Measurement Flashcards
What is the purpose of the Code of Measuring?
Provides definitions for accuracy and consistency
what is measuring used for?
What is the measurement standard for offices and residential buildings?
What are the core definitions within Code of Measuring Practice?
Gross External area
Gross Internal area
Net Internal area
What is GEA?
Entire space within the main external envelope
Used for rating, council tax, town planning
Excludes canopies, external open sided balconies and fire escapes, garden stores
What is GIA?
Entire space within inside main external wall
Excluding perimeter wall thickness, open sided balconies and fire escapes, canopies, garden stores
What is NIA?
Usable area within building measured to the internal face of the perimeter wall
Used for marketing, valuation
Includes: atria with clear height above, entrance halls (unless multi-let), ramps of lightweight construction, pavement vaults, built in cupboards, kitchen
Excluding entrance halls where multi let, balconies, toilets, cleaners rooms, lift room, plant room, stairwells, corridors, service cupboards, internal structural walls, A/C, headroom less than 1.5m
What are measured surveys?
Measurement of site/buildings to produce accurate scale drawings
Agree details, tolerance, scale, delivery times and costs
What is RICS NRM 1
RICS New Rules of Measurement: Order of cost estimating and cost planning for capital building works Oct 2021
Construction project
What would you expect the percentage of NIA to GIA/GEA to be?
Depends on the project
Office building expect NIA to GIA to be in the region of 70-80%
70% is poor use of space
85% is excellent use of space
What does BIM mean?
Building Information Model
What is Building Information Model?
Creating and managing information for built assets
Integrates structured, multi discipline data for the lifecycle of the premises from planning, design, construction and operation
What is a defect report?
- No action/repair = normal maintenance
- Repair/replace = future works and not serious
3 urgent/replace = serious and hazardous
What information should you obtain from a seller/occupier?
Time at the property
Alterations made
Defects known
Name types of surveying items?
Measuring device
Moisture meter
Spirit level
Plumb bob
First aid kit
What are inspection risk factors?
Safe use of tools
Not to climb
Use fitted ladders
Not to touch electrics
Not to move glass/fibre insulation
Check-in on arrival
Not to lock doors
When should you terminate an inspection?
Loose asbestos
What desktop information can you obtain prior to inspection?
Site info
Previous works
Lease info
What are included in Terms of Engagement for inspection?
Surveyor details
Payment terms
What are measure surveys?
Scale drawings of site and buildings
Who conducts measured surveys?
Land surveyors
Trade Survey Association
What is a total station?
Optical instrument used in construction
Measure angles and distance
Components = transit theodolite, distance meter, microprocessor, data collector and storage
Highly accurate
What is photogrammetry?
Measurements from photos
Records measuring, evaluations and external pictures
Used for site plans, topographic mapping, earthwork
Process = planning, image, data, presentation
What are UAVs?
Unmanned aerial vehicles
Reduce risk
What is laser scanning?
Distance between objects at speed
Drones and laser scanning are using for topography and structures
When is NIA used?
Shops, stores, agency, valuation, rating
Detail inclusion/exclusion from NIA
Incl - atria with clear height and entrance, kitchens, lift lobbies, fire corridors
Excl - wc, plant room, cleaners cupboard, head height less than 1.5m
Internal face of external wall
Measure to glass where full height glazing
When is GIA adopted?
Industrial, warehouses, supermarkets
Internal face to external walls
Generally 15% more than NIA
What is included in GIA?
Columns, lift wells, loading bay, ancillary office, mezzanine
When is GEA adopted?
Reinstatement cost, planning, tax
Generally 3% more than GIA
Measure around the building
Tools to measure?
Fibre tape
Trundle wheel
Ordnance survey
What is the technique to measure?
Straight lines
Plot on a plan
Use paper
Avoid bright lights
Remove ceiling tiles
Accuracy +/- 2%
What are the scales for plans?
Building - 1:100
Street plan 1:1250
Location plan 1:2500
Lease plan 1:1250 - 1:500 (urban)
What is included in a lease plan?
Scale 1:1250
North point
Bar scale
How to use a laser measurer?
+/- 1.5mm
Use white paper to bounce for distance
Avoid bright light
Check calibration with known distance
Land = trundle wheel
What is IPMS?
International Property Measurement Standards
80 professional organisations inputted to reflect office, residential, industrial and retail
How to IPMS 1, 2 and 3 relate to measurement current adopted?
1 = GEA
2 = GIA
3 = NIA
What is IPMS 3?
It is split into two sections for occupation
3.1 - exclusive occupation external measurement
3.2 exclusive occupations internal measurement
Report separately:
Sheltered access
External floor areas
Enclosed walkways or passages connecting buildings
Limited use areas
What does the Code of Measuring Practice apply to?
All buildings except office and residential
What global standard is used for office and residential?
RICS property measurement eff 1 April 2018
Outline IPMS requirements for Residential buildings?
IPMS 1- incl external wall (GEA)
State separately: balconies, roof terraces,
IPMS 2- interior area to internal dominant face (GIA)
- include: area occupied by window reveals,
State separately: galleries, balconies, terraces, mezzanines, verandas
IPMS 3a - area in exclusive occupation
IPMS 3b - exclusive occupation including floor area occupied by internal walls and columns
IPMS 3c- exclusive occupations excluding floor area occupied by full-height permanent internally and columns
What is a common facility?
Shared, do not change over time
Include stairs, lifts, motor rooms, plant room, cleaners cupboards
What is a covered area?
Extent at ground level of the area of a building covered by one or more roofs, the perimeter sometimes referred to as drip line
What is an Internal Dominant Face?
Internal finish comprising more than 50% of the floor to ceiling height for each external wall section.
What is IPMS 3 for offices?
Roughly NIA
Includes internal walls, columns within the area available exclusively to the occupier
Measurement for retail?
NIA with GIA for larger stores like supermarkets and department stores
Measurement for industrial?
GIA measured to the internal face of the perimeter wall
How to measure accurately?
Check measurement
Take RICS guidance on site
Measure the correct surface
Take time
What is the difference between GIA and NIA?
excludes columns
excludes shared internal walls
excludes common areas such as entrance halls, toilets, stairwells, lift.
includes columns
includes all internal walls
includes common areas.
What governs measurment?
RICS Code of Measuring Practice 6th ed (being updated) May 2015 - guidance note
Property Measurement 2nd edition (professional statement) being updated
What to do if not used IPMS?
Document reason for departure
How to calibrate a disto?
Each accessible length
Measure with steel tape
Disto in fixed position - ten measurements of baseline from fixed point
Average values
Calculate standard deviation using: Individual measurements, average and number of measurements
What does GEA include/exclude?
Include - perimeter wall thickness, areas occupied by internal walls and partitions, columns, chimney breasts, atria, internal balconies, stepped floors, mezzanine, lift rooms, plant room, outbuildings sharing one wall with main building, loading bays, areas with headroom less than 1.5m, pavement vaults, garages, conservatories
Exclude: sided balconies, covered ways, fire escapes, canopies, voids over/under structural raked or stepped floors, greenhouses, garden stores
What is included/excluded from GIA?
Included: areas occupied by internals walls, columns, atria, internal open sided balconies, structural/stepped floors, corridors of permanent nature, mezzanine, lift rooms, plant rooms, service accommodation (WC, showers, bathroom), projection rooms, voids over stairwells, loading bays, areas with headroom less than 1.5m, pavement vaults, garages, conservatories
Excludes: perimeter wall thickness, external open sided balconies, covered ways, fire escapes, canopies, voids under/over structural floors, greenhouses, garden stores, fuel stores
What is included/excluded in NIA?
Included: atria with clear height above, entrance halls, notional lift lobbies, kitchens, built in units/cupboards occupying usable area, area occupied by ventilations, skirting, non-structural walls, pavement vaults
Excludes: entrance halls, aria, lands and balconies used in common, WC, bathrooms, cleaners cupboard, lift room, plant room, stairwells, lift wells, corridors, permanent circulation areas (corridors), meter cupboards, internal structural walls, columns, chimney breasts, permanent AC, areas with less than 1.5m headroom, raking areas, opposite faces of less than 0.25m
What is included/excluded in Retail area?
Adopts NIA
Includes: storeroom and ancillary accommodation formed by non-structure all partitions, recessed and arcaded areas
Excludes: storerooms and ancillary accommodation formed by structural partitions, display cabinets
What does RICS Property Measurement 2nd Edition include?
Technical definitions
IPMS office
IPMS residential
What should firms adopt whilst Property Measurement standard is updated?
IPMS all buildings
RICS code of measurement practice
Based on instruction
What information must be retained on file or within the report?
Purpose of instruction
Date of instruction
Date of measurement
Measurement standard adopted
Not IPMS - reason for departure
Methodology - laser/tape
Scale of any plans
Floor area schedule with relevant areas cross referenced
Unit of measurement and conversion factor
Name of member/firm
What is the use of IPMS?
Members expected to advise of the benefits of using IPMS
Mandatory for reporting area of office and residential floor space
What are the general IPMS definitions?
IPMS 2 - office, GIA
IPMS 2 - residential GIA and NSA
IPMS 3 - Office NIA
IPMS 3a - residential GEA
IPMS 3b - residential GIA
IPMS 3c - residential EFA
What is a component area?
One of the main elements into which the floor area can be divided
A= vertical penetration
B1= external walls
B2=internal structural
B3= internal non-structrual
C= technical services
D= hygiene areas
E= circulation areas
F= amenities
G= living space
H= other
Examples of component areas in residential?
Area A - vertical penetrations
Area B1 - External Wall
Area B2 - internal structural elements
Area B3 - internal non structure elements
Area C - technical services
Area D - hygiene areas
Area E - circulation areas
Area F - Amenities
Area G - Living space
Area H - other areas
Multifunctional use = principle use
What is IPMS 1?
Applies to all building classes
Outer perimeter of external construction
GEA - difference is IPMS includes balcony but states balcony and covered gallery separately
What is IPMS 2 Office?
Sum of each floor level of office building measured to the Internal Dominate Face and reported component by component basis
Similar to GIA
IPMS include area occupied by the reveal of windows, galleries, balconies, accessible rooftop terraces
IPMS states separately - covered galleries, balconies, accessible rooftop terrace
What is IPMS 3 office?
Occupational floor areas in exclusive use to occupier excluding standard facilities and shared areas
Similar to NIA
Includes: all internal walls and columns, common wall with adjacent occupier, walkways in exclusive use, areas occupied by window reveals, areas less than 1.5m in height, covered gallopers used exclusively, balconies, accessible rooftop terrace.
State separately: areas less than 1.5m in height, covered galleries, balconies, accessible rooftop terrace.
What is IPMS 1 for residential?
Sum of areas of each floor measured to the outer perimeter of external construction
Includes: walls, columns, enclosed walkways, passages between buildings
State separately: covered galleries, balconies, verandas, internal catwalks, sheltered areas, permanent mezzanine, generally accessible rooftop terraces
Excludes: temporary mezzanines, open light well, open external stairways, external areas (car park)
What is IPMS 2 residential?
Sum of areas of each floor measured to internal dominant face, which maybe reported on a component by component basis
Includes: internal walls, columns, enclosed walkways
Stated separately: covered galleries, balconies, internal catwalks, internal mezzanine, internal loading bays, verandas
Excludes: open light well, upper level voids of atrium, external car park, catwalks and loading bays
What is IPMS 3 residential?
Floor area available on an exclusive basis to an occupiers
Measured to: outer face of the external wall, centre line of shared walls, finished surface to walls of shared facilities,
Include but state separately: basement, attics, garages, limited use areas
Excluded but state separately: patios, unenclosed parking areas, staircase opening, voids,
What is IPMS 3b residential?
Exclusive occupations including floor area occupied by internal walls and columns
Include but state separately: attics, basement, balconies, garages, limited use areas
Excludes but state separately: patios, unenclosed parking, voids, staircase openings
What is IPMS 3c residential ?
Measuring the area on a room by room basis. Exclusive occupation excluding floor area occupied by full height permanent internal walls and columns
What are the differences between IPMS 3a, 3b and 3c residential?
Internal walls, columns and enclosed walkways/passage between separate buildings- IPMS3a = IPMS1, IPMS3b = IMPS2, IPMS3c = room by room basis
External walls = IPMS3a = included, IPMS3b and 3c = excluded
Internal walls and columns- IPMS3a and 3b = included, IPMS3c = excluded
Garages - IPMS3a = included, IPMS3b and 3c = included but separate
What are the three different groups under IPMS All Buildings 15 January 2023?
IPMS 1 and 2 = external and internal measurement for whole or part of buildings
IPMS 3.1 and 3.2 = external and internal measurement for exclusive occupation
IPMS 4.1 and 4.2 = internal measurement for areas including internal walls, columns and excluding internal walls and columns
How do you measure height under IPMS?
Full covering to lowest point of the ceiling
What is IPMS 2?
Floor area measured to the internal extent of the internal dominant face and to notional boundaries
Includes walls, columns, mezzanines, balcony to balustrade,
What is IPMS 3.1?
Floor area on exclusive basis to an occupier measured externally to any notional boundaries, external walls, demising walls and including any external floor areas, sheltered areas and secondary areas
Includes walls, columns within boundary,
Include state separately: sheltered area, mezzanine, external floor area, enclosed walkways
Excluded: voids covered air and stair openings
What is IPMS 3.2?
Floor area to an occupier measured internal to any notional boundaries, IDF, demising walls and including External floor areas, sheltered area and secondary areas
Include: internal walls, columns within boundary,
Include but state separately: sheltered areas, external floor area, enclosed walkways, mezzanines, limited use areas
Exclude: Tenant no permanent charges, voids as covered air and stair openings, recessed door and lift openings
What is IPMS 4.1?
Selected floor area in a building measured to finished surfaces and to any notional boundaries
Include but state separately: external floor area, sheltered area, secondary area, limited use, stairs, staircase, lift shafts
Exclude: recessed for and lift opening
What is IPMS 4.2?
Selected floor area measured to finished surface, notional boundaries and sheltered area
Include but state separately: external floor area, sheltered area, secondary area, limited use areas, stairs, staircase, lift shaft
Excludes: walls and columns, recessed door and lift openings