ME04 - Thyroid/Parathyroid Flashcards
One of the largest endocrine glands
Located below the larynx on each side of the trachea
Weighs 15 to 20g in adults
Thyroid Gland
Cells seen in Thyroid Gland:
Follicular Cells: secrete hormones, cuboidal _(inactive) to columnar (active) _
Parafollicular Cells: Scattered among _follicular cells and in spaces between the spherical follicles which secrete calcitonin _
Cells seen in Parathyroid Gland:
Chief Cells
_ Produce PTH _
_ Small, polygonal, darkly staining, abundant cells _
_ Contain lakes of glycogen giving them a water clear appearance
Oxyntic cells _
_ Function unknown _
_ Large, light staining, fewer in numbers _
_ Only present at age 6 onwards _
Differentiate T4 from T3
T4 (Thymin Tetraiodothyroxin)
More half life (6 days)
More affinity for binding plasma protein
Less Binding to nuclear receptor
Onset of action is 4x slower (2 days)
T3 (Thyronine Triiodothyronine) - ACTIVE
Less half life (1 day)
Less affinity for binding plasma protein
More Binding to nuclear receptor
Onset of action is 4x faster (12 hours)
Steps in the Synthesis of Thyroid Hormones
1. Iodide trapping
2. Formation and secretion of thyroglobulin
3. Oxidation of iodine
4. Organification of thyroglobulin
5. Storage and secretion
_ Basal membrane of the thyroid actively pumps iodide to the cell interior (Na-I symporter)
_ Concentrates the iodide to about 30 - 250 times its concentration in the blood
Iodide Trapping
What stimulates Iodide Trapping
What are involved in the Formation of Thyroglobulin
Thyroid cell endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus synthesize the glycoprotein thyroglobulin and secrete to the follicle colloid
Oxidation of Iodine
_ Conversion of iodide to nascent iodine I0 or I3
_ Promoted by peroxidase and its accompanying hydrogen
_ Peroxidase is located in the apical membrane of the cell
or attached to it, so the iodine will be readily available
_ When peroxidase is blocked or hereditarily absent, the
rate of synthesis of thyroid hormone falls to zero
Binding of iodine to thyroglobulin
Organification of Thyroglobulin
Oxidized iodine is associated with what enzyme, which
speeds up the binding
Iodinase - speeds up the binding
_ Iodine binds with about 1/6 of the tyrosine molecules in
Final Formation of Thyroxine (T4) and Triiodothyronine (T3):
_ successive stages of iodination of tyrosine
_ COUPLING of iodotyrosine molecules
_ may occur in a matter of minutes or even days
Release of Hormones from Thyroid Gland
Apical surface of the cell sends out pseudopods to form pinocytic vesicles that engulf some colloid
Lysozymes fuse with the vesicles which have proteases that digest thyroglobulin
T4 and T3 will be in free form then diffuse to basal membrane into surrounding capillaries
T4 and T3 now enter circulation
Fate of Thyroglobulin
_ About 3_4 of iodinated tyrosine will not become T3 or T4 and remain only as mono- or diiodotyrosine that are cleaved from thyroglobulin as well
_ Iodine is cleaved from these through the deiodinase enzyme, which makes all the iodine available again for hormone synthesis
_ Congenital absence of deiodinase enzyme causes iodine deficiency due to failure of recycling
Daily Secretion of T4 and T3
93% of hormone released from thyroid is T4, only 7% is T3
During ensuing days, T4 is slowly deiodinated to T3 which is more readily available in the tissues
Delivery is about 35 micrograms of T3 per day
Transport of T4 and T3 to Tissues
Upon entering the blood, 99% of T4 and T3 bind to transport proteins secreted by the liver:
_ Main: Thyroxine-binding globulin
_ Less: Thyroxine-binding prealbumin and albumin
_ Half of T4 is released to tissues in 6 days
Half of T3 is released to tissues in 1 day (due to lower affinity to binding proteins)
Upon entering tissues, T4 and T3 bind with intracellular proteins (T4 T3 binding)
Hormones are stored and used slowly in the next few days or weeks
What is unique in Thyroid Hormone
Unique: can produce and store hormones for up to 3 months
Thyroid Hormone forms in plasma:
_ Thyroxine Binding Globulin :70%
_ Transthyretin or Thyroxine Binding
Prealbumin : 20%
_ Thyroxine Binding Albumin: 10%
_ Free Thyroxine : 0.03%
DECREASE in TBG results to:
Liver & kidney disease
INCREASE in TBG results to:
Estrogen or pregnancy
What happens after injection of thyroxine to the blood
The basal metabolic rate only increases after 2 to 3 days
Once activity begins, it lasts for 10-12 days then decreases with a half-life of 15 days
Triiodothyronine has a latency of ___________
6-12 hours
Maximal cellular activity of Thyroid Hormone
2-3 days
Rationale behind the latency of Thyroid Hormones
Latency is due to binding to protein and their slow
release and from how these are used in the cell
Where are Thyroid hormone receptors located?
In the DNA, they are nuclear receptors
Thyroid Hormones Activate Nuclear Receptors
Forms a heterodimer with retinoid X receptor (RXR) on
On binding with thyroid hormones, they initiate
transcription and eventual translation into intracellular
Whole process takes about minutes to hours (explains
_ Increases O2 consumption and Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR)
_ Increases mitochondria and Na-K-ATPase pump activity
_ Stimulates carbohydrate, fat and protein metabolism
_ Increases glucose uptake, gluconeogenesis,
_ Decreases cholesterol, phospholipids and
triglycerides but increases fatty acids
_ Increases cholesterol secretion to bile and
number of liver LDL receptors
_ Increase protein synthesis
_ Needed for Growth
_ Increases requirements for vitamins
_ Increases blood flow, Cardiac Output, Heart Rate, Heart
_ Increases respiration
_ Increases gastrointestinal motility
_ Increases cerebration
_ Increases muscle vigor
_ Fine Muscle Tremors
_ Increases risk for somnolence
_ Needed for proper sexual function
_ Loss may cause loss of libido, impotence, menstrual changes
Example how TRH and TSH levels are mediated
_ Cold stimulates TRH secretion»_space; Increased TSH»_space; Increased T4, T3
_ Excitement, Anxiety»_space; Increased TSH
What are the effects of TSH
Proteolysis of thyroglobulin
Activity of Iodide Pump
Iodination of Tyrosine
Size & Secretory activity of thyroid cells
No of Thyroid cells
Typically occurs with comparatively small increases in iodine intake, in people who have thyroid abnormalities that cause the gland to function without the control of the pituitary
Jod-Basedow Effect
Hyperthyroidism following administration of iodine or iodide, either as a dietary supplement or as contrast medium gland to function without the control of the pituitary.
_ Does not occur in persons with normal thyroid glands, as thyroid hormone synthesis and release in normal persons is controlled by pituitary TSH secretion, which does not allow hyperthyroidism when extra iodine is ingested
Autoregulatory phenomenon that inhibits organification in the thyroid gland (inhibition of peroxidase), the formation of thyroid hormones inside the thyroid follicle, and the release of thyroid hormones into the bloodstream.
Wolff-Chaikoff Effect
_ Reduction in thyroid hormone levels caused by ingestion of a large amount of iodine
_ Lasts several days (around 10 days), after which it is followed by an “escape phenomenon_o
Resumption of normal organification of iodine and normal thyroid peroxidase function
Escape phenomenon
_ Due to decreased inorganic iodine concentration
secondary to down-regulation of sodium-iodide symporter (NIS) on the basolateral membrane of the thyroid follicular cell
Differentiate Hyperthyroidism and Hypothyroidism
Increased metabolic rate
Excitability, restlessness
INC appetite but with weight loss, protein wasting and muscle weakness (thyrotoxic myopathy)
Pre-tibial Myxedema (in 20% of patients)
Tachycardia, Increased cardiac output
Fine Tremors
DEC metabolic rate
Slow thought process, poor memory
Elevated plasma cholesterol and other lipids (atherosclerosis)
Fatigue, increased somnolence, Weight gain
Prolonged relaxation phase of Deep Tendon Reflex (DTRs)
Hoarse voice
Autoimmune disease, anti-TSH receptor antibodies
Graves Disease
Classic Triad of Grave_s Disease:
_ Exophthalmos
_ Goiter
_ Pre-Tibial Myxedema
Most common cause of hyperthyroidism in those >50 y.o.`
Toxic Multinodular Goiter
_ Plummer_s Disease
_ Results from congenital lack of thyroid gland, genetic defect of the thyroid gland or lack of iodine in the diet
_ Skeletal growth
Characteristics of a person with Cretinism
Obese, stocky, short, large tongue
MCC: Iodine deficiency
Primary Hypothyroidism
_ Auto-immune disease presenting with increased lymphocytes and macrophages destroying the thyroid
_ Anti-Thyroglobulin, Anti-Microsomal antibodies
Hashimoto_s Thyroiditis
TRH, TSH, T4 on Hyperthyroidism
1 Hyper 2Hyper 3Hyper
TRH Dec Dec Inc
TSH Dec Inc Inc
T4 Inc Inc Inc
TRH, TSH, T4 on Hyporthyroidism
1 Hypo 2Hypo 3 Hypo
TRH Inc Inc Dec
TSH Inc Dec Dec
T4 Dec Dec Dec
Composition of Bone
_ Ground Substances (ECF + Chondroitin Sulfate + Hyaluronic Acid) Gelatinous medium _
_ Collagen Fibers _ (95% of Organic Matrix ) for TENSILE STRENGTH
BODY CALCIUM Composition in the Bone
_ 99% as hydroxyapatite in Bone
_ 0.1% in the interstitium
Free and ionized calcium is biologically active. True or False?
True, and this affects neurons (normal=2.4mmol/L)
Calcium Metabolism on Positive and Negative Calcium Balance
__Positive calcium balance__ Calcium Intake > Calcium Excretion
__Negative calcium balance__ Calcium Intake
Effect of PTH in Intestine
Indirectly INCREASES calcium and phosphate absorption by increasing Vitamin D metabolites
Effect of Active Vitamin D Metabolites in Intestine
Increased Calcium and Phosphate Absorption
Effect of PTH in Kidney
Decreased Calcium Excretion, Increased Phosphate Excretion
Effect of Active Vitamin D Metabolites in Kidney
Increased Resorption of Ca and Phosphate but usually net increase in urinary calcium due to effects in GI tract and bone
Effect of PTH on Bone
Calcium and Phosphate Resorption Increased by Continuous High Concentrations.
Low intermittent doses increase bone formation
Effect of Active Vitamin D Metabolites on Bone
Direct effect is increased calcium and phosphate resorption;
Indirect effect is promoting mineralization by increasing the availability of Ca and Phosphate
Effect of PTH on Net effect on serum levels
Serum calcium increased,
Serum Phosphate both decreased.
Effect of Active Vitamin D Metabolites on Net effect on serum levels
Serum calcium and Phosphate both increased.
Flow of Vitamin D Synthesis
Vitamin D comes from Cholesterol Starts at the Skin
Calciol (Cholecalciferol)
1st activation: Liver
Calcidiol (25 hydroxyCholecalciferol)
2nd activation: Kidney
Calcitriol (1,25 dihydroxyCholecalciferol)
Secreted by the Parafollicular cells of the Thyroid
Function of Calcitonin
Decreases plasma calcium concentration
_ Decreases number and activity of osteoclast
_ Effects in Children > Adults
Effects of Calcium on Parathyroid Hormone Secretion:
_ Magnesium effect on PTH is similar to calcium
o Hypomagnesemia stimulates PTH secretion
_ Increased phosphate forms calcium phosphate which reduces stimulation of Ca-sensitive receptors which trigger an increase in PTH
End results of Hyperparathyroidism
_ Hypercalcemia
_ Hypophosphatemia
Hyperparathyroidism due to great osteoclastic activity
Osteitis Fibrosa Cystica
Osteoblast increases what enzyme in an attempt to neutralize osteoclast activity in Hyperthyroidism
Increases Alkaline Phosphatase
Types of Hyperparathyroidism
1 _ Autonomous Secretion (Parathyroid adenoma)
2 _ Response to Normal Regulatory Stimuli (Nutrional, Renal)
3 _ Refractory Secondary | Nonsuppressible secretion after correction of metabolic abnormalities
4 _ Refractory Secondary with Hypercalcemia
Hypocalcemia on Hypoparathyroidism
Hypocalcemia: interferes with normal muscle contraction and nerve conduction
_ Paresthesias
_ Tetany and Seizures
_ Possible laryngeal spasm
_ Fatigue, headaches, bone pain and insomnia, crampy
abdominal pain
_ Chvostek_s sign