Housing Strategy and Provision (L3) Flashcards
How have house prices increased?
May 2021 to May 2022 UK wide increase = around 13%
May 2022 to Feb 23 South East = 6% increase
What is a SHMA?
Strategic Housing Market Assessment. (DEMAND)
Assessment of future housing market requirements within an area, including assessment of type, density etc.
This forms a key component of the analysis of determining the number of homes needed over the plan period.
What is a SHLAA/ HELAA?
Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SUPPLY)
It is in effect a ‘pool’ from which sites can be tested on their potential suitability, availability and achievability. Call for sites leads to SHLAA.
Technical exercise to determine quality and suitability of development land for housing.
Part of the evidence base needed for the preparation of a Local Plan.
How often are SHMA’s / SHLAA’s updated?
SHMA’s = Local Authorities are required to produce them under the NPPF. Around once every five years. Often part of the first stage of developing a local plan.
SHLAA = is created post a councils call for sites to assess the sites that have been put forward.
How often are Five Year Housing Land Supplies updated?
Meant to be updated annually through a SHLAA or Annual Monitoring Report.
Example of a certain demographic has influenced a councils tenure mix?
Aldershot = commuter town with lots of families, hence high requirement for 3 bed (40% of estimated mix) going forwards and just 5% requirement for 1 beds.
What are Brownfield registers and why were they introduced?
Sites council has highlighted with the intention of speeding up the planning process for these sites. All councils required to produce one.
What is a Core Strategy?
This is one of the first documents produced in the creation of a Local Plan. It sets out the overall planning strategy for an area.
How would you promote a site?
Submit in call for sites and make written reps.
How many houses per year does Countryside build per year?
Can you explain the difference between an option agreement and a promotion agreement? How does this differ from a Hybrid Agreement - do you think they are a success?
Why was the undersupply of housing a consideration in an appeal meeting?
Current rate of inflation? Impact on inflation on the industry?
Dropped this week to 8.7%. Increasing material costs.
How do you think the London elections will influence housing delivery across London?
What makes up the evidence base for a local plan?