Assessment of Hard and Soft Deposits Flashcards
name the deposit described:
acellular, non mineralized layer
unstructured, homoegenous film adhering to tooth surfaces, firm surfaces in oral cavity, old calculus (may not be stained by tar and tanin products)
acquired pellicle and exogenous dental cuticle
name the deposit described:
cellular, nonmineralized layer
a dense, transparent, nonmineralized, highly organized mass of bacterial colonies in a gel-like intermicrobial, enclosed matrix; a host-associated biofilm
oral biofilm
name the deposit described:
cellular, nonmineralized layer
loose deposit of microorganisms, desquamated epithelial cells, and broken down food debris; white to yellowish-white in colour; has cottage cheese-like appearance
can be displaced with rinsing and water irrigation
materia alba
name the deposit described:
cellular nonmineralized layer
unstructured particles that remain in the mouth after eating and are removed with irrigation unless impacted between the teeth
food debris
name the deposit described:
cellular, may be mineralized or nonmineralized
discolorations that accumulate on the external surface of the tooth via pellicle, plaque biofilm, or calculus; can be removed by power toothbrushing, scaling and/or polishing
extrinsic stain
name the deposit described:
cellular, mineralizd layer
mineralized bacterial plaque permeated with moderately hard calcium phosphate crystals; superficially covered with bacterial plaque biofilm; usually white or yelllowish-white in colour but may be stained darker
supragingival calculus
name the deposit described:
cellular, mineralized layer
mineralized bacterial plaque; adheres to tooth structure in gingical sulcus; organic matrix of bacteria permeated with hard calcium phosphate crystals; may be stained dark green to greenish black; superficially covered with bacterial plaque biofilm
subgingival calculus