Mathematical Statistics - 1,2 Flashcards
Define a statistical model
A statistical model is one that describes random variation of data in a way controlled by parameters
Define a random variable
A random variable X on a probability space (Omega, f, P) is a function X: Omega to R
For a discrete random variable X give the equation for
i) E[X]
ii) CDF FX(x)
iii) E[g(X)] for a function g: R to R

For a continuous random variable X give the equation for
i) PDF
ii) E[X]
iii) E[g(X)]

Give the two equations for Variance of X

What is the nth moment of X
Define the Moment generating function

When are random variables X1,…….,Xn independent

Whats the relationship between MX+Y(u), MX(u) and MY(u)

Give the probability of A given B

Define the Bernoulli(p) random variable and give the equation for
i) E[X]
ii) Var[X]
iii) MGF

Define a Binomial(n,p) random variable and give the equation for i) E[X]
ii) Var[X]
iii) MGF

Define a Geometric(p) random variable and give the equation for i) E[X]
ii) Var[X]
iii) MGF

Define a Poisson(Lamda) random variable and give the equation for i) E[X]
ii) Var[X]
iii) MGF

Define a Categorical random variable

Define a uniform random variable and give the equation for
i) E[X]
ii) Var[X]
iii) CDF

Define an exponential(lamda) random variable and give the equation for
i) E[X]
ii) Var [X]
iii) MGF

What is the Gamma function?

Define the Gamma(v,lamda) distribution and give the equations for
i) E[X]
ii) Var[X]
iii) MGF

Define a Normal(0,1) distribution and a Normal(mu, sigma2) distribution, and give the MGF for the latter case

What is the chi-squared distribution

Give the equation for the marginal distributions of an n dimensional random vector that is
i) discrete
ii) continuous

Give the two equations for Covariance
Cov[X,Y] = E[(X - E[X])(Y - E[Y])
= E[XY] - E[X]E[Y]
What is Var[aX]
What is Var[aX + bY]
a2Var[X] + 2abCov[X,Y] + b2Var[Y]
If X is absolutely continuous on Rn and g: Rn to R is continuously differentiable with a continously differentiable inverse h. Then if Y=g(X), what is fy(y)
Jh(y)fx(h(y)) where Jh is the Jacobian of h

State Fishers Theorem

State and prove Markov’s inequality

State Chebyshev’s inequality

Define convergence in probability

State the weak law of large numbers

Define weak convergence

State the Central Limit Theorem

Define convergence in quadratic mean

State and prove the Continuous Mapping Theorem

State the Law of total variance
Var[Y] = E[Var[Y | X] ] + Var[E[ Y | X] ]