Medical Emergencies Flashcards
prevention (medical emergency) is based on a client’s comprehensive _____ ____ and _____ ____
health history and risk assessment
4 main risks assocaited with oral healthcare
- hemostasis
- susceptibility to infection
- drug recreations
- ability to tolerate the stress of the apppintment and procedure planned
how many ASA classificiations are there?
* emergency operation of any variety, with E preceding the number to indicate the patent’s physical status
normal, healthy; no systemic disease
mild systemic disease
severe systemic disease that limits activity but is not incapacitating
incapactiating systemic disease that is a constant threaet to life (mostly carried out within a hospital or speciality setting)
a moribund patient not expected to survive without an operation
declared brain dead and having organs removed as donor.
what ASA level indicates a normal, healthy or anxious patient?
What ASA levels indicate that the client is a medical risk ?
what is basic life support? (BLS or CAB)
the level of care or intrvention used for victims of life-threatening illnesses or inuries until they can be given full medical care at a healthcare facility offering such services
____ is an emergency procedure, performed to manually preserve brain function until further actions are taken to restore spontaneious blood circulation and breathing in a person who is not breathing, circulation and breathing in a person who is not breathing, not breathing normally, and has no pulse
cardiopulmonary resucitation (CPR)
Information to give to the emergency medical services dispatcher
your name location of the emergency number the call was made from what happened condition of the victim aid being given to the victim any other information requested
unnecessary cardiopulmonary resucitation is ess harmful than not performing chest compression when the victim truly needs it (T/F)
if the rescuer is unsure whether the victim has a pulse, chest compression should be started (T/F)
hand position: two hands on top of one another (parallel without the fingers touching the chest) with the heel of the bottom hand on the lower half of the breast bone
compress: about 2 inches
breathe: until chest clearly rises (aout 1 second per breath)
cycle (one rescuer): 30 compressions, two breaths
cycle (two rescuers): 30 compressions, two breaths
rate: at least 100 compressions per minute
hand position: two hands on top of one another (parallel without the fingers touching the chest) with the heel of the bottom hand on the lower half of the breast bone
compress: at least 1.3 the depth of the chest, about 2 inches
breathe: until chest clearly rises (aout 1 second per breath)
cycle (one rescuer): 30 compressions, two breaths
cycle (two rescuers): 15 compressions, two breaths
rate: at least 100 compressions per minute
hand position: 2 thumb encircling hands technique (w/ finers around back of infant and thumbs on chest( in the center of the breast bone
compress: at least 1/3 depth of chest, about 1 1/2 inch
breathe: until chest clearly rises (aout 1 second per breath)
cycle (one rescuer): 30 compressions, two breaths
cycle (two rescuers): 15 compressions, two breaths
rate: at least 100 compressions per minute
what is defibrillation?
an electrical shock to the heart
what is an AED (automated external defibrillator)?
automated device that checks the heart rhythm in an unconscious person
name the emergency medical condition
feeling of warmth, flushed skin, nausea, rapid heart rate, perspiration, pallor, sudden/transient loss of consciousness
name the emergency medical condition
skin pale and clammy, change in mental status and eventual unconsciousness if untreated, drop in blood pressure, increase in pulse and respiratory rate
name the emergency medical condition
rapid or excessively deep breathing, light-headedness, dizziness, tingling in extremities, tightness in the chest, rapid heartbeat, lump in throat, panic-stricken appearance
name the emergency medical condition
coughing, shortness of brearth, wheezing, pallor, anxiety, use of accessory muscles for breathing, cyanosis, increased pulse rate
name the emergency medical condition
transient ischemia of myocardium manifested by crushing, burning or squeezing chest pain, radiating to left should, arms, neck or mandible and lasting 2 to 15 mins; shortness of breath; diaphoresis (sweating)
angina pectoris
name the emergency medical condition
mild to sever chest pain; pain in the left arm, jaw, and possibly teeth, not relieved by rest and nitroglycerin; cold, clammy skin; nausea; anxiety; shortness of breath; weakness; perspiration’ burning feeling of indigestion
myocardial infarction (heart attack)
name the emergency medical condition
ashen, gray, cold, clammy skin; no pulse; no heart sounds; no respirations; unconscious
cardiac arrest
shortness of breath, weakness, cough, swelling of lower extremities, pink frothy sputum and distention of jugular veins
congestive heart failure
name the emergency medical condition
supply of o2 to brain cells disrupted by ischemia, infarction, hemhorrage of cerebral blood vessels; sudden weakness of one side, difficulty of speech, temp loss of vision, dizziness, change in mental status, nausea, severe headache, convulsions
stroke/cerebrovascular accident (CVA)
name the emergency medical condition
confusion, weakness, lethargy, respiratory depression, headache, shock-like symptoms- weak, rapid pulse, low bp- abdominal or leg pain, possible loss of consciousness
adrenal crisis (cortisol deficiency)
arterial blood is red in colour and “spurts”
venous blood is darker in colour and oozes
name the emergency medical condition
if partial coughing, choking, and grasping throat with hands
if complete, no coughing or speaking, possibe high pitched noise, grasping throat with hands
foreign body obstruction
name the emergency medical condition
aura (change in taste, smell or sight preceding a seizure), loss of consciousness, sudden cry, involuntary tonic-clonic muscle contraction, altered breathing, and/or involuntary defecation or urination
generalized tonic-clonic (grand mal) seizures
name the emergency medical condition
sudden momentary loss of awareness without loss of postural tone, a blank stare, and a duration of several to 90 seconds, muscle twitches
nonconvulsive (petit mal) seizure
name the emergency medical condition
modd changes, hunger, headache, perspiration, nausea, confusion, irritation, dizziness and weakness, increased anxiety, possible unconsciousness
hypoglycemia (hyperinsulinism)
name the emergency medical condition
polydipsia (excessive thirst); polyuria (excessive urination)’ polyphagia (excessive hunger); labored respirations; nausea, dry, flushed skin; low bp, weak & rapid pulse, acetone breath (“fruity smell”), blurred vision, headache, unconsciousness
hyperglycemia (ketoacidosis)
name the emergency medical condition
mild pruritus (itching), mild urticaria (hives, skin rash)
localizd skin response
name the emergency medical condition
rapid + severe urticaria (hives) and/or pruritus, angiodema, respiratory distress, wheezing, larygneal edema, weak pulse, low bp, may progress to unconsciousness and cardiovascular collapse
name the emergency medical condition
light-headedness, blurred vision and slurred speech, confusion, drowsiness, anxiety, tinnius, bradycardiam tachypnea
reaction to local anesthesia- toxicity from l.a.)
name the emergency medical condition
anxiety, tachycardia, tachypnea, chest pain, dysrthmia, cardiac arrest
reaction to local anesthesia- toxicity from vasopressor or vasoconstrictor
name the medical emergency in which the following management techniques would be applicable.
place in trendenburg position (ct's head lower than the legs), roll on left side for pregnant women loosen any binding clothes maintain airway admin o2 (10L/min) if unconscious; pass crushed ammonia capsule under nose place cold compress on forehead reassure monitor and record vitals
name the medical emergency in which the following management techniques would be applicable.
position in trendelenburg activate EMS assess breathing and pulse admin BLS using CAD maintain airway monitor vitals admin o2 (10L/min)
name the medical emergency in which the following management techniques would be applicable.
terminate procedure use quiet, calm voice to calm and reassure ct encourage normal breaths have ct breathe into cupped hands do NOT admin o2
name the medical emergency in which the following management techniques would be applicable.
assist ct to postition to facilitate breathing (upright)
have ct self medicate with inhaler
instruct to inhale and exhale slowly
if recovered, proceed with trmt
if not recovered, instruct to use inhaler once more and dismiss
if necessary, active EMS or initiate BLS
name the medical emergency in which the following management techniques would be applicable.
terminate procedure
position upright
admin o2 (10L/min)
advise ct to self medicate with nitroglycerin (0.4mg tablets or spray) every 5 mins to max of 3 doses
monitor and record vitals
put ct at rest and reassure
if pain not relieved, active EMS and treat as myocardial infarction
angina pectoris
name the medical emergency in which the following management techniques would be applicable.
terminate procedure plaec ct in most comfortable position admin o2 (10L/min) activate EMS if possible, have ct chew 162 to 325mg aspirin calm and reassure ct initiate BLS as needed monitor and record vitals
myocardial infarction
name the medical emergency in which the following management techniques would be applicable.
activate EMS
initiate BLS using CAB sequence
cardiac arrest
name the medical emergency in which the following management techniques would be applicable.
terminate procedure place in upright position admin o2 (10L/min) montior vitals provide BLS active EMS if necessary
congestive heart failure
name the medical emergency in which the following management techniques would be applicable.
terminate procedure active EMS position in semi-supine or on side with head elevated to maintain open airway admin o2 (10L/min) monitor vitals monitor and maintain airway and suction if needed, keep ct quiet and still initiate BLS as needed transport ct to hospital asap
stroke or cerebrovascular accident
name the medical emergency in which the following management techniques would be applicable.
terminate procedure if unresponsive, place in supine activate EMS and BLS admin o2 (10L/min) transport to nearest ER if unresponsive, position in semi-supine monitor and record vitals
adrenal crisis (cortisol deficiency)
name the medical emergency in which the following management techniques would be applicable.
compression over hemhorrage (usually w/ gauze)
pack area w/ gauze and have ct bite down until bleeding stops
IF TRAINED, apply topical thrombin or have ct rinse w/ tranexamic acid
nosebleeds; apply pressure to bleeding site or pack w/ gauze
watch for signs of chock
activate EMS if bleeding continues
name the medical emergency in which the following management techniques would be applicable.
evalute breathing
if unable to breathe/cough/talk, begin abdominal thrusts (heimlich) until dislodged
if pregnant/obese, use chest compressions until dislodged
admin 02 (10L/min)
maintain supine position
have ct transported to hospital to ensure no injuries from thrusts or compressions
activate BLS and EMS if unresponsive
foreign body obstruction
name the medical emergency in which the following management techniques would be applicable.
terminate procedure
lower dental chair and protect ct from personal damage
after convulsion, assess and monitor airway
admin o2 (10L/min)
monitor and record vitals
support respiration
if unresolved, activate EMS and BLS
if stable, allow ct to rest
arrange for medical follow-up and arrange assistance
generalized tonic-clonic (grand mal) seizure
name the medical emergency in which the following management techniques would be applicable.
terminate procedure observe closely ensure ct safety clear area of sharp objects provide support may need physician evaluation
nonconvulsive (petit mal) seizure
name the medical emergency in which the following management techniques would be applicable.
terminate procedure
place in chair or supine position
admin o2
if unconscious, admin oral sugar under tongue and activate BLA and EMS
if conscious, ask when ate last and whether insulin was taken
give concentrated form of sugar (oj, sugar packet)
monitor and record vitals
if slow recovery have transported to hospital
hypogylcemia (hyperinsulinism)
name the medical emergency in which the following management techniques would be applicable.
terminate procedure
activate EMS and provide BLS if necessary
if conscious, ask when ate last and whether insulin was taken and if brought to appointment
retrieve ct’s insulin
if able, ct should self-admin
monitor and record vitals
hyperglycemia (ketoacidosis)
name the medical emergency in which the following management techniques would be applicable.
call for assistance
admin diphenhydramine antihistamine (25mg child, 50mg adult)
have ct consult physician for consult regarding repeat dose every 6 hours for 2 days following
be prepared to activate BLS if needed
localized skin respon
name the medical emergency in which the following management techniques would be applicable.
terminate procedure immediately activate EMS admin epinephrine (0.3-0.5mg, repeat every 5 mins up to 10 mins IF QUALIFIED) establish adn maintain airway admin o2 (10L/min) place in supine mintor vitals initiate BLS as needed
name the medical emergency in which the following management techniques would be applicable.
assess circulation, airway, breathing
initiate BLS as needed
admin o2 (10L/min)
activate EMS as needed
reactions to local anesthesia