Radiation is transmitted through
waves and particles
List radiation types
electromagnetic, acoustic, particulate, gravitational
List wave features
amplitude, frequency, wavelength, period
Explain amplitude
max strength of wave
Increase amplitude =
increase intensity
Explain frequency
number cycles per second (Hz) - number of times going up / down
Increase frequency =
increase intensity
Explain wavelength
distance between 2 same wave points
Shorter wavelength =
increase intensity, higher energy
Explain period
how long each wave cycle takes
Charges have an ________ field around them
Moving charges create a _________ field
Disturbance in a charge creates ____________ waves
Explain “electric and magnetic fields are perpendicular to the direction of energy”
electric and magnetic fields travel horizontally and vertically down the wave at at 90 degree angle
Photons are the quantum form of ___________
EMR (electromagnetic radiation)
What properties do low E EMR have?
wave like properties
What properties do high E EMR have?
particle like properties
Explain purple / blue end of the EMR spectrum
High E, High frequency, shorter wavelength
Explain red end of the EMR spectrum
low E, low frequency, longer wavelength
EMR travels at?
speed of light in a vacuum
waves and C (speed of light) formula
C = f x wavelength
Energy formula
E = h x f
Most of the x-ray beam is high or low E photons?
low E photons
Two processes that create xrays
characteristic and brems radiation
characteristic radiation process
electron hits inner shell electron, knock it out of orbit, outer shell electron drops into vacancy (usually L), releases E in form of x-ray photon
characteristic radiation only affected by what?
atomic number
brems produces mostly ________ photons
low energy
Photons produce what?
Energy travels as _________ waves
Electric and magnetic fields are _________ to the direction of energy
perpendicular (90)
What does ionize have the ability to do?
remove electrons from atoms (ex. CS and PE, gamma, x-ray) - creates ions
Why is coherent scatter non-ionizing?
because it doesn’t have enough energy to remove electrons from atoms - it’s LOW E
What is wave like particle duality
waves can exhibit particle-like properties while particles can exhibit wave-like properties
c = __ x ___ ^ m/s
c = 3 x 10^8 m/s
Order of colours in EMR
purple, blue, green, yellow, orange, red
List wavelike interactions:
reflection, refraction, diffraction, interference
Explain reflection
Bounces off surface, changes direction (not absorbed)
Explain refraction
Change in direction from speed (ex. straw bending in water)
Explain diffraction
wave bends around boarders to create pattern
Explain interference
Waves add together (constructive) OR cancel out (destructive)
Do x-rays diffract?
yes (atomic planes of a crystal cause an incident beam of X-rays to interfere with one another)
Define quantum and example
smallest unit of something (photon = x-rays)
What occurs during excitation?
excites electron to higher E level, no charge change - non ionizing
Are high or low energy photons more harmful?
low, because high E photons are more likely to penetrate
Explain beam spectra features: max E
highest energy possible (furthest right), depends on kvp
Explain beam spectra features: low E
lowest energy possible (furthest left), filtration (filters out low E), mostly produced by brems
Explain beam spectra features: avg E (effective beam E)
affected by waveform, atomic number, filtration - 1/3-1/2 of peak - tallest peak
Explain beam spectra features: line spectra
depends on atomic number, contsant E level, shouldn’t move until atomic number changes - fixed E
In a graph for beam/emission spectra look for changes in:
height, avg E, line spectrum, max / min
Explain emission spectra changes involving: kvp
shift on the “x” axis of graph - increase in kvp causes increased photons / max E / avg E
Explain emission spectra changes involving: ripple
Avg E / height change - decreased ripple causes increased photons / avg E (low ripple has MORE energy = higher height). Shifts left (increased ripple = decreased photons)
Explain emission spectra changes involving: filtration
increased filtration causes decreased photons, increased avg E (shifts to the right)
Explain emission spectra changes involving: mA
affects curve height (change will occur in the same spot - no shift), increase mA causes increased photons (equal increase)
Explain emission spectra changes involving: atomic number
line spectrum (char): increased Z causes increased photons / avg E. Brems: avg E to the right as atomic number increases
Max E on a spectra graph only moves on x axis if what changes?
What does filtration help with?
improving image quality by decreasing low E photons
Avg E of 100 kev
100 / 2 and 100 / 3 = 33 to 50
Larger area under graph =
larger intensity
K BE and L BE tungsten
69 and 12
What percent of beam is characteristic radiation?
Electron must have at least ______ to dislodge in char rad
Anything less than 69 =
no char rad
Characteristic radiation only exist at ________ levels
certain energy
K - shell BE is high or low E?
high E
How many possibilities with char rad?
Brems is _____ of the beam
What percent becomes xrays and heat?
x-rays = 1%, heat = 99%
What do electrons do?
orbit around the nucleus
Define binding energies
E required to remove an electron from atom
AEC location in mammo and why?
After IR ; allows decreased OID with breast
What decreases anode heel effect in mammo?
tube tilt - allows for maintained CR + SR
Mixed target and filter in mammo is what kind of radiation?
brems rad
same target and filter in mammo is what kind of radiation?
char rad
Why do we use molybdenum in mammo?
low atomic number, spike at 17-19 kev
Energy molybdenum and rhodium?
Mo = 17-19 kev and Ro = 20-23 kev
Grounded metal tube used in mammo prevents?
off focus radiation
Most of mammo beam is?
char rad
SR factors in mammo
compression, small FS, AEC location (after), IR (direct), grounded metal tube (decrease off focus rad), OID
CR factors in mammo
Compression, beam E, grid, tube orientation (Chest-cathode, BT-anode), tube tilt
Magnification mode factors in mammo
No grid (uses air gap technique), done to look at a. certain area - middle is sharper, uses increased OID and small FS - increased SR (pixels) / CR (photons)
Increase or decrease PT dose mammo: compression
decrease (compression decreases thickness so less penetration / kvp needed)
Increase or decrease PT dose mammo: Beam E