Measurement Flashcards
- What is IPMS?
a. International property Measurement standards – to standardise definitions and measurements globally and to bring greater global transparency
- Is IPMS mandatory?
a. For IMPS – offices and resi unless the client specifically requests for the previous to be used
- Ae you aware of IPMS All Buildings 2023?
a. RICS are yet to adopt it
b. Developed by International Property Measurement Standards Coalition IPMSC
c. Aims to establish consistent methods for all buildings globally and promote international collaboration
d. One set of standards, all buildings in one document
e. Would make previous obsolete
- What is the previous document on measurement still in place?
a. RICS Code of measuring practice 2015
- What was included when measuring GIA industrial?
a. Columns, lifts, mezzanines with permanent access and loading bays. Ancillary offices measured GIA basis.
- What was excluded when measuring GIA industrial?
a. Canopies, fire escapes and covered ways
- What is NIA used for?
a. The use if for valuation purposes on residential, retail and offices, although it is now mandatory to use IPMS for offices.
- What is GIA used for?
a. This is valuation purposes for industrial units
- What is GEA used for?
a. Construction/fire reinstatement
- What was included when measuring NIA shops?
a. Anything within a useable area
i. Kitchens
ii. Built in cupboards
iii. Ramps, sloping arears and steps
iv. Arears occupied by heating grilles, skirting or permitter trunking and non-structural walls in sole occupancy
- What is excluded when measuring NIA shops?
a. WCs, plant and lift rooms, stairwells, arears less than 1.5m height, cleaners rooms
- Which IPMS did you use?
a. IMPS -3 which is for the use of agency and valuation (NIA)
- What does IPMS -3 exclude?
a. Shared or common facilities such as stairs, lifts, WCs, plant rooms
- What is the difference between IMPS and NIA?
a. IPMS include columns
b. Internal dominant face of the wall
c. When a floor is multi-let then measure to the centre of the partition
d. Covered balconies indued but stated separately
- What document do you refer to for measurement
a. Property Measurement 2018 IPMS for offices
b. Code of measuring practice 2015 for retail and industrial
- Would you include toilets and stairwells in measurement for retail?
a. No
- What did you use to measure the offices?
laser measure
- What are the laser measurement advantages and disadvantages?
a. Advantages
i. Accuracy
ii. Able to measure difficult areas
b. Disadvantages
i. Large units may need to be split into smaller sections
ii. A lot of light can make measuring difficult
- What did you do with ur laser measure before you went to the property?
a. Checked the accuracy of the disto
- What would you do if a disto was measuring incorrectly?
a. You would need to get it recalibrated by sending it the manufacture
- How would you measure a room that had floor to ceiling windows in IPMS
a. If it is more than 50% then you would measure up to the glass of the window (including any recess) and if less then to up to the wall leaving out the window recess.
- Is the dominant face in a vertical or horizontal context?
a. It is vertical context as it is from floor to ceiling
- How to measure the midpoint of wall between tenants demise?
a. The statement is flexible in how to obtain but some suggestions is the doorframe or lifting a ceiling tile
- What has recently been published?
a. IPMS all buildings from Jan 2023. This has not been adopted by the RICS as they are going through a consultation period.
- What is the consultation on IPMS?
a. It has yet to be confirmed by the RICS but there is concern that there is confusion with IPMS within the UK market and it has yet to be widely adopted.
- What is a typical scale of a lease plan?
a. 1:50 or 1:250
- How do you ensure the accuracy of the laser device?
a. Do a spot measurement
- How do you calibrate it?
a. Send it to the manufacture
- How often do you calibrate?
a. Annually
- What is the building line in retail?
a. Is the point at the front of the shop from which you measure. Difference in floor covering
- What is the building line?
a. The point where the demise begins usually shown as a brass strip
- Why did you exclude the toilets?
a. If additional toilets have been added then this would be included
- Why do you do the floor to ceiling measurement?
a. This is not part of the NIA measurement but is for valuation purposes
- What is of zoning
a. It is a valuation technique not a measuring technique.
- What was the difference in measurement for London Offices?
a. 1.04%
- Was 1.04% difference in measurement for London Offices acceptable?
a. Yes, I believe this was as the office spaces were of a medium size.
- What is the construction of offices London?
a. traditional masonry construction
b. Stone cladding
c. Windows are timber framed, double glazed
d. double level slate mansard roof
- What are the common defects for offices London?
a. Damp penetration
b. Water damage from burst pipes
c. Damage cladding
d. Cracks in bricks
- Why did you measure on GIA
a. As, at the time, GIA was not included within IPMS
- What was the Luton construction?
a. steel portal frame construction
b. insulated profile metal sheeting
c. concrete floors and insulated profile metal sheeting clad roofs
d. intermittent translucent rooflights to provide natural daylight
- What were the eaves height/roller shutter height for Luton?
a. 6.75m – 8m
b. roller shutters around 6m
- What is the measurement tolerance?
a. Code of measuring practice does not have a tolerance and neither does IPMS but IPMS does state that it needs to be based on the facts of the property.