Med surgery Flashcards
Mouse Hepatitis is a ___ that is highly contagious and widespread
what is the most common neoplasia of rats?
mammary fibroadenoma
what are the normal inhabitants of the resp tract in mice and rats?
bordetella bronchiseptica
Pseudomonas spp. is part of the normal flora found in the GI tract of rats and mice
barbering is indicated when ___ is present, with the absence of ___
alopecia; pruritis
what is the causative agent for pseudotuberculosis (Rats/mice)
corynebacterium kutscheri
most blood parasites are transmitted through what?
what is the most common neoplasia of random bred mice?
pulmonary tumors
what is the source for salmonella infections in mice and rats?
mice and rats need to chew their incisor teeth naturally because clipping them is a painful procedure
research animals are generally treated as a group rather than on individual basis
what mice species is the primary host for lymphatic choriomeningitis?
common house mouse
what is a bacterial infection that has a zoonotic potential? (mice/rats)
what is a mycotic disease in mice/rats
trichophyton mentagrophytes
what drug can be given orally to treat ectoparasites? (mice/rats)
ringtail is a common husbandry related problem in young rats associated with what?
low relative humidity
commercial mouse and rat feed should be used within
6 months from milling date
what viral disease has a very short incubation period (2 days). Infected animals should be isolated for 6-8 weeks, but once they recover they have immunity for life? (mice/rats)
spontaneous tumor development can be as high as
87% in rats and mice over 2 years of age
mycotic infections are common occurrence in rats and mice
rats and mice are primarily nocturnal creatures
clostridium piliforme is the causative agent for what disease?
tyzzer’s disease
if barbering is a concern within a colony, which animal should be taken out from the enclosure?
without hairloss
what viral disease causes necrosis of the salivary and nasolacramal glands
what can be used to trim incisors in mice and rats?
dental burs
between mice and rats, which are more likely to see traumatic wounds from fighting in?
what disease has a high zoonotic potential
lymohoctyic choriomeningitis
what term describes the incisors of mice/rats
flea infestation are uncommin in mice and rats
are you more likely to see ringtail in mice or rats?
the preen gland is officially referred to as what in birds
uropygial gland
what species of birds are you most likely to see feather plucking in?
african gray
what is the most common musculoskeletal condition in birds
to prevent crop burns in birds, owners should be instructed to not feed food warmer than
most anemias in birds are considered to be regenerative
young, newly developing feather that has a large vessel and blood supply
blood feather
soft, fluffy feather that is used to provide insulation
the large, primary flight feather of birds that are found on the outside of the wing
body feather that provides surface coverage for most of the body
treatment of proventricular dilation disease in birds would be
no treatment/cure
one method of preventing pododermatitis in birds is to
offer perches with varying sizes, textures, and shapes
the most common cause of musculoskeletal problems in birds is due to
traumatic injury
the glandular stomach in birds is referred to as the
regurgitation can be a form of sexual activity in birds
stress fractures in hens that are excessively egg laying is generally caused by
psittacine beak and feather disease in its chronic form will cause all of the following with the exception of
what is the goal for antimicrobial therapy when treating chlamydia in birds
remission and decrease shedding
what antibiotic can be given to a bird as treatment for chlamydia
birds that have been bitten by a cat have a ___ prognosis
pacheco disease is caused by what in birds?
herpes virus
to decrease regurgitation secondary to sexual behavior in birds one might try
decrease hours of light
chlamydydia psittaci is also known as what in birds
parrot fever
proventriculus dilation disease is also known as macaw wasting disease
excessive stress can lead to aortic rupture secondary to
epineprhine release
what is associated with crop stasis in birds?
low environmental temps, infection, and foreign material
syptoms of egg binding/dystocia might include all except
Macaw Wasting Disease attacks the ____ tissue of the body in birds
discharge when the nares of clear, opaque or yellow may be suggestive of what in birds?
Psittacine beak and feather disease can be transmitted by
feces and feather down dust
cloacal prolapse could be secondary to all but what in birds
crop stasis
in diagnosing air saculitis or pneumonia one might see all but what in birds
bloody feces
birds that develop the chronic form of Psittacine beak and feather disease generally begin showing signs at what age
6 months-3 years
the heart of birds has how many chambers?
if beak lesions are seen with psittacine beak and feather disease birds may become anorexic due to the lesions being painful
inflammation of the nostrils is called
in birds, generally only the ____ side of the female reproductive tract is functional
there is no cure or vaccine for macaw wasting disease
factors associated with egg binding/dystocia include
obesity, excessive egg laying, excercise, and nutrition
the failure of an egg to pass through the oviduct at a normal rate is termed
egg binding
birds that are feather plucking will have normal feathers where on the body
what does not contribute to pododermatitis in the avian patient?
hypovitaminosis A
birds that have been injured do not need to see a vet immediately as long as they are acting fine
the mechanical obstruction of the cloaca related to the presence of an egg is termed
rabbit pox can be prevented by administering the smallpox vaccine
diet and husbandry play an important role in maintating health in pet rabbits
what is the greatest risk of happening if a rabbit’s hind legs are not supported when handling the animal?
spinal cord injury
GI stasis is a common concern in rabbits that are
rabbits with malocclusion can still be bred as it is not a genetic condition
cutaneous papilloma virus only affects what breed of rabbit
mucoid enteropathy generally has a good prognosis in bunnies
mucoid enteropathy is primarily a concern in ____ rabbits
bumblefoot is another name for what?
a lactating doe presents to your clinic for anorexia, depression, lethargy, and fever, what is the cause for her symptoms
septic mastitic
what is the name given to congenital glaucoma in rabbits?
the most common neoplasia in the unspayed female rabbit is
uterine adenocarcinoma
a viral disease that is highly contagious and has a high mortality rate in rabbits but can be prevented with a vaccine is
rabbit pox
rabbit fever is another name for what zoonotic disease and can be fatal in humans if not treated
what condition is commonly called the slobbers and is a result of chronic drooling caused by malocclusion in rabbits?
moist dermatitis
what disease is also known as vent disease in rabbits?
trichobezoars are a direct result of ingesting hair during grooming. these are capable of forming an obstruction in the GI tract
where does slobbers typically present in rabbits?
what disease is caused by spirochete and is also called vent disease and can be transmitted venerealy
what is the reservoir for myxomatosis in the US
california brush rabbit
the addition of proteolytic enzyme, such as pineapple or papaya juice aids in preventing
what neoplasia is typically a slow growing tumor and typically benign in rabbits?
embryonal nephroma
what is the sever form of mastitis in rabbits called that occurs before septicemia occurs?
blue bag
what respiratory infection is often called snuffles and is the most common bacterial infection in rabbits
what disease presents with conjunctivitis at first and can cause death within 2days to 2 weeks in rabbits?
what drug can be useful in rabbits with GI stasis?
what disease is characterized by sudden death or aboriton late in gestation in rabbits?
what disease is zoonotic in rabbits?
listeriosis, tularemia
what bacterial infection is primarily seen in young animals? clinical sings vary from constipation to watery diarrhea
mucoid enteropathy
what is another term given to head tilt?
trauma in rabbits typically occurs due to improper handling, what bone is most likely to break?
prolonged use of antibiotic in rabbits can cause
fatal diarrhea
congenital glaucoma is a common finding in what breed?
new zealand white
splay leg is a term given to ____ in neonates
hip dysplasia
viral diseases of rabbits are a major concern in the US as almost all wild rabbits are affected
what zoonotic disease is characterized by sudden death or abortions in does?
what condition can be painful and may cause the animal to be reluctant to move? it can be prevented by using solid-bottom cages and regular cage cleaning
malocclusion is a common finding in what domestic breed of rabbits?
new zealand
head tilts in rabbits can commonly be called
wry neck
polycystic disease can affect male hamsters in what location?
liver and seminal vesicles
pregnancy toxemia often occurs in sows that are ____
stressed, overweight, and fasted
what disease is known to lead to intussuception in hamsters?
proliferative ileitis
a guinea pigs presents with patches of alopecia on the face, ears, and nose. These lesions appear to be highly pruritic. What is the likely causative agent?
trichophyton mentagraphytes
what disease can affect hamsters bc of the overgrowth of Clostridium difficile caused by the destruction of beneficial intestinal bacteria
Antibiotic-associated enterocolitis
chronic interstitial nephritis can be seen in guinea pigs that are also suffering from what disease?
what is associated with protein droplets being depositied in the glomeruli of teh kidney and eventrual kideny failure in hamsters?
spontaneous disease is a common problem in hamsters and gerbils
what bacterial disease sometimes called wet tail is the most common infectious disease of hamsters?
proliferative ileitis
fractures of the ____ are the most common fractures of guinea pigs. they most commonly occur after the animal has been dropped
hamsters should be fed a seed based diet like muesli
what is a common clinical sign of cardiomyopathy in hamsters?
sudden death
what bacterial disease in cavies includes clinical signs of enlargement and abscessation of the head and lymph nodes?
cervical lymphadenitis
what disease is zoonotic to the human caretakers of hamsters and/or gerbils?
lymphocytic choriomeningitis
A guinea pig presents to your clinic with hind limb lameness. PE findings include obesity, plantar thinning, and mild ulceration. These findings are indicative of what disease?
hamsters are sensitive to deficiencies of what vitamins?
what condition is common in young gerbils that are under stress and often called stress-induced chromodacryorrhea
nasal dermattis
what is the most common cause of death in older hamsters and has been documented in as many as 85% of hamsters over 18 months
what disease is characterized by nasal dermatitis and alopecia around the upper lip and external nares?
red nose
these unique behaviors of hamsters can make detecting the early signs of illness difficult
nocturnal and hibernation
what is the causative agent for tyzzers disease?
Clostridium piliforme
gastrointestinal parasites are typically cause diarrhea in guinea pigs
what anitbiotic is directly toxic to guinea pigs and should never be administered?
treatment is often unsuccessful, and rarely tried in what disease in hamsters?
hamster parvovirus
what antimicrobial is known to cause antibiotic-associated entercolitis in hamsters and gerbils?
trauma from fighting is more commonly seen in _____
what is a likely cause for tyzzer’s disease in hamsters and gerbils?
poor husbandry and overcrowding
the causative agent for tyzzers disease is a spore forming bacterium that is difficult to eradicate
what is the most common tumor found in guinea pigs?
mammary tumors
proliferative ileitis can often cause death within 48 hours in affected hamsters
a guinea pig presents to your clinic for anorexia, spontaneous bleeding from the gums and has swollen joints. What disease does it have?
what disease is often called “red nose”
nasal dermatitis
teddy bear breeds of hamsters seem to be more sensitive to antimicrobials than other hamster breeds
what viral disease of hamsters is characterized by a high mortality rate in weanlings?
hamster parvovirus
you have a hamster present to your clinic that is suffering from alopecia around the muzzle and eyes. He is the newest hamster to the colony at the owners house; what is most likely the condition?
what can be seen if a hamster is suffering from a deficiency of vitamin E
muscular dystrophy
a hamster presents to the clinic with the following symptoms: diarrhea, matting around the tail, lethargy, and a hunched abdomen. What disease is most likely the cause?
wet tail
if commercial hamster/gerbil diet cannot be found in the pet store, what food can be offered instead?
rat/mouse chow
what is the most common cause of “lumps” in guinea pigs?
eating coarse hay
what disease in hamsters is known to cause a domed cranium, testicular atrophy, and incisor abnormalities?
hamster parvovirus
thiamine deficiency in reptiles is a nutritionally based deficiency and is easily corrected
upon examination a bearded dragon is found to have a pliable mandible. What disease is monst likley the reason for this finding?
metabolic bone disease
a gecko is presented with swollen joints and is extremely painful and lethargic. what can be the problem?
_____ in snakes typically occurs due to handling after meal consumption, where ____ is more frequently related to GI disease
regurgitation; vomiting
thermal burns can be a common problem of captive reptiles. These burns can range in severity and size, and are most commonly located on the dorsal aspect of teh body
new additions should be quarantined for a minimum of ___ days before being added to your reptile collection
when treating tail autonomy, what suture pattern is recommended for skin closure?
sutures are not recommended
what is treatments for dystocia in reptiles?
percutaneous ovocentesis, physical manipulation, and oxytocin
MBD can occur due to long term deficiency of what in the diet in reptiles?
calcium and vitamin D
snakes are less prone to striking if their vison is imparied since they have excellent since of smell
what do snakes have instead of eyelids?
what means an abnormal curvature of the spine?
what is the correct term given to difficult or incomplete shedding
infectious stomatitis is usually secondary to stress, trauma, or husbandry problems
fractures are caused by trauma may take up to ___ to fully heal in reptiles
2 years
snakes that have been fed live mice their entire life should not be switched to frozen
Hypovitaminosis A is a dietary management issue. What foods can be give to captive reptiles to ensure they get appropriate amounts of vitamin A
kale, carrots, and dandelion leaves
“mouth rot” is also known as
infectious stomatitis
a gecko is having difficulty shedding its skin. what husbandry concern could be the reason?
temp and humidity lvls
what is the most common cuase for oral or rostral trauma in reptiles?
constant rubbing of the face against the side of their enclosure
turtle shells have the ability to heal
spectacles of snakes become more turbid
prior to shedding
what species of reptiles is most likley to have oral or facial trauma
what antibiotic can cause toxic neuropathy in lizards?
what are clincial signs of metabolic bone disease in reptiles?
tremors, lethargy, rubber jaw, and osteomalacia
what types of urinary calculi is most commonly seen in lizards?
ammonium urate
what is a cause for urinary calculi in turtles?
excessive dietary protein, dietary calcium, feeding of oxalates, and bacterial infections
what disorder can be caused by feeding a tortoise a diet high in iceburg lettuce and cucumbers?
hypovitaminosis a
a lizard has a thermal burn from a faulty heat lamp. the skin of the would is completely destroyed but the underlying muscles are not involved. what degree burn is this?
3rd degree
what type of mouse is described as being just old enough to being growing fur? they range from 3-7 gs