Mats lecture 8 Flashcards
Ceramics and Glass
Ceramics usually are compounds that consist….?
two or more elements (they have different atomic radius)
What kind of bonds do ceramics have?
-They have covalent, ionic, or combined covalent/ionic bonding
What are some common ceramics (chemical formulas)
Describe what is happening in a ceramic crystal oxide structure
-Oxygen anions are larger than metal cations
-Close packed oxygen in a lattice (usually FCC)
-Cations fit into interstitial sites among oxygen ions
List the factors that determine crystal structure
- relative size of ions
- Maintenance of charge neutrality (net charge in ceramics should be zero)
Which structures do AX-type ceramic crystals typically have?
-either FCC or BCC unit cells
How many number of atoms are there in an AX-type ceramic
-Have the same number of “A” atoms as “X” atoms in the unit cell
What are the sizes of the “A” and “X” atoms?
-the “A” and “X” atoms are usually different sizes
In what locations do the smaller atoms sit in the unit cell?
-Smaller atoms sit in the interstitial locations
In what locations do the smaller atoms sit in the unit cell?
-Larger atoms sit in the regular atomic sites
List the three most common AX-type crystals
-The sodium chloride (rock salt) structure
-The zinc blende structure
-The cerium chloride structure
What kind of crystal structure does NaCl have?
What kind of crystal structure does ZnS have?
What kind of crystal structure does CsCl have?
What is the definition of a Coordination number?
-The number of nearest neighbouring atoms for a particular atom