Med-surg Flashcards
What type of IV fluid is this?
- Indication: Tmnt of vascular system fluid deficit
- Characteristics: Concentrstion equal to plasma. Prevent fluid shift between comartments
- Solutions: NS, LR, D5W
What type of IV fluid is this?
- Indication: Tmnt of intracellular dehydration
- Characteristics: Lower osmolality than ECF. Shifts fluid from ECF to ICF
- Solutions: 1/2 NS, 1/2D5 W/ 1/2 NS
What type of IV fluid is this?
- Indication: Only used when serum osmolality is critically low.
- Characteristics: Osmolality is higher than ECF. Shifts fluid from ECF to ICF.
- Solutions: D10W, D50W, D5NS, D51/2NS, D5LR
The following are examples of what type of solution?
- NS
- LR
- D5W
The following are examples of what type of solution?
- 1/2 NS
- D1/2 W/ 1/2 NS
The following are examples of what type of solution?
- D10W
- D50W
- D5NS
- D5 1/2 NS
- D5LR
Recommended OP per hr
0.5 kg/mL/hr
All of the following are risk factors for what?
- diarrhea
- fever
- hypoxia
- starvation
- seizure
- OD of salicylates or ethanol
- Renal failure DKA Dehydration
Metabolic acidosis
All of the following are risk factors for what?
- Ingestion of antacids
- GI Suction
- Hypokalemia
- Blood amin
- Prolonged vomiting
Metabolic Acidosis
All of the following are risk factors for what?
- Respiratpry depression
- Airway obstruction
- Pneumothorax inadequate ventilation
Respiratory Acidosis
All of the following are risk factors for what?
- Hyperventilation
- Hypoxemia
- Altitude sickness
- Asphixiation
- Asthma
Respiratory Alkalosis
All of the following are S/S of what?
- Bradycardia
- Weak pulses
- Tachypnea
- hypotension
- Flacid paralysis
- Confusion
- Hyporeflexia
- Lethargy
- Warm, flushed, dry skin
- Kussmaul respirations
Metabolic acidosis
All of the following are S/S of what?
- Dizziness
- Parenthesia
- Hypertonic muscles
- Decreased Respirations
Metabolic Alkalosis
All of the following are S/S of what?
- Dizziness
- Palpitations
- Muscle twitching
- Convulsions
Respiratory Acidosis
All of the following are S/S of what?
- Tachypnea
- Anxiety
- Tetany
- Parenthesia
- Palpitations
- Chest pain
Respiratory alkalosis
Nursing interventions for Metabolic acidosis
- Treat underlying cause
- Admin F&E
Nursing interventions for Metabolic Alkalosis
- Treat underlying cause
- Admin F&E
Nursing interventions for respiratory acidosis
- Maintain patent airway
- Reversal agent for narcotics
- Regulation ventilation therapy
- Bronchodialators
- Mucolytics
Nursing interventions for Respiratory Alkalosis
- Regulate O2 Therapy
- Reduce anxiety
- Rebreathing technique
All of the following indicate what?
- Tachycardia
- Tachypnea
- Restlessness
- Pale skin mucous membranes
- Elevated BP
- Use of acessory muscles
- Nasal flaring
- adventitious lung sounds
Early Hypoxia
All of the following indicate what?
- Bradypnea
- Bradycardia
- Confusion
- Stupor
- Cyanoic skin & mucous membranes
- Hypotension
- Cardiac dysrhythmias
Late Hypoxia
What could a low pressure alarm on a ventilator indicate?
- Need for suctioning
- Tube disconnetion
- Cuff leak
- Tube dislodgement
What could a high pressure alarm on a ventilator indicate?
- Need for suctioning
- Kinking of tube
- pulmonary edema
- pt coughing or biting the tube
What does an apnea alarm indicate on a ventilator?
No spontaneous breathing within a preset time period
Diet for a patient with cirrhosis
- High calorie
- Low protein
- Low fat
- Low Na
- Limited fluid intake
What type of HIV is this?
* Fecal-oral
* Person to person
* Food/water
* Contamination
* MIld flu like syptoms
* Advanced S/S in old age & chronic disease
* Handwashing
* Vaccine for 2 and up; 2 doses 6 - 18 months apart
Hep A
What type of HIV is this?
* Unprotected sex
* Sharing needles
* Needle sticks
* Could be asymptomatic
* RUQ pain
* Anorexia
* N/V
* Fatigue
* Febrile
* Dark Urine
* Light colored stool
* Jaundice
* Vaccines ofr infants and high risk populations; 3 doses over a 6 month period
Hep B
What type of HIV is this?
* Blood to blood
* IV drug sharing
* Unprotected sex
* Most are asymptomatic
* dx w/ blood test
* chronic inflammation progresses to cirrhosis
* Avoid High risk behaviors
Hep C
Tmnt for Hep A
- Symptom specific
- May have change in medication regimen to rest liver
Tmnt for Hep B & C
- Antiviral drugs
- Admin peginterferon alfa 2B
- Monitor Kidney function
- Sharp RUQ, epigastric, or shoulder pain
- N/V after digestion of high-fat foods
- Positive Murphys sign
- Dark urine
- Clay colored stool
Galbladder disesae
Cholecystitis, Cholelithiasis