Mats 2 Flashcards
What is the ICAO indicator for Avon?
What is the aerodrome elevation of Avon?
What are the physical dimensions of runway 26/08?
3000m x 45m
What are the dimensions of runway 35/17?
2000m x 45m
What are the runway threshold elevations?
What are the runway codes for the runways?
What is the maximum size of aircraft that can use runways 35/17?
B737 and A320
What is the circuit height for fixed wing?
1000ft QFE (1090ft QNH)
What are the declared distances for runway 08 full length?
TORA= 2940m TODA= 3240m ASDA= 2940m LDA= 2940m
What are the declared distances for runway 26 full length?
TORA= 2940m TODA= 3240m ASDA= 3000m LDA= 3000m
What are the declared distances for runway 08 for a departure from F1?
TORA= 1500m TODA= 1800m ASDA= 1500m
What are the declared distances for runway 26 with a departure from F1?
TORA= 1480m TODA= 1780m LDA= 1540m
What are the declared distances for runway 26 for a departure from L1?
TORA= 1940m TODA= 2300m LDA= 2000m
What are the declared distances for runway 17?
TORA= 1880m TODA= 2400m ASDA= 1940m LDA= 1940m
What are the declared distances for runway 35?
TORA= 1880m TODA= 1980m ASDA= 1940m LDA= 1940m
What are the declared distances for runway 35 for a departure from L1?
TORA= 1340m TODA= 1440m ASDA= 1400m
What are PCN’s for the taxiways and runways?
100/R/C/W/T They are all concrete too
How many stands are there on the main apron?
How many stands are there on the freight apron?
How many approach cross-bar lights are there on runways 26/08?
How many approach crossbars are there on runway 35/17?
What is the circuit height for helicopters?
700ft QFE
Is the HTA considered separated from all the runways?
Nope, it is separated from 08/26 but not from 35/17
What is the Missed Approach Procedure?
Climb straight ahead to 3000ft
What must tower do if an a/c conducts a missed approach from an instrument approach?
Coordinate with Radar
Can aircraft conducting a missed approach complete their approach by entering the visual circuit after going around?
Yes, provided Avon RADAR has been advised
Describe the procedure for a/c conducting a practice engine failure after take-off
They must request a “fan stop” on the RT and must report “climbing away” upon completion.
Describe the practiced forced landing procedure
Locally based a/c only Radar must be advised Commenced from 2000ft AAL (above this level is possible with coordination with RADAR)
What are the level restrictions for clearing an aircraft for a low approach and go around when the runway is occupied?
Not below: 400ft QFE 500ft QNH Pilot must also be informed of the a/c or vehicle on the runway and vice versa
What class of airspace does Avon sit in?
What are the dimensions of Avon CTR?
7.5nm North and south of the aerodrome 9nm East and west of the aerodrome
What is the upper limit of the CTR?
Name the two helicopter landing sites inside the Avon CTR
Marina (8nm sw) Meat factory (7nm ENE)
What is the name of the farm strip located within the CTR?
Drayton Farm strip
What is the name of and location of the gliding site inside the CTR?
Camelot 13nm NW
Who do we inform when Camelot gliding site is active when they have informed us?
What is the level restriction for VFR traffic inbound to AVON from the Marina?
Not above altitude 2000ft
What must happen for inbounds from the meat factory?
They must be coordinated with RADAR
Describe the ‘standard meat factory’ join
Crosses final approach 5nm E of Avon not above height 1000ft. A/C reports south of the centreline and RADAR must be informed of this also.
What is the altitude restriction for a/c joining from the farm strip?
Not above altitude 2000ft and RADAR must be notified.
What category of ILS do we have at AVON?
What approaches are available for runway 26?
What types of approaches area available for runway 08?
Two what distance are aircraft guided down on an SRA?
What approaches are available for runway 17?
What instrument approaches are available for runway 35?
Name the VRP’s at AVON and the cardinal directions from the aerodrome
Ashchurch- NE South Cerney- SE Westavon- SW Grange- NW Kingsavon mast- E
What are the SIDS for Avon and what direction do they go?
SHARK1W- southbound DEVON1W- westbound TRENT1W- westbound RYE1W- northbound DRT1W- Eastbound
Off what runway do the SIDS go?
Runway 26
Do we have any SIDS on runways 08, 17, or 35?
From what are the SIDS deemed separated?
The EVN hold and the ILS approach for runway 26
What is the standard departure of runways 08, 17, 35?
There isn’t one However all turbine aircraft are expected to climb to 500ft AAL before turning on track due noise abatement.
What is the DOC for the PSR RADAR at AVON?
What is the DOC for the SSR RADAR at AVON?
What is the squawk code for a/c in the circuit?
What is Avon’s monitoring code?
What are the Avon Radar squawks?
What is the squawk code for aircraft departing via Grange or Ashchurch?
What is the squawk code for a/c departing to the south?
What is the squawk for aircraft fuel dumping inside Avon CAS?
What is the frequency for Avon Tower?
What is the frequency for Avon Ground when needed?
121.900 MHz
What is the frequency for Avon Radar?
119.700 MHz
What is the frequency for Avon Director?
123.725 MHz
What is the frequency for Fire services?
121.600 MHz
What is the frequency for Avon’s ATIS?
127.475 MHz
What is the frequency for Medway Control?
132.300 MHz
What is the frequency for Avon Information?
124.750 MHz
For what runways is IRVR information available?
In what directions shall SVFR aircraft depart the airfield and what is the level restriction that applies to them?
Rwy 26- Grange or West Avon Rwy 08- Ashchurch or South Cerney Not above Altitude 2000ft
Describe the separation of SVFR aircraft using the ‘sectors at Avon’ For a/c departing runway 26
When SVFR aircraft are operating the following sectors are used to separate aircraft.
Only one aircraft is allowed in each sector at one time but provided they are in different sectors they are considered separated whilst en route to their respective VRP’s.
Since only one aircraft can be in one sector at a time all circuit a/c must be landed until the SVFR aircraft has either landed or departed the CTR by one of the VRP’s, or subsequent departing IFR’s or VFR’s must wait until the SVFR has landed or departed the CTR.

Describe the separation of SVFR aircraft using the ‘sectors at Avon’ For a/c departing runway 08
When SVFR aircraft are operating the following sectors are used to separate aircraft.
Only one aircraft is allowed in each sector at one time but provided they are in different sectors they are considered separated whilst en route to their respective VRP’s.

Describe how an outbound SVFR aircraft is handled
An outbound clearance is given by RADAR to tower who then pass it onto the aircraft, SSR codes will also be allocated by RADAR
When ready the aircraft is subject to a release like an IFR aircraft.
Once an outbound aircraft has departed then no other SVFR can be cleared to depart the zone via the same sector until the first one has passed over the VRP leaving the zone, RADAR won’t release the second aircraft until this has happened.
How do we handle an inbound SVFR aircraft?
How do we separate SVFR circuit traffic from arriving IFR/SVFR traffic?
Achieved by;
- Landing the circuit aircraft until the arriving SVFR/IFR has landed;
- By orbiting the circuiter at the start of the respective downwind leg
What are the VMC for LVP 1 and what effect does this have on operations?
Met vis greater than 2500m
No effect
What are the VMC for LVP 2 and what effect does this have on operations?
Met vis 1500-2500m
- All vehicles on manoeuvring area must have two way radios, anti-col lights and headlights on.
- Use CAT II/III holding points for rwy 26/08
- Following access routes will be closed by the airfield operations department using lit cones;
- Runway 35 south of holding point X
- Runway 17 north of holding point Y
- Departing aircraft will be instructed to report;
- Commencing taxi
- Commencing take-off
- When airborne
- Arriving aircraft will be instructed to report;
- Landed
- Runway vacated and crossing guard lights with the relevant CAT II/III holding points
- Vehicles will be instructed to report;
- Runway vacated and crossing guard lights with the relevant CAT II/III holding points.
- Departing aircraft which have been lined up and cleared for take-off must have commenced their take-off roll before landing aircraft reaches 4 miles DME on final, otherwise MAP must be performed.
What are the VMC for LVP 2A and what effect does this have on operations?
RVR is less than 1500m but greater than 400m
In addition to the restrictions under LVP 2;
- Entrance to taxiway from Fire training ground and taxiways R, S & T will be closed.
- Only two aircraft allowed to move on the manoeuvring area at once.
- A runway inspection will take place prior to an departure or landing unless a runway movement has occurred in the preceding 10 minutes.
- Aircraft will not be permitted to line up if an arriving aircraft has reported 8 DME or less until the lander has vacated the runway (includes crossing the guard lights at the CAT II/III holds)
- Vehicles will not be permitted to enter or cross through the ILS critical areas (within the CAT II/III holds) when an aircraft is 8 DME or less on final approach.
- RFFS to be placed on wx standby.
- RVR values are to be passed to arriving aircraft with the landing clearance and to departing traffic on start-up, with taxi instructions and take-off clearance.
- Any subsequent change in the IRVR values will be passed to arriving traffic until such time as they have landed.
What are the VMC for LVP 3 and what effect does it have on operations?
RVR less than 400m
- Only one aircraft and one vehicle will be permitted to move on the manoeuvring area at once.
- Aircraft will not be permitted to taxi between the time a landing aircraft has reported 8 DME on final until the landing aircraft has shut down or confirmed stationary at a specific point on the manoeuvring area.
What would you expect an aircraft in the circuit to do if it went radio fail?
- Continue in the circuit making blind transmissions at critical points
- Observe the control tower for visual signals
- land at the first opportunity
- after landing taxi by the shortest route to the flying club
What would you expect a radio fail aircraft to do inside controlled airspace?
If VFR and not yet joined the traffic circuit;
- Return to overhead the airfield at 2000ft AAL and commence a standard overhead join.
- Once established in the circuit continue as per circuit radio failure procedures.
Pilots of IFR flights will be expected to comply with the RCF procedures within EGWA Surveillance Minimum Altitude Chart which are;
- For initial approach continue either visually or by means of an approved approach aid, if not possible proceed at 3000ft or last assigned level if higher.
- For intermediate or final approach- Continue either visually or by means of approved aid, otherwise conduct MAP and return to holding facility and adopt Radio fail procedures in ENR 1.1.3
What would you expect an aircraft outside controlled airspace to do in the event of a radio failure?
The pilot will be expected to remain outside CAS and land at the nearest suitable aerodrome and inform Avon ATC as soon as possible after arrival.
What phrase is not to be used when controlling vehicles?
What do we not do when an aircraft is lined up on the threshold ready to depart?
- Surface traffic shall not be crossed behind it
- Departing aircraft shall not be asked to move forward
What and when do we coordinate with RADAR regarding the circuit?
Either immediately prior to or immediately after departure RADAR shall be informed that the circuit is active
We must also let them know if the downwind leg has to be extended beyond 3 miles.
When does Essential Aerodrome Information need to be passed by?
What are the VMC required for our VFR departures to require no co-ordination?
Vis 5km or more
Cloud ceiling 1500ft or higher
When must we coordinate VFR departures with RADAR?
In what situations can a heavy aircraft be cleared for immediate take-off?
Only when it is already lined up.
Describe the standard overhead join

Do we allow aircraft to start up if subject to a CTOT and do we pass the clearance?
Pass the clearance as normal.
However pushback and start up will be delayed until a time more appropriate for the CTOT given, the pilot will be informed of this with a “stand-by for pushback/startup”
What types of NAV aid are the EVN and WVN?
Which NDB is used for IFR arrivals for runway 26?
What NDB is used for arrivals on runway 08?
When do Avon RADAR pass range checks to you for inbound aircraft?
- If the aircraft is on an SRA approach then a 10nm check will be provided
- The ATM is unserviceable in which are a 10nm range check will be provided.
What shall we do as controllers if VFR aircraft request start up and the VMC is below 5km and or the cloud ceiling less than 1500ft?
Describe the procedure for an SVFR outbound
Describe the procedure for a SVFR arrival from Radar
Who is responsible for the separation of a SVFR aircraft from IFR and other SVFR?
unless aerodrome control is able to provide reduced separation in vicinity of aerodrome and has coordinated with Radar and has agreed to provide this separation.
Describe what happens when a VFR transit calls up inside CAS from one of the sites in the CTR
- Aircraft will call you requesting a transit of the control zone
- Tell the aircraft the runway in use, the QNH and to remain on the ground pending clearance
- Telephone Radar to request the clearance “Tower, request VFR zone transit GASST R44 from the meat factory to leave CAS at Grange”
- Radar will provide the clearance “GASST cleared from the meat factory to Grange VFR not above altitude 2000ft squawk 3602”
- Pass clearance and routing instructions to the aircraft
What normally happens during a zone transit
Normally pre-noted by RADAR
What happens if a VFR transit aircraft without a prenote freecalls you on the tower frequency?
Instruct the aircraft to remain outside CAS until you have obtained the aircrafts details and requested a clearance from Radar
Unless it is a Rescue Helicopter with a specific operational Callsign RESCUE41A then you will issue a transit clearance not above 2000ft QNH and then corrdinate with RADAR.