Matter Around Us Flashcards
Not all things that we see or feel are matter. __________ They are not matter.
For example, sunlight, sound, force and energy neither occupy space nor have any mass.
In the modern periodic table there are _____ elements known to us, ____ of which are naturally occurring while the remaining ______ have been artificially created. But from these 118 elements, billions of compounds are formed- some naturally occurring and some artificial. Isn’t that amazing?
Who used the name element for any substance that cannot be broken down further, into a simpler substance. This definition can be extended to include the fact that each element is made up of only one kind of atom
Robert boyle
The smallest unit of an element which may or may not have an independent existence but always takes part in a chemical reaction is called atom.
The smallest unit of a pure substance, which always exists independently and can retain physical and chemical properties of that substance is called a molecule.
When two or more elements combine chemically to form a new substance, the new substance is called a ________. For example, cane sugar is made up of three elements carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. The chemical forumula of cane sugar is C₁₂H22 O11
A compound has properties that are different from those of the elements from which it is made
Common salt, also known as sodium chloride, is a compound. It is added to give taste to our food. It is a compound made up of a metal, sodium, that reacts violently with water and a poisonous non-metal, chlorine.
Compounds of _________ are used in fertilizers,
______ compounds are of immense importance in the computer industry.
Compounds of _______ are used in our toothpastes as they strengthen our teeth.
1 phosphorous, nitrogen and potassium
2 Silicon
3 fluorine
A _________ is an impure substance. It contains two or more kinds of elements or compounds or both physically mixed together in any ratio
Made up of only one kind of atom.
The smallest particle that retains all its properties is the atom,
Cannot be broken down into simpler substances
Made up of more than one kind of atom.
The smallest particle that retains all its properties is the molecule.
Can be broken down into elements by chemical methods.
Blood is not a pure substance… It is a mixture of various components such as
platelets, red and white blood corpuscles and plasma.
It contains two or more substances
The constituent may be present in any proportion.
They show the properties of their constituents.
The components may be separated easily by physical methods.
It is a single substance
Theconstituents are present in definite proportions.
They do not show the properties of the constituent elements.
The constituents can only be separated by one or more chemical reactions.
A mixture in which the components cannot be seen separately is called a
homogeneous mixture
every part of the mixture has the same properties
homogeneous mixtures.
Tap water, milk, air, ice cream, sugar syrup, ink, steel, bronze and salt solution
A mixture in which the components can be seen separately is called a
heterogeneous mixture..
It does not have a uniform composition and properties
heterogeneous mixture.
Soil, a mixture of iodine and common salt, a mixture of sugar and sand, a mixture of oil and water, a mixture of sulphur and iron filings and a mixture of milk and cereals
Certain solid substances when heated
when cooled give b
process is known
Iodine, camphor, a
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chloride and sand
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inverted funnel
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The air freshner
slowly sublime
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time. Moth bal
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insects. These
Camphor, is a
change directly from solid to gaseous state household. It without attaining liquid state. The vapours when cooled give back the solid substance. This process is known as
Air freshener
Moth ball
Solid and solid
Heterogeneous mixture
Method of separation
Handpicking, sieving, winnowing, magnetic separation, sublimation.
Heterogeneous mixture
Insoluble Solid and liquid
Method of separation
Sedimentation and decantation, loading, filtration, centrifugation
Heterogeneous mixture
Two immiscible liquid
Decantation, separating funnel
Homogeneous mixture
Soluble Solid and liquid
Method of separation
Evaporation, distillation, crystallisation
Homogeneous mixture
Two miscible liquid
Fractional distillation
Homogeneous mixture
Solution of two or more solids in a liquid
Method of separation
_______ is the process by which fine insoluble solids from a solid- liquid mixture can be separated in a machine called a centrifuge
Centrifugation used in
to separate cream from milk.
In washing, machines, this principle is used to squeeze out water from wet clothes.
Centrifugation is also used in pathological laboratories to separate blood cells from a blood sample.
________ method works on the principle of difference in solubility of two immiscible liquids in a suitable solvent..
Solvent extraction
mixture of water and oil can be separated using a
separating funnel
Solvent extraction method
________ method is used in pharmaceutical and petroleum industries
Solvent extraction
______ is an old practice done for years. It is the main process in perfume development and it is also used to obtain dyes from various sources.
Solvent extraction
________ is a process of obtaining pure liquid from a solution. It is actually a combination of evaporation and condensation i.e
Simple Distillation
sea water in many countries is converted into drinking water by .
Simple distillation method is also used to separate two liquids whose boiling points differ more than ____ K
To separate two or more miscible liquids which do not differ much in their boiling points ______ is employed
fractional distillation
(difference in boiling points is less than 25 )
_______ is used in petrochemical industry to obtain different fractions of petroleum, to separate the different gases from air, to distil alcohols et
Fractional distillation
__________ is the process in which the particles of a substance is concentrated only at the surface of another substance
_______ is the process in which the substance is uniformly distributed throughout the bulk of another substance.
________ is also a separation technique. It is used to separate different components of a mixture based on their different solubilities in the same solvent
____ method is used to separate the different coloured dyes in a sample of ink
Paper chromatography
The black ink separates into its constituent dyes. As the solvent moves up the paper, the dyes are carried with it and begin to separate.
They separate because they have different solubility in the solvent and are adsorbed to different extents by the chromatography paper.
The chromatogram shows that the black ink contains ____ dyes.
_____ is a homogeneous mixture of two or more substances. In a solution, the component present in lesser amount by weight is called ____ and the component present in larger amount by weight is called ______.
Based on the particle size of the substance, the solutions are divided into ______ types
True solution
the case of sugar we get a clear solution and the particles never settle down. This mixture is called as
true solution.
In the case of starch and water we get a cloudy mixture. This mixture is called as
colloidial solution
In the case of wheat flour mixed with water we get a very turbid mixture and fine particles slowly settle down at the bottom after some time. This mixture is called as .
What are the differences between True solutions, colloids and suspensions?
The major difference is the particle size. In fact interconversions of these mixtures are possible by varying the particle sizes by certain chemical and physical methods.
A colloidal solution is a ______ system, consisting of the dispersed phase and the dispersion medium. Dispersed phase or the dispersion medium can be a solid, or liquid or gas
There are _____ different combinations possible in colloidal solution
In colloidal solution , combination of gas in gas is not possible
Because gas in gas always forms a true solution
Brownian movement of particles is due to the _______ of the particles by the molecules of dispersion medium
unbalanced bombardment
The Brownian movement has a stirring effect which does not permit the particles to settle and thus, is responsible for the stability of sols.
Tyndall (_______) observed that when a strong beam of light is focused on a colloidal solution the path of the beam becomes visible. This phenomenon is known as Tyndall ‘effect and the illuminated path is called-
Tyndall cone.
This phenomenon is not observed in Fase of true solution
The beam of light coming from headlights of vehicles is due to
Tyndall effect.
Solid Solid
Solid sol
Ex alloy, gems, coloured glass
Solid - liquid
Eg paint, ink, egg white
Solid -gas
Eg. Smoke ,dust
Liquid - liquid
Eg: milk , butter, oil in watter
Liquid -solid
Curd cheese jelly
Liquid -gas
Mist, fog, cloud
Gas - solid
Solid foam
Cake bread
Gas - liquid
Soap ,lather, aerated water
An _______ is a colloid of two or more immiscible liquids where one liquid is dispersed in another liquid. This means one type of liquid particles get scattered in another liquid
In other words, an ______ is a special type of mixture made by combining two liquids that normally don’t mix.
The word emulsion comes from the Latin word meaning
To milk
(milk is one example of an emulsion of fat and water
The process of turning a liquid mixture into an emulsion is called
________are some common examples of emulsions.
Milk, butter, cream, egg yolk, paints, cough syrups, facial creams, pesticides etc.
The two liquids mixed can form different types of emulsions.
oil in water emulsion. Eg cream
Water in oil emulsion. Eg butter
When we mix a drop of ink in water we get
a) Heterogeneous Mixture
b) Compound
Homogeneous Mixture
d) Suspension
Homogeneous mixture
________ is essential to perform separation by solvent extraction method.
a) Separating funnel
b) filter paper
b) centrifuge machine
d) sieve
Separating funnel
______ has the same properties throughout the sample
a) Pure substance
b) Mixture
c) Colloid
d) Suspension
Pure substance
- Oil and water are immiscible in each other.
- A compound cannot be broken into simpler substances chemically.
- Liquid-liquid colloids are called gels
- Buttermilk is an example of heterogeneous mixture.
- Aspirin is composed of 60% Carbon, 4.5% Hydrogen and 35.5% Oxygen by mass. False Aspirin is a mixture.
A _________ mixture has no distinguishable boundary between its components.
An example of a substance that sublimes is
Naphthalene balls
Alcohol can be separated from water by
Fractional distillation
In petroleum refining, the method of separation used is
Fractional distillation
Chromatography is based on the principle of
A few drops of ‘Dettol’ when added to water the mixture turns turbid. Why?
because of emulsion.
Name the apparatus that you will use to separate the components of mixtures containing two, i. miscible liquids, ii. immiscible liquids.
1) simple and fractional distillation
2 separating funnel