Measurement in Health Promotion Flashcards
What are metrics?
Standards used to measure tangible and intangible phenomena.
What are some types of metrics?
What is nominal data?
Nominal data is data that can be labelled or classified into mutually exclusive categories within a variable. These categories cannot be ordered in a meaningful way. Not numerical.
What is ordinal data?
Data based on categories that can be ordered based on preference. There is transitivity between ranks. Distance between ranks is not known to be equal.
What is transitivity?
Clear that high is more than medium, etc. Clear differentiation and levels of data.
What is interval data?
Data continuous in nature that are not based on categories and separation between points is equal.
What is ratio data?
Continuous data not based on categories that is on a continuum and separation is equal between points. True 0 exists.
What is reliability?
Consistency of measures across a study.
Directly related to amount of random error.
What is internal reliability?
How well your method measures something. When items constituting a measure are correlated with one another the measure is said to have internal reliability.
What is validity?
The index or scale measures what it is supposed to measure.
The validity of a research study refers to how well the results among the study participants represent true findings among similar individuals outside the study.
What is face validity?
Implies items have been judged by experts as capturing intended construct.
What is content validity?
Implies experts have concluded that all possible items have been included in assessment of construct.
Ability of theory to provide findings consistent with underlying theory.
What is criterion validity?
The extent to which an operationalization of a construct, such as a test, relates to, or predicts, a theoretical representation of the construct—the criterion.
Construct is statistically associated with expected criterion measure.
What is a variable?
Single measure that can take on more than one value.
What is a mediating variable?
Bridges predictor and outcome via a third variable and help to explain association between the two. On causal pathway.
What is a moderating variable?
Imposes conditions on association between predictor and outcome. The level of moderator affects association. Not on causal pathway.
What is social desirability bias?
Respond to questions in a way that casts positive light on person engaging in self-report.
What is inaccurate recall bias?
People self-report BH and may not recall frequency or way they engaged in BH.
Happens when people do not remember. Could pose threat to statistical power.
What is selective recall bias?
When people self report that they may recall on a personally created reality.
What is recall bias?
Occurs when participants do not accurately recall events or omit details.
What is a behavioural anchor?
Limit wording of question to a specific question, increasing the precision of the measurement.
What is the principle of correspondence?
Action, target, time, and context are all clearly definable in wording of a question.
What is a latent variable?
Not directly observed but rather inferred from other observed variables.