test the vitality of a tooth various methods can be used. Which of the following methods of vitality testing involves the application of a cold stimulus to the tooth? Application of guta percha Electrical pulp tester Drilling with no la Application of ethyl chloride Air with 3 in 1 syringe
Application of ethyl chloride
Although radiographs can not determine the vitality of the tooth they are useful if a patient is suffering with pulpitis to diognose the health of the tooth. How would a # root show up on the radiograph ?
A white line across the root
Dark area at apex
Black line across the root
Pale area around the apex
# roots can not be detected on a radiograph
As a black line across the root
What is the success rate of endodontic treatment ? 10-20% 20-30% 40-50% 70-80% 100%
What is the name of the complication if during a rct endodontic instruments exist end beyond the root apices and break through the floor of the maxillary antrum or sinus ?
Oroantral fistula
Oral fistula
Oropharyngeal fistula
Oroantral fistula
A pulpectomy is one of the non surgical endo procedures better known as a root filling or rct. The first stage of a pulpectomy involves the removal of the pulp , what is the correct term for this ? Exfoliation Existinguish Extirpation Eradication Elimination
Removal of the pulp is known as extirpation
A pulpectomy involves the removal of the infected pulp and seeking the pulp chamber with a sterile root filling material. This permanent root filling must seal the chamber completely to prevent contamination and infection reoccurring at the apex of the root. What is the clinical term for the actual filling and sealing of the root canal? Obliteration Obligation Obturation Oberration Observation
During the pulpectomy procedure the root canal is regularly flushed out using a verity of solutions depending on the clinical pas preferamce. What is this procedure called? Irrigation Eggigation Irrigation Irrigattion
During a pulpectomy what instrument is used to detect the working length of a root canal ?
Barbed broach
Readers and files
Apex locator and metal ruler
Spiral paste fillerLateral condenser and finger spreader
Apex locator and metal ruler
During a pulpectomy what instrument is used to enlarge, shape , and smoot the root canal walls? Barbed broach Readers and files Finger spreader Spiral paste filler Lateral condenser
Reamers and files
What is considered to be the best method of moisture control during a rct? Hi speed aspiration and cotton rolls Hi speed aspiration only Saliva ejector and cotton rolls Rubber dam and high speed asparation Surgical aspirator
Rubber dam a;d high speed aspiration
Which of the following components is not part of a rubber dam kit ? Rubber dam sheet Clamps and clams forceps Rubber dam frame Gates glade drill Rubber dam punch
Gates glade drill
Which of the following instruments is used to gain access to the root canal? Paper points Rotary paste filler Barbed broach Gates glade drill Endodontic lubricant gel
Gates glade drill
In children the growth of the roots of the permant teeth and not complete until approx 3 years after eruption. It would therefore not be possible to do a conventional rct . Instead of the complete removal of the pulp on such teeth only the infected part is removed . What is the name of this procedure? Pulpectomy Pulpotomy Pulp capping Apicectomy None of the options
During a pulpotomy the infected part of the pulp is removed and then covered with a material which encourages the formation of Dentine. What is the name of this material? Glass ionomer Zinc phosphate Zinc oxide Eugenol Calcium hydroxide Zinc polycarboxylate
Calcium hydroxide
If a pulp becomes unexpectedly exsposed either during restorative tequniques or as a result of a injury the exsposed part of the pulp can be sealed. What is this procedure called? Pulpectomy Pulp capping Pulpotomy Apicectomy Extirpation
Pulp capping
What is the name of the procedure in which the infected apex of the root is removed surgically due to a previous root filling not being successful or not possible? Pulpectomy Pulp capping Pulpotomy Apicectomy Gingivectomy
During a apicectomy an incision is made above the infected apex and the mucoperiosteum is pushed away from the bone to exsposed it. This is called a mucoperiosteal flap. What is the name of the instrument used to push the mucoperioseum away? Mitchell’s trimmer Surgical curette Periosteum elevator Rake retractor Surgical bur
Periosteal elevator
After the pulpectomy is completed a radiograph is taken to ensure that the root filling is adequate and that it lies 1mm short of the apex. Which type of radiograph would be needed to show these details? Horizontal bitewing Left vertical bitewing Periapical radiograph Occlusal radiograph Right vertical bitewing
If during a pulpectomies a patient was unable to tolerate the river done the dentist must ensure that the patient does not swallow are inhale any of the small endodontic instruments. There is a special product available which clips the instrument I want end and is linked by a chance on the dentists finger. Safety Harness Parachute chain Finger spreader And endodontic pull cord And endodontic saver device
Parachute chain
Which of the following factors must be taken into consideration before any endo treatment ?
Mh and dental health
Restoration options when the tooth has been saved
Function once saved
All factors
All factors
If a dentist was to autoclave endodontic instrument and reuse them on an other patient with principle of the gif standard would the dentist be in breach of?
Valid consent
Maintain and protect patient info
Realising concern if patients at risk
Clear and effective complaints procedure
Putting patients interests first
Putting patients intrests first