Mediastinum Flashcards
Mediastinum is
a partition between the right & left pleural sacs
Mediastinum includes
all the structures which lie in the intermediate compartments of the
thoracic cavity.قراءة
Mediastinum lateral boundaries
Mediastinal parietal pleura (left and right)
Mediastinum extends from the
from anterior to posterior
from superior to inferior
■ Sternum to the bodies of the vertebrae (T1-T12).
■ Superior thoracic aperture to the diaphragm
.Divisions of mediastinum
Superior mediastinum above the plane
Inferior mediastinum below the plane
mediastinum is divided by
horizontal plane
horizontal plane that divides mediastinum extending from
sternal angle to the intervertebral disc between vertebrae TIV and TV
Inferior mediastinum is further partitioned into
Anterior , middle and Posterior mediastinum
Anterior mediastinum location
in front of pericardial sac & behind sternum.
Middle mediastinum contains
pericardial sac & its contents (pericardium, heart, origin of great vessels, nerves, & small vessels )
Posterior mediastinum location
behind pericardial sac & anterior to vertebrae
Superior Mediastinum Anteriorly
Manubrium sterni
Superior Mediastinum Posteriorly
Upper 4 thoracic vertebrae
Superior Mediastinum Superiorly
Superior thoracic opening
Superior Mediastinum Inferiorly
Horizontal plane
Superior Mediastinum Laterally
Mediastinal pleura
Superior Mediastinum Contents From Posterior to Anterior
- Esophagus
- Trachea
- Arch of aorta & its 3 branches:
- Brachiocephalic trunk
- Left common carotid
- Left subclavian artery - Right & left brachiocephalic veins & superior vena cava
- Thymus gland
Superior Mediastinum Nerves
- Right & left vagus nerve
- Right & left phrenic nerve
- Right & left sympathetic trunks
- Left recurrent laryngeal nerve
Superior Mediastinum Lymphatic structures
oThoracic duct
oLymph nodes
Anterior Mediastinum Contents
- Sternopericardial ligaments
- Lymph nodes
- Remains of thymus
.Middle Mediastinum Contents
- Pericardium & heart
- Root of arteries:
ascending aorta & pulmonary trunk - Veins:
• Lower half of superior vena cava
• Terminations of inferior vena cava
• Pulmonary veins
v Nerves: phrenic
v Lymph nodes
�Posterior Mediastinum Anteriorly
Pericardium & diaphragm
�Posterior Mediastinum Posteriorly
Lower 8 thoracic vertebrae
�Posterior Mediastinum Superiorly
Horizontal plane
�Posterior Mediastinum Inferiorly
�Posterior Mediastinum On each side
Posterior Mediastinum Contents
- Esophagus and associated nerve plexus.
- Descending aorta.
- Azygos & hemiazygos veins.
- Right & left vagus nerve.
- Right & left sympathetic trunks & their branches (splanchnic nerves).
- Thoracic duct and associated lymph nodes