MCM-140 FINALS Flashcards
What are the Main features of Longitudinal Design Study?
- Covers a single sample over a long period of time (years/decades).
- DIACHRONIC ANALYSIS: Enables comparison of the changes of phenomena, data, individuals over time.
- Establishes a prerequisite for micro-level analysis.
Which procedure is efficient for examining long-term relationships between variables? Why?
Longitudinal surveys are efficient because they permit the collection of responses over time.
What is the nature of the longitudinal design study?
It is generally observational, collecting quantitative and/or qualitative data on outcomes without any external influence.
Which samples are often studied using Longitudinal design study to evaluate the relationships?
- Risk factors & Developments of disease
- Outcome of treatments over time.
Why is Statistical Testing appropriate for Longitudinal Study?
Since data is collected from individuals within a predefined group, statistical testing can be used to analyze changes over time, either for the entire group or for specific individuals.
What is cross-sectional analysis?
It examines multiple variables at a single point in time. A “snapshot” of data which allows researchers to identify associations and patterns but not changes over time.
Because it captures data at only one moment, it CANNOT determine cause-and-effect relationships.
This method is typically quicker & less expensive compared to longitudinal studies.
Types of Longitudinal Study Designs
- Repeated cross-sectional studies
- Retrospective studies
- Prospective studies
What is repeated cross-sectional studies?
A study where participants are different on every sampling occasion.
What is retrospective studies?
A study done after some participants have already experienced relevant events. Data about their past exposures is collected and analyzed afterward.
What is prospective studies?
A study where SAME participants are followed over time.
Types of Panels
- Cohort panels
- Representative panels
- Linked panels
Characteristics of Trend/Cohort Analysis
Technique used to monitor changes in people’s attitudes and behavior, associating it with maturation.
However, because the exact same people aren’t always surveyed each time (different samples from the same group are used), any changes seen might be due to differences between the groups being surveyed, not just age or maturation differences.
Characteristics of Panel studies
It involves data collection over time from SAME sample of respondents. Panel studies has to be based on original data collection.
Sample = Panel
Problem of Panel Studies
Attrition: Loss of panel members (participants) over time. It causes the panel to gradually decrease in size as study progresses.
What is a key limitation of trend and cohort studies compared to other longitudinal studies?
Different people are surveyed each time, making it impossible to track changes in attitudes or behavior for specific individuals.
Main strengths of Longitudinal Study
- Examines cause-and-effect relationships, allowing to draw conclusions.
- Tracks Growth
- Distinguishes real trends from random events.
- Micro-Level Data analysis
- Reduces Sampling Error: Consistent sample over time (Economical).
- Reliable Recommendations: Supports evidence-based interventions.
5 Advantages of Longitudinal Cohort Studies
- Identify & relate events to specific exposures, including their presence, timing & duration.
- Establish the sequence of events.
- Track individual changes over time
- Excludes recall bias by collecting data beforehand
- Corrects for the “cohort effect” by analyzing the impact of individual time components: cohort (birth dates), period (current time), & age (at the point of measurement).
5 Disadvantages of Longitudinal Cohort Studies
- Interrupted follow-up & Attrition with loss to follow-up participants.
- Difficulty in separating the reciprocal impact of exposure & outcome.
- Inaccurate conclusions if the statistical techniques don’t consider how measurements are related for the same person over time.
- High-cost & time-consuming.
Advantages of Longitudinal Over repeated Cross-sectional Data
◦ Better insight into causality
◦ Can track processes
◦ Links prior intentions to observed behavior
◦ Shows patterns & changes over time
◦ Controls for hidden differences (unobserved heterogeneity)
Disadvantages of Longitudinal over repeated cross-sectional data
◦ High-cost & difficult to execute
◦ Less representative than contemporary samples; poorer population estimates.
Advantages & Disadvantages of Panel Data
1. Regularly repeated interviews: relatively accurate fresh data — Broad and detailed data.
1. Short span: It takes time before there are long panel runs
2. Incomplete histories
3. Panel conditioning
4. Attrition
Observational vs Experimental Research
Observational research is a systematic method of directly observing patterns, events, or behaviors in their natural environment without interacting with people involved. It tends to be less reliable in terms of consistency but more accurate.
Experimental research, where a controlled & semi-artificial environment is created to eliminate external factors, and at least one variable is manipulated as part of the experiment.
Conditions for using Observational Research
Information collected must be observable or inferred, the behavior should be frequent, repetitive, or predictable, and it must be of short duration.
Advantages of Observational Research
- Flexibility – Research can adjust their approach.
- Direct measure of behaviors rather than relying on reports/intentions
- Ideal for nonverbal communication-based situations
- Observational data can be executed quickly & accurate.
Disadvantages of Observational Research
- Limitation to behavioral variables – May not provide the full picture since it cannot measure attitudes, beliefs, or emotions.
- Prone to researcher bias & relies on subjective interpretation.
- Often involves small, non-representative samples, and data analysis tends to be more qualitative than quantitative.
- Time-consuming, costly & challenging if participants are not readily available.
- Data can be time-sensitive, making predictive analysis difficult.
Observational Techniques in Marketing Research
- Personal Observation
- Mechanical Observation
- Audits
- Trace Analysis
- Content Analysis
- Physiological Measurement
3 Types of Observational Research
- Covert observational research - Researchers do not identify themselves.
- Overt observational research - Researchers identify themselves as researchers & explain their purpose.
- Researcher Participation - Participates in research to further understand the study.
What is Meta-analysis study?
It combines the results from multiple separate studies to increase validity & reliability (over individual studies), improve estimates of the size of the effect, and/or resolve uncertainty when reports & research studies disagree.
What is the principle of meta-analysis study?
It produces a weighted average of the included study results.
Main Media Research Metrics
- Rating
- Share
- Reach
- Frequency
- Gross Rating Points
What is Rating?
Estimate of number of people or households are watching/listening to a program, based on some universal estimate.
This estimate could be the entire national audience (like for a network or cable channel) or a sample of people in a local market.
What are the Rating Formulae?
Audience (Individuals or Households) / Universal Estimate = RATING (%)
Number of Viewers or Listeners / Total Viewers or Listener Population = RATING (%)
What is Share?
Share measures the percentage of viewing audience, based on actual number of viewers such as Households Using Television [HUT] or listeners (Persons Using Radio [PUR]) at a given time.
Shares show how a program/station is performing compared to other competitors.
What is the Share formula?
Audience (Individuals or Households) / HUT or PUR = Share (%)
RATING VS SHARE: Size and Scope
Ratings are smaller than shares because ratings consider the entire population with sets on/off. Shares consider only the actual households or individuals using a medium.
With that – total share adds up to 100% of available audience while ratings will not.
What is CPM?
It is a pricing model that describes the cost to reach 1,000 people. It helps compare competitors, media types, and time periods.
CPM captures exposures over clicks. It works well for big publishers because advertisers pay a fixed price based on impressions an ad receives.
How to measure CPM campaign’s efficiency?
Look at the click-through rate (CTR) which shows the ratio of people who click the ad compared to overall impressions.