Measurement and Surveying & Mapping Flashcards
What are the three bases of Measurement as described in the Code of Measurement 2015?
What are the bases of each measurement type?
GEA – Town Planning, Council Tax Implications and build cost estimates for houses.
GIA – Estate Agency, Rating, Building Cost Estimation for commercial assets & valuation for industrial/warehouses. (approx. 2-3% deducted from GEA).
NIA – As above but for shops (approx. 15% deductions from GIA) – really depends on use but 15 normally – depends on size / whats going on etc.
What would you do if you are uninsured on what is included/excluded within GEA, GIA and NIA
I would make sure to cross reference and look at the RICS Code of Measuring Practice 2015 as this is where all of the definitions all come from
What measurements do you use for industrial / retail warehouses?
Gross internal Area
Also include things like loading bays and rail shutter doors
What measurements do you use for shops?
Net internal Area
What measurement do you use for offices?
Net Internal Area
What basis of measurement do you use for ancillary offices in a Warehouse?
GIA as you would with a Warehouse.
You include columns, lift wells, mezzanines with permanent access and loading bays.
Why do you measure using code of measurement 2015?
If comparables are in accordance with the code of measurement 2015 – GEA, GIA and NIA.
If the client wants you to stick to this form of measurement – should still however dual measure.
What is Gross Area?
The total land available as part of the site.
What is Net Developable Acre?
NDA is the area of land that can be used to build housing.
This can differ significantly from the gross acreage on large developments, as land often has to be put aside for things like public open space, children’s play areas or schools, as part of the development.
What is Gross External Area ?
The area of a building measured externally at each floor level.
When would you use the GEA method?
Town planning – GEA is the basis of measuring planning applications.
Rating and Council Tax – GEA is the basis of measurement for council tax banding of houses and bungalows
Building Cost Estimation – GEA is the preferred method for calculating buildings costs of resi properties.
What is Gross Internal Area?
The area of a building measured to the internal face of external wall of the perimeter walls at each floor level.
Estate Agency and Valuation – GIA is a basis of measurement for the marketing and valuation of industrial buildings, warehouses, retail warehouses etc.
What is the Net Internal Area?
The usable area within a building measured to the internal face of the perimeter walls at each floor level.
When would you use the NIA method?
Estate Agency and Valuation – NIA is the basis of measurement for the valuation and marketing of the following types of buildings:
- Shops
- Offices
- Business use
What is included within the NIA?
- Entrance Halls
- Kitchens
- Built in units, cupboards and the like occupying areas.
- Areas occupied by ventilation / heating grilles
What is the name of the RICS Professional Statement that incorporates IPMS, and why is it important to RICS?
RICS Property Measurement (2018) – is a Mandatory Global Professional Statement.
What is excluded from the NIA?
- Entrance halls, landings and balconies used in common.
- Toilets, bathrooms etc
- Lifts
- Stair wells
- Vehicle parking areas
Why is the IPMS important to the RICS?
IPMS is important to the RICS because they want to create one international standard for property measurement.
What is the aim of the RICS professional statement on property measurement?
To avoid inconsistent definitions of measurement in different countries and bring greater transparency.
What did the RICS Professional Statement on Property Measurement 2018 do to Offices and residential?
It replaced the references to measurement of offices and residential in the RICS Code of measurement Practice 2015.
How do you measure property?
It is best practice and members are encouraged to report on a dual basis and follow IPMS
Name a few of the requirements that all RICS members are required to follow when measuring office and residential buildings?
- Provide a date when the measurements are undertaken.
- State the measuring methodology adopted.
- Provide the reference and scale of any plans used.
- State the conversion factor from a metric/imperial and any rounding.
- Measurements and calculations must be clearly documented.
- Retain a record of the RICS member who is responsible to certify the above requirements.
Name the different types of IPMS for Offices?
- IPMS 1 – Office, closely linked to the former GEA.
- IPMS 2 – Office, closely linked to the former GIA.
- IPMS 3 – Office, closely linked to the former NIA
What are IPMS Core Definitions?
IPMS: Office and buildings and IPMS Residential Buildings avoid using the various existing descriptions that have different interpretations between countries and even within a country.
Name the different types of IPMS for Resi?
- IPMS 1 – Resi
- IPMS 2 – Resi, closely related to the former GIA and net sales areas.
- IPMS 3A – Resi, closely relates former GEA
- IPMS 3B – Resi, closely related to former GIA
- IPMS 3C – Resi, closely related to the former EFA (effective floor area)
What are the different types of IPMS: Office Buildings?
IPMS 1 – Offices (for planning or building cost purposes) – (GEA)
IPMS 2 – Offices (for agency and valuation purposes) – (GIA)
IPMS 3 – Offices (also for agency and valuation purposes) – (NIA)
However, IPMS definitions do not correspond exactly to the former GEA, GIA and NIA
What are the main differences between IPMS3 and NIA?
- Perimeter measurements are taken to the “internal dominant face”
- No exclusions of areas with a restricted height of 1.5m
- All columns are included
- Covered galleries and balconies that are the for the exclusive use of the tenant are included.
- On floors with multiple occupiers, the area is taken to the midpoint of the partition wall between tenancies.
How do you measure land?
Check the boundaries on site with Landstack and land reg.
Cross reference this and measure with Pro-map
Then if need to check physical method – would use a trundle wheel on site.
What is a trundle wheel?
Tool to measure the distances.
One turn of the wheel is 1m – so every time the wheel clicks – one meter has been travelled.
Acres to HAs?
2.47 acres = 1 ha
1 acre = 0.4 ha
What is Plot Ratio?
It is the ratio between the size of the site and the building footprint GEA.
It expresses the amount of floorspace in relation to the site area.
How do you ensure the accuracy of a distometer?
You check the calibration in the office prior to each inspection and you periodically send the densitometer off to be calibrated by a professional.
Do it against a known distance.
What is the building line?
It is a limit beyond which a house must not extend into a street.
What is a land registry compliant plan?
- A basic plan must be drawn accurately to scale 1:1250 or 1:2500 for location plans.
- Have a north arrow.
- Show sufficient detail to be identified on an OS map.
- Clarifies its general location by showing roads, road junctions or other landmarks.
- Based on a scale of metric measurement.
- Includes a bar scale
- Not marked as for identification only or similar working.
Are land reg plans always correct?
No and that can be a common mistake
How would you go about fixing a land reg plan?
The land reg would have to investigate further and notify your neighbour, as unilitarlly putting the land in your ownership would adversely affect your neighbours property.
In some instances, a surveyor would be sent out to inspect the boundaries.
Are land reg plans ever exact?
No – they are never 100% accurate, as the boundaries are noted by HM Land Registry as general boundaries.
What is commonly used scale for land reg?
- Room Plan: 1:50
- Building Plan: 1:100
- Street / Location Plan: 1:1250
- Location Plan: 1:2500
How do you submit / check land reg maps?
HM Land Registry Portal
What is a letter of reliance? And why are thye important?
A letter/ report that allows individuals or business to rely on the contents of reports and surveys prepared for benefit of someone else.
Letters of reliance allow land buyers to rely on the contents of reports and surveys prepared for the benefit of someone else (usually the seller in this context).
What tool do you use to measure?
LandInsight and Trundle Wheel on site if need further clarity.
What’s a façade?
The principal front of a building that faces on to a street or open space.