Dermatomes Flashcards
A section of skin with sensation that is associated with a certain spinal cord segment. Connected to the dermatome via a Nerve.
-Purely sensory; no motor
Loss of sensation to skin over back of head
C2 Dermatome
Connects the C2 dermatome and the Spinal Cord
Greater Occipital Nerve
Palpate the hard, bony prominence on the back of the skull to find this dermatome.
C2 Dermatome
Palpate the C7 Spinous Process (Vertebral Prominence) for this dermatome.
C5 Dermatome
Palpate the nipple for this dermatome.
-Sensation stops here when doing a Spinal
T4 Dermatome
Palpate the Xiphoid Process (area at the end of the sternum) for this dermatome.
T6 Dermatome
Palpate at the Umbilicus for this dermatome
T10 Dermatome
Palpate the Inguinal Ligament (arises from ASIS and attaches to the pubic tubercle) for this dermatome.
L1 Dermatome
Dermatome that starts on hip, descends the thigh diagonally, rotating from lateral side to medial side. Then, it goes over the patella anteriorly, to the anterior shin, and then the medial malleolus.
-Palpate at the Medial Malleolus or the Patella
L4 Dermatome
If you have loss of sensation at the Medial Malleolus, do you need to check sensation at the patella as well?
No, the whole L4 dermatome is associated with the same spinal cord segment.
Dermatome found at the dorsum/plantar surface of foot and lateral leg.
L5 Dermatome
Dermatome found on the Lateral, Posterior hip/thigh/leg/malleolus
S1 Dermatome
Dermatome found on the Medial, Posterior hip/thigh/leg/Malleolus
S2 Dermatome
Dermatome found on the genitalia
S2-S3 Dermatome