Measures of Ability, Aptitude, and Interest Flashcards
________________ assessments are directly linked to what examinees have learned in the classroom or other controlled setting and include curriculum-based measurement and performance-based assessment.
_______________________ (CBM) involves periodic assessment of school-aged children with brief standardized and validated measures of basic academic skills that reflect the current school curriculum for the purposes of evaluating instructional effectiveness and making instructional decisions.
Curriculum-based measurement.
________________________ (PBA) is considered the “centerpiece” of Goals 2000, which was proposed by the Clinton administration. It is also known as authentic assessment and involves “observing and judging a pupil’s skill in actually carrying out a physical activity or producing a product.”
Performance-based assessment.
Tests for Identifying Learning Disabilities: __________________________ (ITPA-3): This test is appropriate for individuals ages 5:0 to 12:11, was developed based on Osgood’s communication model, was designed to evaluate a child’s strength’s and weaknesses in terms of linguistic abilities, assist in the diagnosis of dyslexia and problems related to phonological coding, and track a child’s progress.
Illinois Test of Psycholinguistic Abilities, Third Edition.
Tests for Identifying Learning Disabilities - __________________________ (WRAT4): This test was designed for individuals 5:0 to 94:11 as a rapid screening device for assessing the reading, spelling, and math skills needed for effective communication and learning. It is used to assist in the diagnosis of learning disabilities, identify appropriate instructional strategies, and monitor academic progress over time.
Wide Range Achievement Test, Revision 4.
Tests for Identifying Learning Disabilities - __________________________ (WIAT-III): This test is for individuals ages 4:0 through 50:11, assesses the 8 areas of achievement identified by IDEA legislation, and is useful in assisting to identify individualized education program (IEP) goals and intervention strategies.
Wechsler Individual Achievement Test, Third Edition.
The _________________________ (SAT) consists of two parts:
- The SAT Reasoning Test (SAT-I) is used to predict the college success of high school seniors to facilitate admissions and scholarship decisions (Critical Reading, Mathematical, Writing)
- The SAT Subject Tests (SAT-II) assess an examinee’s knowledge in 5 areas - English, History and Social Studies, Mathematics, Science, and Languages.
Scholastic Assessment Test.
Of the 3 tests on the SAT-I, SAT _____________ is the best predictor of first-year college GPA.
The _________________ (GRE) measures general scholastic abilities and is used in conjunction with grades, letters of recommendation, and other measures of academic achievement to evaluate an individual’s readiness for graduate-level work.
Graduate Record Exam.
_______________ tests have been traditionally defined as measures of innate capacity or potential for learning a specific skill, whereas ________________ tests have been considered measures of knowledge or behavior acquired in the classroom or other controlled setting.
- Aptitude
- Achievement
____________________ test batteries contain a number of tests or subtests that each measure a different aptitude; they are used most often for educational and vocational counseling of high school and college students and in selection and placement programs provided by state employment agencies and the armed services.
Multiple Aptitude.
A shortcoming of many multiple aptitude batteries is that they lack ______________ validity.
The _____________________ (DAT) include 5 tests that assess specific job-related abilities and three tests that evaluate broad intellectual abilities. They were designed for use with students in grades 7-12, but are also administered to adults for vocational counseling and employee selection.
Differential Aptitude Tests.
The ___________________ (GATB) was developed by the U.S. Employment Service to assess aptitudes relevant to a range of occupations for the purpose of vocational counseling and job placement for high school seniors and adults.
General Aptitude Test Battery.
The Purdue Pegboard and Crawford Small Parts Dexterity Tests are examples of _______________ Tests.
Psychomotor Aptitude.
On mechanical aptitude tests, _______________ generally excel on measures of manual dexterity and perceptual discrimination, while _____________ exhibit superiority on measures of mechanical reasoning and information. Measures include the Minnesota Paper Form Board and the Bennett Mechanical Comprehension Test.
- Women
- Men
_____________________ (SII): An interest inventory appropriate for age 15 and older, it provides information to help the examinee explore career options. It yields scores on the following scales:
- ____________________________ (GOT): Provides info. on Holland’s 6 occupational themes - Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising, Conventional.
- Basic Interest Scales (BIS)
- _______________________ (OS): Indicate the degree ot which the examinee’s interests are similar to those of satisfied workers of the same gender in 122 diverse occupations.
- Personal Styles Scales (PSS): e.g., Work Style, Leadership Style.
- _____________________: Provide info. on the types and consistency of responses made by an examinee.
- General Occupational Themes
- Occupational Scales
- Administrative Indices
The ________________________ (KPR-V) was the original version of the Kuder tests and provided info. on an examinee’s interests in 10 broad vocational interest areas.
Kuder Preference Record-Vocational.
The _______________________ (KOIS) is for high school juniors and seniors, college students, and adults; items selected for inclusion were those that distinguished between different occupational groups.
Kuder Occupational Interest Survey.
The KOIS provides scores on 4 scales:
- Occupational Scales
- ______________ Scales
- Vocational Interest Estimates (VIE’s)
- _________________ Indices
- College Major Scales
- Dependability Indices
The ___________________ (SDS) is based on Holland’s (1997) theory of career choice which emphasizes the importance of matching a person’s preferences to the characteristics of the job.
Self-Directed Search.
Holland’s 6 occupational themes are conceptualized on a hexagon: the closer the themes are positioned to one another, the closer they are considered to be:
(R) _____________________: Preferences are technical, physical, mechanical, and outdoor activities.
(I) _____________________: Preferences are scientific, mathematical, analytical, and scholarly activities.
(A) ____________________: Preferences are music, art, writing, drama, and other creative activities.
(S) ____________________: Preferences are activities that involve working with and helping others.
(E) ____________________: Preferences are activities that involve competition, management, sales, and public speaking.
(C) ____________________: Preferences are structured, unambiguous activities that involve organizing data, attending to detail, and following through on others’ instructions.
- Realistic
- Investigative
- Artistic
- Social
- Enterprising
- Conventional
On the SDS, ______________ is calculated from the degree of consistency between the examinee’s expressed interests (as indicated by the occupations identified by the examinee in the Daydreams Section) and the examinee’s Summary Code.
On the SDS, _______________ refers to the degree to which the examinee’s expressed interests belong to the same RIASEC categories.
On the SDS, ________________ is the similarity of the examinee’s two strongest measured interests (the first two letters of his/her Summary Code).
On the SDS, __________________ is the degree of distinctiveness of the examinee’s measured interests.
On the SDS, __________________ refers to the frequency with which the examinee’s Summary Code occurred in different normative groups.