Measuring health Flashcards
wk 4
What is the purpose of descriptive studies?
generates a hypothesis but can’t confirm it
what are the three types of descriptive studies?
Case studies, case series and cross-sectional survey
What is the purpose of case study?
Understanding the report of ONE patient (them and the disease) to generate a hypothesis about expsoure and disease relationship
What is the structure of a case study?
Examine one patient aksing questions about life, background, exposure and disease.
what is the purpose of case series?
To describe the common features and generate a hypothesis about exposure.
What is the structure of case series?
Small collection of cases with common characteristics
What is the purpose of cross sectional studies?
assess the status of the disease or a population at the same point in time.
Can’t show case and effect as snapshot at the same time.
What is an example of a cross sectional study?
5000 Aus Post employees asked about their weight and PA at the same time.
What are observational studies?
researcher does not alter what occurs
What is the result of observational studies?
reflects what happens in real life but is subject to bias
what are interventional studies?
research changes something and then obsevres the result. Exposure and then watch ouctome
What is the result of interventional study?
less bias but is less refelctive of real life.
What is the purpose of analytical studies?
attempts to qualify relationship between factors
what are the types of analytical studies?
Case Cohort, case control and randomised controlled trail
What type of study is RCT part of?
Prospective cohort
Is the disease present in case-control studies?
yes - have disease first and then try to find exposure
Is the disease present in cohort studies?
no- have exposure and then try to determine what the disease will be
What is the outcome and study factor of case-control studies
O= expsore SF= Disease
What is the outcome and the study factors of cohort studies?
O= disease SF= exposure
What is an example of a case-control study?
1952 study of 700 M and W with lung cancer and 700 without. looked at smoking history and other information.
What are case-control study always?
retrospective (looks back)