Matters Of Life Unit 3 Flashcards
Relative morality
The idea the action being right or wrong depends on the situation
Example of religion with absolute morality
Roman Catholics, follow natural moral law says universe is a certain way by God so good actions fit with God. Do good avoid evil.
Example of religion with relative morality
Hindus and Buddhists believe in harms so it’s person duty to decide what is right and wrong. Conscience.
Why is life special?
Everyone is unique
What is the value of life?
Some may interpret it in a financial way (is the benefit of life with money being spent on it) others say life is more valuable than money is one life worth more
What is the quality of life?
Good quality of life can be the ability to live with freedom dignity and accessing God. If you don’t have that perhaps should be allowed to die
What is fertility treatment?
Struggling to conceive naturally can have children due to this. In the pasty it was thought God decided who could have children but people are more able to make their own choices.
What is IVF
In vitro fertilisation and it helps couples who cant have children to have them. Success rates are low. Take egg from ovary put in glass tube with sperm and fertilise.
What is surrogacy
Use IVF and implant into surrogate mother and once born given to couple. Dad puts name on certificate giving hi equal rights over child the couple can apply for a parental order and surrogate loses on ights to kid.
What is artificial insemination?
Sperm produced by masturbation collected and inserted into vagina of women.
By husband - sperm comes from husband
By donor - sperm is donated by male volunteer and screened then inserted as well
Arguments against artificial insemination
Donor is stranger Masturbation is spilling the seed of life Could be seen as adultery Allows unmarried women to have kids Gay couples Unnatural and against God
Arguments for fertility treatment
Everyone has right to be a parent
Religious believer might say God gave people intelligence to develop IVF so it should be used
Issues for the child from FeRtility
- child feels different
- bullied at school
- done by AID may want to find biological father
What is transplant surgery
Replacement of faulty organs with a healthy one taken from donor
What is a blood transfusion
When patient had their blood replaced
Jehovah’s witnesses believe life is carried in their blood so they can’t take anyone else’s blood - it is seen as a sin and would be kicked from church but if come back regretting it they are allowed in again
What is human genetic engineering?
Seen as tampering with life.
What is gene selection
May be possible to choose what child looks like - designed babies. Most opposed and want it to find cures to diseases.
What is wrong with genetic engineering
Some religious believers think it is encouraging scientist to take on the role of God and concerned with unused embryos
What is a saviour sibling
A child suffers from inherited diseases and transplanting stem cells from sibling could save them. Parents have second child - child feels unwanted
Buddhisms belief about genetic engineering
If the intention is right to save a life or improve it is acceptable but some believe the cost is too much as the destruction of the embryos is too great
Christianity’s belief about genetic engineering
Oppose it as It devalues human life. Main argument is sanctity of life against God to take on role of creator. But some are for it as it could improve life and eradicate disease.
Hinduisms belief about it
Thy believe in ahimsa which is not harming living things but if genetic engineering is for the reason of helping others it is all word. It could promote bad karma otherwise.
What is cloning
Creation of genetically indents cal copy of an organism
Reproductive cloning?
Identical copy of an organism . Separating cells at early stages and developing them.
Therapeutic cloning?
Clone biological material to produce embryos from which stem cells can be take and used in research
For cloning
Could help sick people
Compassionate and improves quality of life
People have right to chose
God inspired to develop new tech
Against cloning
Against nature and way we were created by God
Results in disposal of embryos
Cloned person may have no soul
Human animal hybrid
DNA from human embryo cells into eggs taken from ovaries of cows. Hope they do this to extract stem cells.
Stages of drug testing
Tissue samples tested in vitro
Drug testing for safety and side affects on healthy
Then on IIll
Drug tested more widely against other drugs
Before conception
Beds hosts and Hindus believe pre existing life force enters body
New life begins as sperm and egg - shared by Christina’s
Absolute morality
The idea that moral laws are u changeable and apply in any situation