June 2nd 2021 Flashcards
65M self-d/c 2/7 ago, dyspnoea/productive cough increasing past 3/12, denies fever, night sweats, weight loss, 30py smoking, childhood asthma, new COPD, how to manage with 3 pharma
- commence LAMA - tiotropium bromide
- ongoing SABA - Salbutamol
- start LABA: salmeterol
- prednisolone
26F who is 12/40, fatigue and constipation, feeling cold, phx vitiligo, anxiety, 2 previous miscarriages, delayed tendon reflexes, how to treat hashimoto’s
d, l
- replacement thyroxine immediately 75mcg, po, daily
- early referral to endocrinologist in 1-2 weeks
- repeat TFTs in 4 weeks
- hypothyroidism in preg needs close monitoring
Keratoacanthoma margins are?
ddx for keratoacanthoma?
nodular BCC
cutaneous metastasis
nodular melanoma
32F 34/40 preg, mild lower abdo pain, light PV bleeding, 2nd child died in utero at 37/40, low lying placenta, 3ddx
- placenta previa
- placenta abruptio
- premature labour - early show
50M aboriginal, deranged LFTs, drinks, smokes, gout 2ta, fhx t2dm, stroke, no reg meds, BP 160/90, BMI 32 waist 110cm: 4 ddx for liver mixed LFT picture
- alcoholic hepatitis
- fatty liver disease
- chronic hep B
- heriditary haemachromatosis
- autoimmune hepatitis
- wilson’s disease
30F 24/24 severe upper abdo pain, vomiting, nausea, BOx1, Mirena, sex no condoms, smokes 20pd, 4-6cans beer, GORD, anxiety/dep, tender epigastrium, BP 95/60,HR: 112, BSL: 4, uBHCG-neg, FWT-neg, 3 ddx
- perforated peptic ulcer
- acute pancreatitis
- acute cholangitis
- acute gastritis
- acute cholecystitis
30F 24/24 severe upper abdo pain, vomiting, nausea, BOx1, Mirena, sex no condoms, smokes 20pd, 4-6cans beer, GORD, anxiety/dep, tender epigastrium, BP 95/60,HR: 112, BSL: 4, uBHCG-neg, FWT-neg, 3 immediate management prior to transfer to hospital
- large bore IV cannula x2 cubital fossae
- analgesia, 2.5mg-5.0mg, morphine, IV
- 0.9% normal saline 500mL-1000L, IV bolus
- nil by mouth
- ondansetron 4-8mg, IV
76M, 1/12 hx fatigue, anorexia, early satiety, pruritus, weight loss, night sweats, NAFLD, IHD, HTN, cholesterol , back pain, aspirin, atorva40, perindo5, paracetamol 1G, PRN, lives alone, wife died 5ya, BP 140/85, HR 75 regular, pale conjunctiva and scleral icterus, mass extending up under left rib margin, 3 ddx
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- head of pancreas carcinoma
- hepatocellular carcinoma
- gastric carcinoma
76M, 1/12 hx fatigue, anorexia, early satiety, pruritus, weight loss, night sweats, NAFLD, IHD, HTN, cholesterol , back pain, aspirin, atorva40, perindo5, paracetamol 1G, PRN, lives alone, wife died 5ya, BP 140/85, HR 75 regular, pale conjunctiva and scleral icterus, mass extending up under left rib margin, now gout great toe, 2 pharmacy treatment
- local corticosteroid injection into 1st MTPJ left foot
- prednisolone 15-30mg for 3-5 days
- colchicine 1mg initially then 500microg 1 hour later