Med Term 3 Endocrine System Flashcards
Gland; group of cells that work together to produce and secrete substances such as hormones; endocrine glands secrete their substances directly into bloodstream, exocrine glands such as sweat glands, secrete into duct
Adrenal Gland; sits on top of kidneys; divided into outer adrenal cortex and inner adrenal medulla
Adrenal cortex
Secretes aldosterone to regulate sodium levels in the body, cortisol to regulate carb metabolism, and sex hormones such as estrogen and testosterone
Adrenal medulla
Secretes Epinephrine to help body respond to emergency situations
Adrenal gland
To secrete, refers to glands secreting hormones
Sugar; Even though this combining form means sugar it usually refers to glucose, the primary sugar the body uses for energy production
Ovary, pair of almond shaped organs in female pelvic cavity; releases ova for reproduction; secretes female sex hormones such as estrogen and progesterone
Testes; pair of oval shaped glands located in scrotum of males; release sperm for reproduction and male sex hormone.
Pancreas; located in abdominal cavity along lower curvature is the only gland that is endocrine and exocrine gland.
Parathyroid gland; four small glands located on posterior surface of thyroid gland, secrets parathyroid hormone to raise blood levels of calcium
Pineal gland; small pine cone shaped gland in thalamus region of brain; secretes melatonin which plays a role in regulating bodies circadian rhythms
Pituitary Gland; Small marble shaped gland that hangs down from underside of brain, often referred to as the master gland
Thymus gland located mediastinum of chest behind sternum and above heart, secretes thymosin, which is important for the immune system development, begins to shrink around puberty and eventually is replaced by fatty tissue
Thyroid gland; located in neck, has two lobes on either side of trachea; secretes thyroxine and triiodothyronine which regulates body’s metabolic rate, also secretes calcitonin which lowers blood calcium
Thyroid gland
Adrenal Feminization
Development of female secondary sexual characteristics, in male as a result of increased estrogen secretion by adrenal cortex
Adrenal Virilism
Developtment of male secondary sexual characteristics in female as result of increased testosterone secretion by adrenal cortex
Blood Serum Test
Blood test to measure level of substance such as hormones in bloodstream, used to study function of endocrine glands
Congenital Hypothyroidism
Condition present at birth that results in lack of thyroid hormones, results in poor physical mental development, formerly called cretinism
These hormones secreted by adrenal cortex also have strong anti inflammatory properties. Used to treat rheumatoid arthritis
Cushing Syndrome
Condition caused by hyper-secretion of adrenal cortex; can be product of adrenal gland tumour; symptoms include weakness, edema, excessive hair growth, skin discolouration and osteoporosis
Diabetes insipidus
Condition caused by insurgent antidiuretic hormone secreted by posterior lobe of pituitary gland; symptoms include polyuria and polydipsia
Diabetes Mellitus
Chronic disorder, two kinds Type 1 (Insulin dependant) or type 2 (non insulin dependant)
Excessively short in height, can result from lack of growth hormone
Condition where eyeballs protrude, such as in Graves’ disease commonly cause by hypersecretion of thyroid hormones
Fasting Blood Sugar
Blood test to measure amount of sugar in blood stream after a 12 hour fast
Excessive growth of body due to hypersecretion of growth hormone in a child or teenager
Glucose Tolerance Test
Test for initial diagnosis of diabetes mellitus; patient is given dose of glucose; then blood samples are taken at regular intervals to determine patients ability to use glucose properly
Enlargement of the thyroid gland
Graves Disease
Condition caused by hypersecretion of thyroid hormones; symptoms include exophthalmos and goiter
Hashimoto Disease
Chronic autoimmune form of thyroiditis result in hyposecretion of thyroid hormones
Hormone replacement therapy
Artificial replacement of hormones in patients with hyposecretion disorders; available in pill, injection, or adhesive skin patch forms
Insulting dependant diabetes mellitus
Type 1; tends to develop early in life, pancreas stops producing insulin.
Condition resulting from hyposection of thyroid hormones in adult; symptoms include anemia, slow speech, swollen facial features, puffy and dry skin, drowsiness, and mental sluggishness
Non-insulin dependant diabetes
Type 2; Typically develops later in life; pancreas produces normal to high levels of insulin but cells fail to respond; patients can take medication to improve insulin function
Usually benign tumor of adrenal medulla; secrets excessive amount of Epi; symptoms include anxiety, heart palpitations, dyspnea, hypertension, profuse sweating, headaches and nausea
Radioactive iodine uptake
Test of thyroid function; measure how much radioactively tagged iodine is removed from blood stream by thyroid gland
Test used to measure the amount of hormone in plasma of blood
Nerve Irritability and painful muscle cramps resulting from hypocalcemia, hypothyroidism is also a cause
Thyroid Scan
Test in which radioactive iodine is administered and localizes in the thyroid gland; gland is visualized with scanning device; able to detect thyroid gland tumors
Condition resulting from extreme hypersecretion of thyroid hormones, symptoms include rapid heart action, tremors, enlarge thyroid gland, exothalmos and weight loss