Measurement (L1) Flashcards
How would you make sure your laser measurer is accurate?
I would check if it needed recalibrating by measuring a known distance.
How do you use a laser measurer?
Default of the measurer is to measure from the rear of the device. Press the bottom once to clear it and again to take the measurement.
What are the limitations of a laser measurement?
They can be distorted in sunlight and are not accurate on reflective surfaces
Why is measurement important?
It provides a tool for comparison and aids decision making.
How would you measure a site area?
Using Promap. For accuracy, I would ask an architect to overlay the sites Land Registry with the sites Promap.
What was the Wooburn Green sqft measurement?
How many hectares are in 1 acre?
approximately 0.4 hectares.
What is a reasonable assumption to make between the variances of GEA and GIA? and NIA
GIA is approximately 2-3% deduction from GEA. NIA approx. 15% deduction from GIA
What are the bases of measurement under the RICS Code of Measuring Practice 2015? And when would you use each?
GEA - Site coverage on planning applications and build cost estimates for houses.
GIA - Resi Valuations, estate agency and industrial agency
NIA - Office valuations, agency and property management service charges
Differences between GEA, GIA & NIA?
GEA = includes everything
GIA = everything to the internal perimeter of the external walls
NIA = the net usable area to the internal walls
What are commonly used scales?
1:50 Room Plan (+/- 10mm tolerance)
1:100 Building Plan (+/- 25mm tolerance)
1:200 Case Study Plan (+/- 50mm tolerance)
1:500 Site Plan
1:1250 LR Title Plan
1:2500 Location Plan
1:50000 Road Map
When would you refer to the RICS Code of Measuring Practice 2015?
It is still the best practice document for all measurement exercises except for OFFICE and RESIDENTIAL.
What is does IPMS say is mandatory for RICS members when measuring office and residential buildings?
1) Purpose of the measurement instruction
2) Date of the instruction
3) Date when measurements were undertaken
4) State measuring methodology adopted
5) State measurement standard
6) If IPMS not used state why
7) State reference and scale to any plans used
8) Floor area schedule with relevant areas cross-referenced to FP
9) unit of measurement and conversion factor
10) name or RICS member or firm responsible for the instruction
What has IPMS replaced from the Code of Measuring Practice for residential measurement? And how does it differ?
IPMS 1 - External. SIMILAR TO GEA. There are some exceptions such as balconies. In IPMS these are included but stated separately. In GEA they are excluded.
IPMS 2 - Interior area. Measurements are to the IDF and include all internal walls/ columns. SIMILAR TO GIA. But in IMPS the area occupied by the window when assessed at the IDF is included and COMP it is not.
IPMS 3 - Floor area to an exclusive occupier. Split into 3A, 3B and 3C:
3A = Exclusive Occupation External - measurement to the outer face of the external wall and the centre-line of shared walls. Similar to IMPS 1.
3B = Exclusive Occupation Internal - measurement of the area in occupation INCLUDING internal walls and measured to the IDF. Similar to IPMS 2.
What is meant by the Finished Surface in IMPS?
The wall surface directly above the horizontal wall-floor junction, ignoring skirting boards, cable trunking, heating and cooling units, and pipework.
What is meant by Internal Dominant Face in IPMS?
The internal finish comprising more than 50% of the floor to ceiling height. If such does not occur, the Finished Surface is deemed to be the IDF
Difference between IPMS 3 and NIA?
Areas occupied by windows are included if assessed as the IDF in IPMS.
For floors with multiple occupancies, the area is measured to the midpoint of the internal partition wall in IPMS.
Columns are included with IPMS 3
Areas less than 1.5m in height are included in IPMS.
Basements are included with IPMS.
External balconies are included but stated separately in IPMS.
What trumps what, IPMS or RICS Code of Measuring Practice? And how do they differ?
IMPS has replaced Code of Measuring practice for offices and resi. However, members are encouraged to report on a dual basis.
Main difference is the replacement of GEA, GIA and NIA with IPMS 1, IPMS 2, IPMS 3 and IPMS 4.
What use classes is IPMS mandatory for?
Offices and resi, UNLESS your client provides written instruction to use an alternative.
What is the aim of the RICS Property Measurement (2018) (incorporating IPMS)?
The RICS Professional Mandatory Professional Statement: RICS Property Measurement 2018 remains the current guidance for measurement.
To bring greater global transparency by avoiding current inconsistent definition of measurement in different countries
Using what measurement document did you use to calculate Lambeth CIL?
GIA as defined in Code for Measuring Practice Guidance Note (6th edition, 2015) and as specified in Lambeth guidance.
How did you calculate CIL for Phase 3 at Clapham Park?
Calculated GIA of existing build footprint prior to demolition, to determine the net increase from new scheme. Applied for social housing relief for the affordable rented and SO GIA. Initially negotiated social housing relief prior to assuming liability and issuing commencement notice prior to demolition commencing.
Please can you explain the limitations of different measurement methods?
Lasers are accurate to within c. 1.5mm up to 200mm (should be calibrated frequently by manufacturers), trundle wheel etc. Tolerances are set out in Appendix A of the RICS Property Measurement Professional Statement.
What is the use and limitations of plans and drawings?
You are relying on the accuracy of the plan or drawings and should therefore seek a letter of reliance.
Know how to covert imperial measurements to metric and vice versa?
1 sqm = 10.7639 sqft
1 sqft = 0.09 sqm
What is a scale?
A scale is the ratio of the length in a drawing to the length of a real thing
What IPMS standards have been published but not adopted by RICS?
IPMS All Buildings to supersede RICS Property Measurement 2018 once adopted
- It looks to establish a consistent methodology across all building types
- Developed by IPMSC (International Property Measurement Standards Coalition)
What is dual reporting?
RICS Code of Measuring Practice 2015 and International Property Measurement Standards
How do you measure accurately?
- Double check measurements, if they differ do it again
- Review measurements on site vs on a plan
- Check you are measuring the correct surface
- Use RICS guidance
What RICS guidance relates to the measurement of land?
Land Measurement for Planning and Development Purposes (1st edition) - Effective from 7 August 2021
It identifies five principal measurements that apply in planning and development practice. Which should be used wherever possible:
o Land ownership area (LOA)
o Site area (SA)
o Net development area (NDA)
o Plot ratio (PR) and
o Site coverage (SC).
Explain your understanding of IPMS All Buildings to me
- Developed by the Independent Standards Settings Committee on the IPMS Coalition (IPMSC)
- Aims to establish a consistent methodology for measuring all types of buildings in the world and promote international collaboration
- All building classes will be included in one single document
- Once adopted by RICS, all previous publications will be obsolete
What Is a suitable measurement tool for taking land measurements?
- Land registry
- Instruct professional land surveyors
How would you adjust your comparable evidence if it was measured on a different basis to your subject property?
Ensure that the comparable evidence uses the measurement stated
How could you take measurements from Google Maps?
How reliable are these?
- Use the scale bar
- There is also a measuring distance tool
- Fairly reliable but I would always seek professional advice / measurement depending on what the information was being used for.
What basis of measurement would you use on a retail units?
For what purpose
RICS Code of Measuring Practice 2015 - NIA for valuation or rating purposes.
Take sufficient on-site measurements to calculate the ITZA