ME02 - ENZYMES : Introduction Flashcards
Energy required in order for reaction to occur
Activation Energy
Determine the direction and equilibrium states of the reaction
Free energy changes
Properties of Enzymes
Description for Enzymes
Increase reaction rates without being consumed or permanently altered
D sugars & L-amino acids
Typically proteins but can also be nucleotides
Affected by pH and temp
Non-protein catalysts with ribonuclease & peptidyl transferase activity
What kind of gene is present in Ribozymes and its function
It contains autocatalytic RNA molecules that can adopt complex structures like proteins
Involved in Gene Therapy
Intron and tRNA processing
Enzymes classified by reaction. Complete table Class Type of Reaction Example Hydrolase Isomerase Ligase/Polymerase Lyase Oxidoreductase Transferase
Class Type of Reaction Example
Hydrolase Hydrolysis Lipase
Isomerase Rearrangement of atom Phosphoglucoisomerase
within a molecule
Ligase/Polymerase Joining two or more Acetyl-CoA synthetase
chemicals together
Lyase Splitting a chemical into Fructose 1,6-BP Aldolase
smaller parts w/o using water
Oxidoreductase Transfer of electrons or Lactic acid
H atoms from one molecule dehydrogenase
group to another
Transferase Moving a functional group Hexokinase
from one molecule group to another
IUBMB Number corresponds to 1st number 2nd number 3rd number 4th number
1st number - Major class: Enzymes
2nd number - Subclass: Mechanism
3rd number - Sub-Subclass: Substrate Clase
4th number - Specific Substrate
Catalyze the oxidation of a substrate with simultaneous reduction of another substrate or coenzyme
Transfer of electrons or H atoms from one molecule to another
Example of Oxidoreductase
Lactic acid-dehydrogenase - oxidizes lactic acid to form pyruvic acid during FERMENTATION
Moving a functional group from one substrate/molecule to another
(may be anabolic)
Example of Transferase
Hexokinase - transfers phosphate from ATP to glucose in the first step of glycolysis
Break single bonds (ester, ether, peptide or glycosidic) by the addition of water
This is Catabolic
Example of Hydrolysis
Lipase - breaks down lipid molecules
Form or cleave bonds with group elimination non hydrolytically
Splitting a chemical into smaller parts without using water
How does LYASE catalyze cleavage of C-C, C-O, C-N, and other covalent bonds
By atom elimination and generating double bonds
Example of Lyase
Fructose 1,6-bisphosphate aldolase - splits fructos into G3P and DHAP
Carry out intramolecular rearrangements
Catalyze geometric or structural changes within a molecule
(Neither catabolic or anabolic)
Example of Isomerase
Phosphoglucoisomerase - converts glucose 6 phosphate into fructose 6 phosphate during glycolysis
Link two substrates together usually with the Hydrolysis of ATP
Joining two or more chemicals together coupled with ATP hydrolysis
Ligase or Polymerase
Example of Ligase/Phosphorylase
Acetyl-CoA synthetase - combines acetate and coenzyme A to form acetyl-CoA for the Krebs Cycle
ENZYMES THAT HAS Catabolic Reactions
Hydrolases - Lipase
Lyase - Fructose 1,6-Bisphosphate aldolase
ENZYMES THAT HAS Anabolic Reactions
Transferase - Hexokinase
Ligase/Polymerase - AcetylCoA synthetase
ENZYMES THAT HAS Neither Catabolic and Anabolic Reactions
Isomerase - Phosphoglucoisomerase
Where does Catalysis occur
The site on the enzyme where the substrate binds to
at the ACTIVE site
Active Site - cleft or pocket on the enzyme
Events happening on the Active Site of Enzyme
Desolvation effects
Binds substrates properly for transition state formation
Binds cofactors & prosthetic groups
Factors for substrates’ transition state formation properly
Geometric & Electronic complementarity
Substrate-binding sites are largely preformed but some degree of induced-fit usually occurs on
Lock & Key model by Emil Fischer
Induced Fit model by Daniel Koshland
Reciprocal changes in both substrate & enzyme structure binding
Hand glove fitting
Induced-fit model by Daniel Koshland
What happens to the concentration rate in Induced Fit Model
Interactions that preferentially bind the transition state increase its concentration and therefore proportionally increase the reaction rate
What happens in the “glove-fitting” in Induced-Fit Model
The enzyme in turn induces a reciprocal changes in substrates, harnessing the energy of binding to facilitate the transformation of substrates into products
Components of active holoenzyme
Inactive apoenzyme & the non-protein cofactor
Participate in substrate binding or in catalysis
Molecules that are required by certain enzymes to carry out analysis
Binds to the active site of enzyme and participate in catalysis but are not considered substrates of the reaction
Vitamin B as precursors its coenzymes and Reaction Type Vitamin B CoEnzyme Reaction Type B1 Thiamine B2 Riboflavin B3 Panthotenate B6 Pyridoxine B12 Cobalamin Niacin Folic Acid Biotin
Vitamin B CoEnzyme Reaction Type
B1 Thiamine TPP Oxidative phosphorylation
of alphaketo acids
B2 Riboflavin FMN, FAD Oxidoreduction
B3 Panthotenate CoA Acyl group transfer
B6 Pyridoxine PLP AA transamination & decarboxylation
B12 Cobalamin Methylcobalamin Isomerization (1C transfer)
Niacin NADP Oxidoreduction
Folic Acid Tetrahydrofolate 1 C group transfer
Biotin Biocytin Carboxylation
Co-enzymes that participate in oxidation-reduction reaction
Non-Vitamins are Tetrahydrobiopterin & Ubiquinone
Needed in Kinase-Catalyzed reactions
Presents “Charge shielding”
Nucleoside triphosphates
Involved in electron-transfer reactions
Iron in heme
Iron-sulfur bridges
How does enzymes form transition states at a lower activation energy
Through strategic binding & Catalytic Residues/Cofactors