May 25th-2, 2021 Flashcards
50M, ?HIV, MSM 1/52 ago, HIV positive partner 5ya, 15py smoking, PEP? 5 risk factors
- anal receptive
- no condom usage
- not on PrEP?
- having other STIs
- uncircumcised
- concomitant illicit substance
- high number sexual partners
50M, ?HIV, MSM 1/52 ago, HIV positive partner 5ya, 15py smoking, PEP? 6 points of discussion
- will unlikely benefit from PEP >72hours
- always use barrier protection
- consideration of Pre-exposure prophylaxis if he tests negative
- HIV testing today and in 6-12 weeks
- testing for other STIs, syphilis
- regular 3 month testing
50M, HIV, poor compliance with antivirals, 15year later, 2/52 hx of dry cough and fever, 02 98% on RA, 4ddx
a,e,i,j, l,o
- pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonia
- viral pneumonia
- karposi sarcoma
- lymphoma
- lung cancer
50M, HIV, poor compliance with antivirals, 15year later, 2/52 hx of dry cough and fever, 02 98% on RA, pneumocystis jirovecci, 1 mx?
trimethoprim + sulfamethoxazole
70M lives alone, haemoptysis 20mL bright red this AM, productive cough few weeks, fevers, night sweats, COPD, HTN, cholesterol, OA, ex-smoker, Spiriva, salb, simvastatin, perindopril, 5hx
- chest pain?
- shortness of breath?
- unintended weight loss?
- pleuritic chest pain
- bone pain
- contact with TB overseas travel?
70M lives alone, haemoptysis 20mL bright red this AM, productive cough few weeks, fevers, night sweats, COPD, HTN, cholesterol, OA, ex-smoker, Spiriva, salb, simvastatin, perindopril, ?left upper lobe carcinoma vs. TB, 2Mx
- urgent referral to respiratory physician/oncologist
- explain concern for lung cancer
- attend ED if any large volume haemoptysis
70M lives alone, haemoptysis 20mL bright red this AM, productive cough few weeks, fevers, night sweats, COPD, HTN, cholesterol, OA, ex-smoker, Spiriva, salb, simvastatin, perindopril, ?left upper lobe carcinoma vs. TB, refusing Ix/Rx, competent, 4mx
- accept patient’s decision
- explain consequences
- offer written information
- document in notes about refusal
- refer to community palliative care
- discuss end of life issues, advanced care plan