media representation theorists Flashcards
David Gauntlett
Identity theory- while everyone is an individual people tend to exist within larger groups and identify with them. media doesn’t create identifies but reflects them E.g. sexuality gender and anxiety is increasingly openly talked about because representations were increased
Van Zoonen
Feminism and Patriarchy- woman’s bodies are represented as objects while male bodies are represented as spectacles. Gender is performative- what we do rather than what we are. gender is contextual and changes between historical and cultural contexts. stereotypical woman enforces societies views.
bell hooks (must be lower case)
feminism and race- beliefs that wealthy white men control media industries and their values and beliefs are the ones we see in the vast majority of the media
people who are not white, male or wealthy will not see their value in media products. Whole groups of people are misrepresented or ignored. This creates prejudice towards these groups. hooks believes blank woman are at the lowest status in media texts. PALE MALE + STAIL. e.g owner of Daily Mail, the Sun BBC director, Sky Tv are old white men.
Gender performance- not who you are but it’s what you do
Paul Gilroy
Post colonial theory, ethnicity- African diaspora caused by slave trade has now created transatlantic culture- African, American, Caribbean and British (black atlantic). British have failed to mourn its loss of the empire creating post colonial melancholia- attachment to British history. Expresses its loss in criminalizing immigrants. ‘us and them’ perspective. Displayed often in right wing newspapers, often underlying disgust towards immigrants
Stuart hall
there is no true meaning in texts, producers therefore use stereotypes, anti stereotypes and ideologies to fix meaning