Health & Safety Flashcards
What does the Health and safety principles for property professionals (2018) set out?
- Basic, good practice principles for the management of health and safety for RICS regulated firms and RICS members
- Principles for those engage in the build environment as property professionals and includes health and safety responsibilities:
- At a corporate level (whether RICS firm is large or small)
- At the level of the individual RICS member
What is the structure of the Health and safety principles for property professionals (2018) document?
1) Responsibilities for RICS members and firms
2) Assessing hazards and risks
3) Workplace health and safety
4) Occupational hygiene and health
5) Visiting premises and sites
6) Fire Safety
7) Residential property surveying
8) Procurement and management contractors
What must RICS regulated firms ensure they do?
RICS regulated firms are obliged to ensure the health, safety and welfare of people at work by providing, monotiling and maintaining:
- Safe working environment
- Safe work equipment
- Safe work systems
- Competent Staff
The RICS consider the concept of a ‘Safe Person’ to mean that?
Each individual assumes individual behavioural responsibility for:
- Their own
- Their colleagues
- And others health and safety while at work
What is the punishment from the Health and Safety Act?
Criminal offence which includes:
1) Potential fines
2) Imprisonment – depending on what happened.
What is a hazard?
Anything that has the potential to cause harm – wet floor.
What is a Risk?
The probability that someone will be harmed – e.g. risk of falling over a wet floor.
Would you undertake a Risk Assessment when visiting the site?
Yes – always for future. Consultants / team members visiting the site.
However, will always ask the landowner /agent for a method statement / there risk assessment if they have one.
Why would you carry out one?
In accordance with Health and safety 1974 and surveying safely 2018.
Important for future colleagues / consultants.
What is a method statement?
A method statement is a document that details the way a work task or process is to be completed and prior approved.
It should outline the hazards involved and include a step-by-step guide on how to do the job safely.
What are RAMS?
Risk Assessment and Method Statement
What is public liability insurance?
- Public liability is a type of insurance for businesses of all sizes, across a variety of industries.
- It covers you if a client or member of the public claims they have been injured, or their property damaged, because of your business activities.
- A copy of the contractors all risks and public liability insurance is also needed before work is commenced.
What might an employer issue for a task that puts an employee at Risk?
A Method Statement – which documents the details the way a work task or process is to be completed.
If your company has more than 5 people working, what you do need to ensure you have from a Health and Safety Perspective?
According to the Health and Safety Act (1974) you need a:
- Written Health and Safety Policy and
- You have to carry out a risk assessment of the office.
What piece of legislation governs health and safety in the workplace and who enforces it?
The Health and Safety at Work Act (1974) which is adjudicated by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE).
It’s a criminal offence and can be punished with fines and imprisonment – max fine £20k.