Clinical Assessment Flashcards
The Halstead-Reitan and Luria-Nebraska are two of the most commonly used _______________________ batteries.
The ______________________ is used to detect the presence of brain damage and determine its severity and possible location in individuals ages 15 and older.
Halstead-Reitan Neuropsychological Battery (H-R).
Interpretation of an examinee’s performance on the H-R involves considering performance on the individual tests as well as overall performance, which is summarized by calculating the _________________________ (HII), which ranges in value from 0 to 1.0, with a score of ___ to ___ suggesting normal functioning, ___ to ___ mild impairment, ___ to ___ moderate impairment, and ___ to ___ severe impairment.
- Halstead Impairment Index (HII)
- 0 to 0.2
- 0.3 to 0.4
- 0.5 to 0.7
- 0.8 to 1.0
The ___________________________ contains 269 items grouped into 11 content scales that assess various aspects of neuropsychological functioning. The raw score for each test item ranges from 0 to 2, with ___ suggesting normal functioning and ___ indicating brain injury. Version available for ages 8-12, and 13+.
- Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery (LNNB)
- 0
- 2
Compared to the ____________________, the _____________________ takes less time to administer, is more standardized in terms of content/administration/scoring, provides more complete coverage of neurological deficits, and provides more precise identification of brain damage.
- Halstead-Reitan Neuropsychological Battery
- Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery
The _________________________ is a brief measure of visual-motor integration for individuals ages 3+ and is used as a measure of visual-motor development and screening tool for neuropsychological impairment.
Bender Visual-Motor Gestalt Test (Bender-Gestalt II).
The Bender-Gestalt II consists of 16 stimulus cards containing geometric figures. During the ___________, the examinee is shown each design and asked to replicate it; during the _____________, the examinee is asked to draw as many of the designs as possible from memory.
- Copy phase
- Recall phase
The ________________________ (BVRT) is used to assess visual memory, visual perception, and visual-motor skills for the purpose of identifying brain damage in individuals age 8 and older. The test consists of 10 cards that contain one or more simple geometric figures which the examinee is required to reproduce from memory.
Benton Visual Retention Test (BVRT).
The ___________________ (Beery VMI) is used to assess the visual-motor integration skills of individuals ages 2 and older to identify deficits that are associated with neurological impairments or might lead to learning and behavior problems.
Beery-Buktenica Developmental Test of Visual-Motor Integration (Beery VMI).
The _________________________ (WCST) is for individuals ages 6:6 to 80:11 and is used to assess the ability to form abstract concepts and shift cognitive strategies in response to feedback. It is sensitive to frontal lobe damage, and impaired performance has been linked to alcoholism, autism, schizophrenia, depression, and malingering.
Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST).
The __________________________ assesses the degree to which an examinee can suppress a prepotent (habitual) response in favor of an unusal one and measures cognitive flexibility, selective attention, and response inhibition. This test is sensitive to frontal lobe damage, and poor performance has been associated with ADHD, mania, depression, and schizophrenia.
Stroop Color-Word Association Test.
The ____________________ is a variation of the Tower of Hanoi puzzle and measures attention, memory, and executive functioning. Poor performance has been linked to frontal lobe damage, ADHD, autism, and depression.
Tower of London.
The ____________________________ (WMS-IV) is a measure of memory for older adolescents and adults and consists of six primary subtests that measure various aspects of memory as well as an optional Brief Cognitive Status subtest that can be used as a screening test for cognitive impairment. The test manual includes information on test results for members of specific groups, including individuals with Alzheimer’s dementia, TBI, and schizophrenia.
Wechsler Memory Scale-IV (WMS-IV).
The _________________ was developed as a screening test for cognitive impairment for older adults. Its items assess 6 aspects of cognitive functioning: orientation, registration (immediate recall), attention and calculation, delayed recall, language, and visual construction. Max score = 30; 23 or 24 is a cutoff for cognitive impairment. It was revised in 2010; there are standard, brief, and expanded versions.
Mini Mental State Exam (MMSE).
The _______________________ is used to assess level of consciousness following brain injury and involves rating the patient in terms of 3 responses; a visual response (eye opening), best motor response, and best verbal response. Lower scores indicate more severe injury; 3-8 (on a scale of 15) indicate an unconscious state.
Glasgow Coma Scale.
The ______________________________ was developed at the Rancho Los Amigos National Rehabilitation Center in CA as a measure of cognitive recovery during the first weeks to months following a head injury.
Rancho Scale of Cognitive Functioning Revised.
The best-known and most widely used measure of depression is the _______________________. It consists of 21 items that address the mood, cognitive, behavioral, and physical aspects of depression and requires the examinee to rate each item in terms of severity, on a 4-point scale ranging from 0-3. 29+ = severe depression.
Beck Depression Inventory-II (BDI-II).
With respect to diagnosising ADHD, ____________________ scales (the Behavioral Assessment System for Children, 2nd Edition [BASC-2], the Child Behavior Checklist [CBCL], and the Conners Third Edition [Conners 3]) help distinguish ADHD from other disorders. __________________ scales (e.g., ADHD Rating Scale IV, Attention Deficit Disorders Evaluation Scales [ADDES-III]) are then used to obtain detailed information on the individual’s symptoms to confirm the diagnosis and facilitate treatment planning and evaluation.
- Broad-band
- Narrow-band
The ________________________ (IDEA) began as PL94-142 (Education Handicapped Act), and has since been revised several times. It requires:
- All disabled people from infancy to ___ must be evaluated by a team of specialists to deteremine their specific needs
- An ________________________ (IEP) must be developed for each disabled child enrolled in the public education system that provides education for the student in the “least restrictive environment” and that has been approved by the child’s parents
- Assignment to special education classes cannot be made on the basis of IQ tests only
- Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
- 21
- Individualized Educational Program
The 1979 case of _______________________, which was brought by the plaintiffs on behalf of African American children who were overrepresented in the special education classes in San Francisco. The judge handed down the opinion that IQ tests are biased and have a discriminatory impact on African American children.
Larry P. v. Riles.
The ____________________________ is used to evaluate personal and social skills of children and adults with Mental Retardation, Autism Spectrum Disorders, ADHD, brain injury, or dementia and to assist in the development of educational and treatment plans. Appropriate from birth to age ___. Provides an Adaptive Behavior Composite score, scores for 3 domains of adaptive functioning (Communication, Daily Living Skills, and Socialization) and scores on a Motor Skills Domain and optional Maladaptive Behavior Index.
Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales, Second Edition (Vineland-II).
The _________________________ assess adaptive functioning in five areas:
- Personal self-sufficiency
- Community self-sufficiency
- Personal-social responsibility
- Social adjustment
- Personal adjustment
There is one edition for individuals age 3;0-18:11, and one for those ages 18:0 and older.
AAMR Adaptive Behavior Scales.