Measures of Personality Flashcards
Personality tests measure emotional, social, and personal traits and behaviors and are categorized as either _______________ or _______________.
- Structured
- Projective
Structured Personality Test Construction - __________________: Test items are derived on the basis of reason and deductive logic, which may or may not be guided by a theory of personality (e.g., Edwards Personal Preference Schedule).
Logical Content Method.
Structured Personality Test Construction - __________________: Items are chosen to measure the construct(s) identified by a specific personality theory, and construct validation procedures are used to ensure that the test is consistent with the theory (e.g., Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, derived from Jung’s personality theory).
Theoretical Method.
Structured Personality Test Construction - __________________: Proposed test items are administered to appropriate criterion groups, and items that distinguish between groups are included in the test (e.g., MMPI original clinical scales, Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory).
Empirical Criterion Keying.
Structured Personality Test Construction - __________________: This entails administering a large pool of items to a group of examinees, factor analyzing the intercorrelations of items to identify underlying factors (traits), assigning labels to the identified factors, and including items in the test so that each factor is adequately assessed (e.g., Cattell’s Sixteen Peronality Factor Questionnaire, the NEO Peronality Inventory).
Factor Analysis.
MMPI Scale 1 - ________________________: Preoccupation with physical symptoms.
Hypochondriasis (Hs).
MMPI Scale 2 - ________________________: Depression, hopelessness, dissatisfaction with self.
Depression (D).
MMPI Scale 3 - ________________________: Repression, denial, immaturity, somatic complaints.
Hysteria (Hy).
MMPI Scale 4 - ________________________: Antisocial behaviors, rebelliousness, social alienation.
Psychopathic Deviate (Pd).
MMPI Scale 5 - ________________________: Stereotypic masculine or feminine interests.
Masculinity-Femininity (Mf).
MMPI Scale 6 - ________________________: Paranoia, cynicism, interpersonal sensitivity.
Paranoia (Pa).
MMPI Scale 7 - ________________________: Anxiety, obsessions, compulsions.
Psychasthenia (Pt).
MMPI Scale 8 - ________________________: Psychosis, unusual thought processes, social alienation.
Schizophrenia (Sc).
MMPI Scale 9 - ________________________: Unstable mood, impulsivity, grandiosity, flight of ideas.
Hypomania (Ma).
MMPI Scale 0 - ________________________: Shyness, social withdrawal/avoidance.
Social Introversion (Si).
The MMPI-2 (published 1989) is for individuals aged ___ and older, and requires a reading level of between ___ and ___ grade.
- 18
- 5th and 8th
MMPI Validity Scale - _________________________:
- A high score indicates the examinee’s attempt to present him/herself in a favorable light or the examinee’s lack of insight into his/her own motivation, and is associated with a reduced ability to benefit from psychotherapy.
- A low score suggests frankness in responding, exaggeration of negative characteristics, or independence.
L (Lie).
MMPI Validity Scale - _________________________:
- A high score indicates that the examinee has responded in a deviant or atypical manner and suggest an attempt to “fake bad,” deliberate malingering, gross eccentricity, significant pathology, random responding, or responding to all items as either true or false.
- A low score may indicate an attempt to “fake good,” a tendency toward social conformity, denial of problems, or an absence of significant psychopathology.
- A T-score of 100 or higher suggests and invalid profile.
F (Frequency).
MMPI Validity Scale - _________________________:
- A high score indicates a high degree of defensiveness or denial, a desire to “fake good,” or responding “false” to all itmes and is associated with resistance and poor treatment prognosis.
- A very low score suggests excessive frankness, self-criticism, or a desire to “fake bad.”
- This scale is considered to be a “suppressor variable,” since scores correlate with defensiveness, education level, and SES, which are unrelated to what is measured by the clinical scales but impact scores on those scales.
K (Correction).
MMPI Validity Scale - _________________________:
- A high score suggests reading difficulties, indecisiveness, distractibility, rebelliousness, or defensiveness.
- Thirty or more items may indicate an invalid profile.
Cannot Say (?).
MMPI Validity Scale - _________________________: This scale is used to identify an attempt to “fake bad” on the last 197 items of the test and is interpreted similarly to the F scale.
F Back (Fb).
MMPI Validity Scale - _________________________:
- This scale is a measure of consistency in responding and consists of paired items that would be expected to be answered in the same direction.
- An elevated score (T = 80+) suggests an invalid profile.
Variable Response Inconsistency (VRIN).
MMPI Validity Scale - _________________________:
- This scale consists of paired items that are the oposite of each other.
- It provides an additional measure of consistency in responding and is interpreted in the same way as the VRIN Scale.
True Response Inconsistency (TRIN).
MMPI Validity Scale - _________________________:
- This scale consists of items that were infrequently endorsed by psychiatric patients.
- A high score indicates an attempt to “fake bad” even if the examinee is a psychiatric patient.
Infrequency-Pathology (Fp).
The _____________________________ is the most recent revision of the MMPI; its 338 items were derived from the MMPI-2 item pool. It is an alternative (not a replacement) for the MMPI-2, and provides scores on nine restructured clinical (RC) scales, eight validity scales, and a number of additional scales.
Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2-Restructured Form.
On the MMPI-2, raw scores on each scale are converted to T-scores that have a mean of ___ and standard deviation of ___; a T-score of ___ or higher is considered clinically significant.
- 50
- 10
- 65
When scores on the ___, ___, and ___ scales assume a V-shaped pattern, this suggests an attemt to “fake good,” and has been a common pattern for child custody litigants - esp. those exhibiting “parental alienation syndrome.”
L, F, and K.
An extremely elevated ___ scale score with a high value on the _____ index (+9) suggests an attempt to “fake bad” and has been linked to malingering.
- F
- F-K
Malingering is also suggested when __ and __ Scale scores are around 50, the __ Scale is slightly elevated, and the clinical score profile is “__________________.”
- L and K
- F
- “Saw-toothed”
A very elevated ___ Scale score and high scores (T > 65) on most clinical scales suggests random responding.
When an examinee answers “________” to all items, L and K scale scores are below 50 and the F scale score and clinical scale scores on the right side of the profile (6-9) are very elevated. When an examinee answers “__________” to all items, scores on all three validity scales and clinical scale scores on the left side of the profile (1-5) are elevated.
- True
- False
MMPI-2 Codetype ___/___: Depression, worry, pessimism, hypochondriasis.
MMPI-2 Codetype ___/___: Apathy, depression, anxiety, psychosomatic complaints, immaturity.
MMPI-2 Codetype ___/___: Depression, hopelessness, extreme sensitivity to criticism, paranoia.
MMPI-2 Codetype ___/___: Agitated depression, bipolar disorder, psychosomatic complaints.
MMPI-2 Codetype ___/___: Passive-aggressive, anger, poor insight, poor impulse control.
MMPI-2 Codetype ___/___: Hostile, distrustful, resentful, immature, manipulative.
MMPI-2 Codetype ___/___: Impulsive, narcissistic, antisocial behavior, substance abuse.
MMPI-2 Codetype ___/___: Psychosis, significant emotional turmoil, poor social adjustment.
MMPI-2 Codetype ___/___: Egocentrism, grandiosity.
The “Neurotic Triad” (a.k.a. the “________________”) involves elevation of scales ___ and ___, significantly higher than scale ___. It is associated with somatization of psychological problems, lack of insight, and chronic pain that has an organic basis.
- “Conversion V”
- 1 and 3
- 2
The “Paranoid Valley” (a.k.a. “________________”) is evidenced by elevations of scales ___ and ___ substantially higher than scale ___, and is associated with delusions, hallucinations, and disordered thought.
- “Psychotic V”
- 6 and 8
- 7
The __________________ (EPPS) is:
- Based on Murray’s personality theory, which distinguishes between 15 basic needs
- Contains 225 items
- Is forced-choice formatted, which helps control socially-desirable responding
- Yields ipsative scores, which permit a comparison of the relative strengths of the 15 needs within an individual examinee, but not the absolute strengths
Edwards Personal Preference Schedule.
Cattell’s ________________________________ (16 PF) was constructed on the basis of factor analysis, which identified 16 primary personality traits (e.g., reserved vs. warm-hearted, trusting vs. suspicious).
Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire.
The _________________________ (NEO-PI-3) and its predecessors were developed by Costa and McCrae (1985) to assess the Big Five personality traits (extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, neuroticism, and opennes to experience).
NEO Personality Inventory-3.
The ______________________ (MBTI) is based on the work of Carl Jung and describes personality in terms of four bipolar dimensions:
- (I, E) ________________/________________
- (S, N) _______________/________________
- (T, F) _______________/_________________
- (J, P) _______________/_________________
- Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
- Introversion/Extraversion
- Sensing/Intuition
- Thinking/Feeling
- Judging/Perceiving
The _______________________ (MCMI-III) is used to assist in diagnosing DSM Axis I and Axis II disorders, is appropriate for individuals ages 18 and older (the ___________________ [MACI] is for examinees ages 13:0 to 19:11).
- Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory-III
- Millon Adolescent Clinical Inventory
_______________ personality tests share the following characteristics:
- Their use is based on the assumption that ambiguous and unstructured stimuli can elicit meaningful information about an examinee’s personality and underlying conflicts (referred to as the ___________________)
- They are generally less susceptible than structured tests to “faking” and response sets
- They tend to reveal more unconscious, global aspects of one’s personality
- Projective
- Projective hypothesis
The Rorschach Inkblot Test can be administered to people ages ___ and older.
The administration of the Rorschach involves two phases: the ____________________ phase and the ____________ phase.
- Free association
- Inquiry
Development of the _________________________ (TAT) was based on Henry Murray’s Theory of Needs; the examinee is asked to make up a story about each picture and to include info. about what is happening in the picture, what led up to that situation, how the people feel, and how the story ends.
Thematic Apperception Test.