Mediastinal Spaces Flashcards
A cavity formed by the lungs on either side. Lungs are a boundary, not a content
Where does Superior transition to Inferior?
Begins at the first rib, at the Sternal Angle of Louis. Runs across and ends at the intervertebral disc between T4 and T5.
-A content of the Superior Mediastinum
-Degenerates into fat during the teenage years.
-The most superficial structure you see when removing the anterior chest wall
Thymic Remnant
What are the contents of the Superior Mediastinum? (14)
-Thymic Remnant
-Brachiocephalic Veins & Superior Vena Cava
-Aortic Arch and its branches (Brachiocephalic Trunk, LCC, Subclavian artery)
-Trachea (Thoracic Portion)
-Upper thoracic portion of the esophagus
-Termination of the Thoracic Duct & Right Lymphatic Duct
-Vagus Nerves & Phrenic Nerves, Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve
Carries most of the lymphatic drainage for your body. Lymph is left over after gas exchange occurs.
-Begins in the Cisterna Chyli (right by Right Diaphragmatic Crus)
-Passes through Aortic Hiatus!!, runs up to about C7, then turns and runs behind L IJ, and terminates at the point where the Left Subclavian Vein and the L IJ make the L Brachiocephalic Vein
Thoracic Duct
A dilated sac that holds lymph. Lies right by the Right Diaphragmatic Crus.
-Becomes the Thoracic Duct
Cisterna Chyli
Drains lymph for the Right upper extremity, right trunk, right neck/head.
-Drains at the point where the Right IJ and Right Subclavian Veins join to make the Right Brachiocephalic Vein.
Right Lymphatic Duct
The Left Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve curves around the ________.
Aortic Arch
The Right Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve curves around the ________.
Right Subclavian Artery
Contents of the Anterior Compartment of the Inferior Mediastinum (3)
-Lower portion of the Thymus (base - most of it is in superior)
-Internal Thoracic Vessels (run on either side of the sternum)
-Lymph Nodes
Branch of the Subclavian Artery, courses down the side of the sternum until the Costal Margin. Then, bifurcates into Musculophrenic Branch (follows costal margin laterally) and the Superior Epigastric Artery (goes straight down to Abdomen)
Internal Thoracic Artery
What artery is an example of Vena Communicantes: 2 veins with 1 Artery
Interal Thoracic Artery
Muscle with branches coming off going to the ribs
-Not really part of mediastinal space, usually wrapped up in peritoneum
Transverse Thoracis Muscle
Contents of the Middle Compartment of the Inferior Mediastinum (5)
-Heart, Coronary Vessels, and the Pericardium
-Branches of the Great Vessels (Ascend Aorta, Pulm Trunk, SVC/IVC, and termination of the Pulmonary Veins) where they begin/terminate in the heart.
-Bifurcation of the Trachea into Mainstem Bronchi
-Arch (and termination in the SVC) of the Azygos Vein
-Phrenic Nerves within the pericardium
Acts as a bridge to the Left Mainstem Bronchus, Left Pulmonary Artery and Veins. Run underneath this.
Aortic Arch